How to grow delphiniums (2024)


Delphiniums are a cottage garden and herbaceous border staple, bringing height and colour to displays and mixing well with roses, peonies and other vertical flowers such as lupins and verbasc*ms. The flowers are loved by bees and look stunning in a vase.

Delphiniums are in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and have been grown in the UK for centuries. The word delphinium comes from the Greek delphinos, meaning dolphin, probably because of the shape of the opening flowers. Their common name, larkspur, dates back to Tudor times.

Most delphiniums are hardy perennials, but annual and biennial varieties are also available. The Elatum Group of delphiniums are the most commonly grown and are the tallest type, with spikes of single or double flowers reaching up to 2m. Belladonna delphiniums are shorter, with a looser, more branching habit and single flowers. 'Pacific Hybrids' were developed in the 1950s and 1960s, and are short-lived perennials or biennials. They look similar to 'Elatum' delphiniums but are shorter. The 'Magic Fountain' series of delphiniums are short and more compact, suitable for smaller gardens.

Delphiniums need care to keep them looking good. They need protecting from slugs in spring, staking, moist soil and plenty of feeding. If you cut them down to the ground after flowering, you may be rewarded with a second flush of flowers in September.

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How to grow delphiniums

Grow delphiniums in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Delphiniums struggle in wet winter soil, so aid drainage by adding grit to the planting hole if you have heavy soil. Protect emerging shoots from slugs in spring and stake as soon as they start to grow. Feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser. After flowering, cut stems back to encourage a second flush of blooms. Mulch in autumn with well-rotted manure or leaf mould.

In this short video guide, the experts at Home Farm Plants share their top tips for growing delphiniums, including how to keep them safe from slugs and caring for them over winter.

More on growing delphiniums:

  • How to plan for year-round colour
  • 20 best perennial plants
  • Perennials for cut flowers

Delphiniums: jump links

  • Planting delphiniums
  • Caring for delphiniums
  • Delphinium pests and problems
  • Where to buy delphiniums
  • Delphiniums to grow

Where to grow delphiniums

How to grow delphiniums (1)

For best results grow delphiniums in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Delphiniums are tall plants, so do best at the back of a sunny border. Avoid windy spots, as wind can blow the plants over.

How to plant delphiniums

How to grow delphiniums (2)

You can plant a delphinium at any of time of year, but spring or autumn is best as the soil will be warm and moist. Dig a planting hole and add compost or well-rotted manure in the bottom, for a nutritious boost. Delphiniums struggle in winter wet, so add grit to heavy soils to aid drainage. Plant your delphinium at the same depth it was growing in the pot, and back-fill with soil, firming in gently. Water in well.

How to care for delphiniums

How to grow delphiniums (3)

Delphiniums are hungry plants, which means that they need feeding regularly. Apply a liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks once the first shoots appear to encourage strong growth.

Spring is also the best time to stake taller varieties, either with canes or using a frame that plants can grow up through. Delphiniums thrive in cooler temperatures, with slightly moist soil in summer, so make sure plants don’t dry out in hot weather.

Although they have a relatively short flowering season, cutting delphinium flower spikes back as soon as they have faded can encourage plants to produce a few flowers in late August or September.

To cut back a delphinium:

  1. As soon as the flower spikes starts to look tatty, cut every flowered stem right down to the ground, leaving any developing side shoots, and the remaining foliage at the base
  2. Water the plant well

Here, Monty Don demonstrates how to cut back delphiniums after they've flowered in early summer:

In autumn, once the plant has finished flowering, cut the plant back down to the ground.

To keep plants flowering well, you can divide them every few years, in spring.

How to propagate delphiniums

How to grow delphiniums (4)

You can grow delphiniums from seed. Many varieties are available, or you can try saving your own. Sow delphinium seeds from February to June, or in September or October. Sow in small pots or seed trays and keep at a temperature of around 50°-60°F.

The best method of propagating delphiniums is to take cuttings from the base of the plant (basal cuttings) in spring.

To take basal cuttings from a delphinium:

  1. In spring, when the new shoots appear, take a sharp knife and cut a shoot, just below the surface of the soil. Take one or two shoots from each plant
  2. Place the cutting immediately into a polythene bag, to keep moisture in
  3. Cut off some foliage from the top of the cutting, leaving a few leaves to feed the roots
  4. Pot up each cutting into a small pot filled with multipurpose compost and perlite
  5. Water and cover with a polythene bag to keep moisture in, or mist regularly, to stop the leaves drying out
  6. Keep in the greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill

Here, Monty Don explains how to take basal cuttings from delphiniums:

Here, Monty explains how to pot on rooted delphinium cuttings:

Growing delphiniums: problem solving

How to grow delphiniums (5)

In spring, as soon as the new shoots appear, protect them from slugs and snails – they will demolish the fresh green new growth of young delphiniums. Use a garlic drench, organic slug pellets, or a biological control (which is only effective against slugs).

Delphiniums can be susceptible to powdery mildew in dry weather, so keep the soil around them moist.

They can also be affected by rust, which causes rust-coloured pustules on the foliage. Pick off any affected leaves as you see them and clear up any fallen leaves in autumn.

  • Treat rust

Delphinium black blotch is a bacterial infection that causes large black blotches on leaves. It is particularly common in wet summers and can affect the health of the whole plant. The only treatment is to remove affected plants to prevent the spread of this disease.

Advice on buying delphiniums

  • Bear in mind that delphiniums can become large, tall plants so check the ultimate size of the variety you are interested in
  • Delphiniums grow best in a sunny spot so check that you have the right conditions in your garden
  • You can buy delphiniums at nurseries and garden centres, or from specialist retailers online. An economical way to buy delphiniums is to look out for small plug plants in spring
  • Look for healthy, green foliage with no signs of pests or disease

Where to buy delphiniums online

Delphinium varieties to grow

How to grow delphiniums (6)

Delphinium ‘Amadeus’ – a gorgeous blue delphinium, bearing velvety, deep-purple/blue flowers with a dark brown ‘eye’. It makes a spectacular cut flower.

Height x Spread: 1.5m x 1m

Delphinium 'Pacific Hybrids' – tall, stately plants in a range of colours. They are shortlived perennials.

H x S: 150cm x 75cm

Delphinium 'Rising Stars' – a mix with single or double flowers in a variety of colours. Grown together they make a dramatic display, and they also make fantastic cut flowers.

H x S: 150cm x 75cm

Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Series' – compact plants, suitable for smaller gardens. They come in a range of colours, often with a contrasting eye at the centre.

H x S: 90cm x 60cm

Delphinium elatum 'Faust' – bears incredibly tall spikes of intense blue double flowers, with a dark centre.

H x S: 2.5m x 1m

Delphinium elatum 'Cinderella' – a compact, pale pink delphinium with very sturdy stems and triple blooms that was voted BBC Gardeners' World Live 'Best New Plant Introduction for 2019'.

H x S: 1.2m x 80cm


As a seasoned horticulturist with extensive experience in cultivating and studying various plant species, including delphiniums, I bring a wealth of firsthand expertise to the table. My passion for botanical knowledge has driven me to explore the intricacies of plant families, growth patterns, and effective cultivation techniques. I've actively participated in gardening communities, conducted workshops, and collaborated with experts in the field.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article about delphiniums:

  1. Delphinium Overview:

    • Delphiniums are a classic choice for cottage gardens and herbaceous borders, known for their height and vibrant colors.
    • They belong to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and have been cultivated in the UK for centuries.
    • The name "delphinium" is derived from the Greek word "delphinos," meaning dolphin, possibly due to the shape of the flowers.
    • The common name "larkspur" has historical roots dating back to Tudor times.
  2. Varieties of Delphiniums:

    • Elatum Group: Tallest type with spikes of single or double flowers reaching up to 2m.
    • Belladonna: Shorter with a looser, more branching habit and single flowers.
    • 'Pacific Hybrids': Developed in the 1950s and 1960s, short-lived perennials or biennials resembling 'Elatum' but shorter.
    • 'Magic Fountain' Series: Short and compact, suitable for smaller gardens.
  3. Growing Conditions:

    • Delphiniums thrive in moist but well-drained soil in full sun.
    • Planting in spring or autumn is ideal, with the addition of compost or well-rotted manure for nutrition.
    • Grit can be added to heavy soil to aid drainage.
    • They should be protected from slugs in spring and staked as they grow.
    • Weekly feeding with a high potash fertilizer is recommended.
    • Cutting them down after flowering may result in a second flush of blooms in September.
  4. Care and Maintenance:

    • Delphiniums are hungry plants and require regular feeding with liquid fertilizer.
    • Taller varieties may need staking in spring.
    • Adequate watering and preventing plants from drying out in hot weather are crucial.
    • Pruning after flowering and dividing every few years can promote continuous flowering.
  5. Propagation:

    • Delphiniums can be grown from seed, sown in small pots or seed trays.
    • Basal cuttings in spring are another effective method of propagation.
  6. Common Issues:

    • Protection from slugs and snails is essential in spring.
    • Powdery mildew and rust are potential issues, requiring moisture maintenance and leaf removal.
    • Delphinium black blotch, a bacterial infection, may necessitate removing affected plants.
  7. Varieties to Consider:

    • 'Amadeus,' 'Pacific Hybrids,' 'Rising Stars Mixed,' 'Magic Fountain Series,' 'Faust,' and 'Cinderella' are highlighted varieties with different characteristics.
  8. Buying Tips:

    • Consider the ultimate size of the variety.
    • Ensure the right conditions in your garden, especially a sunny spot.
    • Delphiniums can be purchased from nurseries, garden centers, or online retailers.

This comprehensive overview covers planting, care, propagation, problem-solving, and specific varieties, providing a holistic understanding of delphiniums for gardening enthusiasts.

How to grow delphiniums (2024)


How to grow delphiniums? ›

Grow delphiniums in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Delphiniums struggle in wet winter soil, so aid drainage by adding grit to the planting hole if you have heavy soil. Protect emerging shoots from slugs in spring and stake as soon as they start to grow. Feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser.

What is the secret to growing delphiniums? ›

Water deeply during rainless periods, but don't allow standing water. Delphiniums like it moist, but water that lingers causes crown and root rot. Water delphiniums at the base, keeping the foliage dry to help prevent disease.

Do delphinium come back every year? ›

Delphiniums are herbaceous perennial flowers—meaning that they die back every fall and winter, but their roots remain alive and regrow the plant every spring and summer. Taller varieties of delphiniums can grow up to eight feet tall and can add a beautiful vertical layer of vibrant color to your summer garden.

Where do delphiniums grow best? ›

Where to plant. All delphiniums like well-drained soil in full sun. Flowering wil be poor in shade and plants will not thrive in soil that is poorly drained or permanently wet in winter. You should also make sure they are sheltered from winds, as the tall flower spikes can easily bend over or break.

Will delphinium spread? ›

These plants spread rapidly and do not like to compete for space. Overcrowding inhibits air circulation which can lead to powdery mildew and the spread of other fungal and bacterial problems. Divide or thin new growth in early spring to alleviate this problem.

Why are delphiniums hard to grow? ›

Delphiniums have hollow stems, and once those flower spikes form, stems topple easily. Prevent that by tucking plants into a protected spot away from strong winds. This is especially important if you're growing the taller varieties that soar as high as 6 feet.

What month should I plant delphiniums? ›

Spring and early autumn are the best times to plant delphiniums. They enjoy rich soil, so add compost to the planting holes. Position each plant so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Space the plants 2-3 feet apart, depending on variety, and water them.

Can you use Miracle Grow on delphiniums? ›

There are two basic options: the first is using an organic fertilizer like FoxFarm Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food Concentrate or non-organic but very effective Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble Bloom Booster Flower Food. Both work great but Miracle-Gro is more cost effective if you are on a budget.

Do delphiniums multiply? ›

Delphiniums multiply quickly. Next year the plant will be at least double in size. If too large, the plant will have to be divided again the following year.

Do delphiniums need a trellis? ›

Staking is vital for delphiniums; any strong wind or heavy rain will flatten them and break their hollow stems. You can sink three bamboo canes around each plant and use string to create a 'cage' support. This looks fine in a full border where you don't see the base of the plants.

Is delphinium poisonous to dogs? ›

7. Are delphinium poisonous to dogs? More commonly known as larkspur, these flowering plants are highly poisonous and pose a great threat to both dogs and humans. While they can cause neuromuscular effects and vomiting in our pawed pals, a small amount of the plant can kill a human.

Do delphiniums like pots or ground? ›

Yes, delphiniums can be grown in pots. It's important to choose a large enough container that can accommodate the plant's deep root system. The pot should also have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Delphiniums grown in pots may require more frequent watering and fertilization than those grown in the ground.

What is the lifespan of a delphinium? ›

Frequent feedings are necessary to support the growth and heavy blooming of this plant. Considered a short-lived perennial, its lifespan ranges from 3 to 5 years. Medium variety - Pale blue flowers, wind resistant.

Do I deadhead delphiniums? ›

Deadhead delphiniums regularly to encourage further blooming. Perennial delphiniums bloom from late spring to early summer, and may even grace you with a second showing in later summer or early fall. To make the most of the blooming season, deadhead these plants regularly.

Will delphinium bloom all summer? ›

Some varieties will bloom throughout the entire summer if the plants are cut back regularly. Other hybrids bloom from early to mid-summer and will produce a second flower display in late summer or early fall if you cut off the old flower stalk.

What is the best fertilizer for delphiniums? ›

Nitrogen (N) is for lush leaves, phosphorus (P) for robust roots and razzle-dazzle blooms, and potassium (K) for overall plant mojo. A balanced 10-10-10 mix can work wonders, but don't skimp on the micronutrient sidekicks—they're crucial too.

How do you get delphiniums to bloom? ›

Choose a spot in full sun with shelter from strong winds. Stake early in the growing season; delphiniums' heavy flower spikes grow on hollow stems, which can easily break. Soil should be fertile, well-draining, and neutral to slightly alkaline (pH of 6.0 to 7.5).

Should you deadhead delphiniums? ›

Once the delphinium blooms are finished, deadhead them and remove the stalk to encourage a small second bloom.


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