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Tom Hiddleston PEDIATRIC stars in “The Night ORTHODONTICS Manager”

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2 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016 By the book John le Carré’s best-selling spy novel comes to AMC By Jacqueline Spendlove TV Media

f “Game of Thrones” has taught us anything, it’s that Isome stories just can’t be told in two hours, so don’t even try it. These days, TV is the medium you turn to if you want to do a book justice in its translation to screen. Two big-screen attempts at John le Carré’s “The Night Man- ager” have failed to get off the ground, but the new six-part TV miniseries has been a huge hit across the pond. By all accounts, the British espionage drama, Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Debicki, Olivia adapted from the 1993 novel, is Colman and Tom Hollander as seen in “The Night Manager” more than deserving of the lon- breeding. His one weakness is Of course, in this type of proj- ger format needed to flesh out his son, and in saving the boy’s ect, there’s always the risk that its story and characters. Now, life, Pine earns Roper’s trust and diehard fans of the book will de- North American audiences can a place in the home Roper cur- cry any deviations from the get a taste of the juicy spy series. rently shares with his willowy source material, but showrun- “The Night Manager” is set to lover, Jed Marshall (Elizabeth ners have handled these inevita- debut Tuesday, April 19, on AMC. Debicki, “The Man From ble changes well. Airing on BBC One in the U.K., U.N.C.L.E.,” 2015). “We did depart from the nov- the series premiered in February There’s a lot Pine has to con- el in some ways,” director Su- to more than 10 million viewers, tend with as he feigns his way sanne Bier told Radio Times, and has received heaps of praise into the criminal underworld, “but we assured David Cornwell in reviews. Le Carré’s best-sell- not the least of which is Maj. [le Carré’s real name] that these ing novel — his first post-Cold Lance Corkoran (Tom Hollander, changes would be viable and War work — has been updated “Rev.”), Roper’s right-hand man would still follow his important with a present-day setting and and “fixer.” He’s fiercely loyal to goal — to hold true to the sub- From the list below, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle boasts a fantastic cast, most of Roper and doesn’t trust Pine in stance of the original story.” to reveal the message relating to this week’s theme. whom you’ll probably recognize. the slightest, and his determina- For his part, the author has Tom Hiddleston, best known tion to expose the spy as a fraud had a solid involvement with the for playing Loki in the Thor and proves a constant challenge for project — besides a blink-and- You Can Count On It Avengers movies, leads the cast the protagonist. you’ll-miss-it cameo role. Addi- of “The Night Manager” as for- Moral ambiguity plays a big tionally, his son, Simon Cornwell, mer British soldier Jonathan part in the story, as Pine must es- is one of the show’s executive ACCOUNTANT FRACTION RATIO Pine. Following service in Iraq, sentially become a criminal him- producers. So if nothing else, the Pine retreated into a solitary life self in order to get the job done. material is in good hands. ADDS HALF ROMAN as a nighttime hotel manager, “Because Roper gives his Indeed, the show has been but everything changes when monstrosity and the evil things extremely well received, with ALGEBRA INTEGERS NUMERALS he’s approached by Angela Burr he does a kind of logic, a glamor, The Huffington Post and others (Olivia Colman, “Broadchurch”), there are moments when Pine calling it “James Bond for the who runs a London enforcement teeters on the brink of the dark small screen.” It might just mean AVERAGE LVIII SEVENTH agency. Pine soon finds himself side, when you wonder which even bigger things for Hid- drawn into a world of crime and way he will go,” Laurie told dleston’s future as well, with the CALCULATOR MATH SQUARE ROOT espionage as he’s tasked with Stuff. “The audience has to actor’s name being bandied infiltrating the inner circle of in- judge for themselves where Pine about as a potential to play the CARDINALS MULTIPLY SUBTRACT ternational arms dealer Richard and Roper come close to cross- next 007 on the big screen. Roper, played by Golden Globe ing the line in opposite direc- In the meantime, however, DECIMAL NINE TENTH winner Hugh Laurie. tions — where Roper might love for “The Night Manager” English actor Laurie has had a plunge the dagger into his own has been strong enough to war- long and often comedic career in chest and where Pine might be- rant murmurings of a potential DIVIDE ODDS THIRDS film and television, but American come the very thing he set out to second season. Nothing’s con- audiences may best recognize destroy.” firmed, but le Carré is reportedly EIGHTHS ORDINAL THOUSAND him as the curmudgeonly and Laurie knows what he’s talk- involved in discussions to that acerbic Dr. Gregory House in ing about. A longtime admirer of effect with the BBC, as a second ELEVEN PERCENT TOTAL “House.” He dons his not-such- le Carré, he’s been a huge fan of season would require him to a-nice-guy hat again as Roper, the book for more than 20 years, write new material that would EQUALS SIGN POSITIVE XIV who’s described as “the worst and has long desired to be in- allow the series to extend be- man in the world,” despite his volved in bringing the story to yond the scope of his original charm, philanthropy and good the screen. work. FIVE QUOTIENT ZERO FINAL-1 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:02:25 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 3

8:00 p.m. ESPN (56) Baseball MLB Live 10:00 p.m. CSNE (58) Celtics BOWLING Tuesday NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue Jays at 10:30 p.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs Live 7:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup Boston Red Sox 11:00 p.m. CSNE (58) Celtics Sunday Playoffs Sports Midnight ESPN2 (57) Baseball T. 1:00 a.m. CSNE (58) Celtics 1:00 p.m. ESPN (56) PBA Playoffs Quar- 6:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Live! Head- Video Scores, highlights, news and analysis. Live lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey releases this week 2:00 a.m. CSNE (58) Celtics ter-final Quarter-final Live NESN world. Live (59) MLB Toronto Blue Jays at 3:00 a.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 (57) NCAA Division I Boston Red Sox 7:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Stanley Cup The Revenant AUTO RACING 4:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) NBA Playoffs Championship Women’s Women’s (61) 3:00 a.m. ESPN (56) Baseball MLB Playoffs When a group of Arikara Saturday Tuesday Sunday BOXING 8:00 p.m. USA (35) NHL Stanley Cup Native Americans attacks a 6:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) NBA Playoffs Playoffs Live 6:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) IndyCar Grand 3:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue Saturday crew of fur trappers in the Prix of Long Beach IndyCar Series Qualify- Jays at Boston Red Sox 2:30 p.m. WCVB (5) NBA Count A pre- 10:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley ing IndyCar Series Qualifying view of upcoming NBA action. Live 8:30 p.m. WHDH (7) Premier Champion- Cup Playoffs American frontier, Capt. 5:00 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Behind ship Card TBA Card TBA Live 1:30 a.m. NBCSN (61) F1 Chinese Grand the scenes information on the Red Sox’s 3:00 p.m. WCVB (5) NBA Playoffs Live 12:30 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Overtime Henry (Gleeson) orders the Prix Live 5:30 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live Wednesday The latest news in and around the NHL. team. Live survivors to retreat down 4:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) F1 Extra Live 6:00 p.m. NESN (59) First Pitch Live 8:00 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live 1:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) Premier Champi- river in their boat. Their Sunday 6:30 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live 10:30 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live ons Card TBA Card TBA Wednesday 7:00 p.m. NESN MLB Tampa Bay 12:30 a.m. ESPN2 (57) NBA Playoffs 7:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup guide, an experienced out- 12:30 p.m. WFXT (3) Pre-Race Live (59) CURLING Rays at Boston Red Sox Live 1:00 a.m. TNT (37) Insid. NBA Panelists Playoffs doorsman named Hugh 1:00 p.m. WFXT (3) NASCAR Food City 6:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live! Head- 500 Sprint Cup Series Sprint Cup Series 10:00 p.m. NESN (59) Innings Live and guests go inside the latest NBA Saturday (61) Glass (DiCaprio), recom- 10:30 p.m. NESN Red Sox Fin. games. lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey Live (59) 3:00 p.m. CSNE (58) World Champion- world. Live mends that they abandon Live 2:00 a.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs 2:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) F1 Chinese Grand ships Men’s Final Men’s Final 7:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Stanley Cup 11:30 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Behind 3:30 a.m. ESPN NBA Playoffs (61) the boat and set out for Prix (56) Sunday Playoffs 4:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) Pre-race Live the scenes information on the Red Sox’s their fort on foot to try to team. Monday 3:30 p.m. CSNE (58) World Champion- 8:00 p.m. USA (35) NHL Stanley Cup 4:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) IndyCar Grand Playoffs Live evade another attack. But Midnight NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay 10:30 a.m. CSNE (58) Basketb. NBA ships Men’s United States vs. Canada Prix of Long Beach IndyCar Series IndyCar 1:30 p.m. CSNE T. Heinsohn Men’s United States vs. Canada 10:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley when he’s mauled by a mas- Series Live Rays at Boston Red Sox (58) 3:30 p.m. ESPN (56) The Jump Live Cup Playoffs sive bear, Glass hovers on 6:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) Post-race Live Wednesday OLF 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) The Jump G 12:30 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Overtime the edge of death, and fel- Friday 3:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay The latest news in and around the NHL. Rays at Boston Red Sox 8:00 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live Saturday Live low trapper John Fitzgerald Noon NBCSN (61) Auto Race IndyCar CSNE (58) Celtics IndyCar Series Practice IndyCar Series 6:00 p.m. NESN (59) First Pitch Live 3:00 p.m. WBZ (4) PGA RBC Heritage (Hardy) argues for ending 9:00 p.m. CSNE (58) Celtics Round 3 Round 3 Live Thursday Practice Live 6:30 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live NBCSN his life and moving on with- 10:30 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live 7:00 a.m. (61) NHL Stanley Cup 2:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) NASCAR 7:00 p.m. ESPN (56) Baseball MLB Sunday Playoffs Live 1:00 a.m. TNT (37) Insid. NBA Panelists out him, something that 2:00 p.m. WBZ (4) PGA Tour 6:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Live! Head- BASEBALL NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay Rays at Bos- and guests go inside the latest NBA Henry refuses to do. With games. 3:00 p.m. WBZ (4) PGA RBC Heritage Fi- lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey ton Red Sox Live nal Round Final Round Live world. Live the Arikara convinced that Saturday 10:00 p.m. ESPN (56) Baseball T. 2:00 a.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs the trappers have kid- 7:30 p.m. NESN (59) Bruins 1:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) Softball NCAA Scores, highlights, news and analysis. Live Tuesday HOCKEY NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Tennessee at Georgia Live NESN napped the chief’s daughter, (59) Innings Live 3:30 p.m. ESPN (56) The Jump Live 10:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley NESN MLB Toronto Blue Jays at 10:30 p.m. NESN Red Sox Fin. Saturday Henry ultimately relents, (59) (59) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) The Jump Cup Playoffs Boston Red Sox Live 3:00 p.m. WHDH (7) NHL Stanley Cup 8:00 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live 12:30 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Overtime leaving Glass and Fitzger- 3:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) Softball NCAA Midnight ESPN2 (57) Baseball T. Playoffs Live 10:30 p.m. TNT NBA Playoffs Live The latest news in and around the NHL. ald, and setting off a chain Texas vs. Oklahoma Live Scores, highlights, news and analysis. Live (37) 7:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup Live NESN First Pitch Live NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay Rays at Bos- 1:00 a.m. TNT (37) Insid. NBA Panelists Playoffs of events that will almost (59) and guests go inside the latest NBA Friday certainly end in death. 3:30 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live ton Red Sox 10:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley 3:00 a.m. ESPN Baseball MLB games. Cup Playoffs 7:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup 4:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue (56) Playoffs Director: Alejandro González Jays at Boston Red Sox Live 2:00 a.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs 12:45 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Overtime Thursday 6:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Live! Head- Iñárritu. Stars: Leonardo Di- 7:00 p.m. NESN (59) Innings Live Wednesday The latest news in and around the NHL. Noon NESN (59) Red Sox Behind the Live lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey Caprio, Tom Hardy, Domhnall 7:30 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Fin. Live scenes information on the Red Sox’s 3:30 p.m. ESPN (56) The Jump Live world. Live Gleeson, Will Poulter, Forrest 8:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue team. 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) The Jump Sunday 7:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup Goodluck. 2015. 156 min. Jays at Boston Red Sox 12:30 p.m. NESN (59) First Pitch Live 7:00 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live 3:00 p.m. WHDH (7) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Adventure. Midnight NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue 1:00 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live 9:30 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live Playoffs Live 10:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Overtime Jays at Boston Red Sox 1:30 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay Midnight TNT (37) Insid. NBA Panel- 7:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Live! Head- The latest news in and around the NHL. Rays at Boston Red Sox Live ists and guests go inside the latest NBA lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey Live Sunday world. Live 12:30 p.m. NESN (59) First Pitch Live 4:30 p.m. NESN (59) Innings Live games. Norm of the North 7:30 p.m. NESN (59) Bruins MOTORCYCLE RACING 1:00 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live 5:00 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Fin. Live 1:00 a.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs When humans start moving NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs 1:30 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue 8:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay Thursday Saturday into the Arctic, all of the wild Jays at Boston Red Sox Live Rays at Boston Red Sox 10:15 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Over- 3:30 p.m. ESPN (56) The Jump Live time The latest news in and around the 3:00 p.m. WFXT (3) Supercross Mon- 4:30 p.m. NESN Innings Live Midnight NESN (59) MLB Tampa Bay ster Energy Live animals begin to panic. One (59) Rays at Boston Red Sox 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) The Jump NHL. Live polar bear, Norm (Sch- 5:00 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Fin. Live 7:00 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live Friday Monday RODEO neider), has never really 6:00 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Show A 9:30 p.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs Live recap of Red Sox action from past week. 7:00 p.m. NESN (59) First Pitch Live 7:00 a.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup been good at being a bear, Midnight TNT (37) Insid. NBA Panel- Playoffs Sunday 6:30 p.m. CSNE (58) B-Ball Show Live 7:30 p.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live ists and guests go inside the latest NBA 6:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live! Head- 1:00 p.m. WBZ (4) Bull Riding PBR and so he volunteers to 7:00 p.m. ESPN (56) Baseball T. Live 8:00 p.m. NESN (59) MLB Boston Red games. (61) 15/15 Bucking Battle Invitational Sox at Houston Astros Live lines and buzz from insiders in the hockey travel to New York City with 8:00 p.m. ESPN (56) MLB San Francisco 1:00 a.m. TNT (37) NBA Playoffs world. Live his three lemming pals to try Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers Live 11:00 p.m. NESN (59) Innings Live RUGBY 11:30 p.m. NESN Red Sox Fin. Friday 7:30 p.m. NBCSN (61) NHL Stanley Cup 8:30 p.m. CSNE (58) B-Ball Show (59) Playoffs to reclaim his homeland NESN Live 3:30 p.m. ESPN (56) The Jump Live Friday 9:30 p.m. (59) Red Sox Show A 10:00 p.m. NBCSN NHL Stanley from the corporation taking recap of Red Sox action from past week. 1:00 a.m. NESN (59) MLB Boston Red 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) The Jump (61) 4:00 p.m. NBCSN (61) IRB World Sevens Sox at Houston Astros 7:00 p.m. ESPN (56) NBA Count A pre- Cup Playoffs Series over. The big business loves Midnight NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue NBCSN NHL Overtime Jays at Boston Red Sox view of upcoming NBA action. Live 12:30 a.m. (61) him, though, and he soon The latest news in and around the NHL. Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Sports BASKETBALL 8:00 p.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs Live becomes their mascot. 12:30 a.m. CSNE (58) B-Ball Show Live Apr 16, 2016 to Apr 22, 2016 2:30 a.m. ESPN2 (57) MLB San Francis- Saturday 10:30 p.m. ESPN (56) ESPN2 (57) NBA Norm loves his newfound co Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers Playoffs Live 7:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) Playoff Pre. fame, but after learning the 2:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) NBA Playoffs Monday 8:00 a.m. CSNE (58) Basketb. NBA 3:00 a.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs company is spearheading 10:00 a.m. CSNE (58) B-Ball Show 10:00 a.m. CSNE (58) Basketb. NBA 5:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) NBA Playoffs the displacement of his NESN (59) First Pitch Live Noon CSNE (58) Playoff Pre. friends, he must decide be- 10:30 a.m. NESN (59) Pregame Live 2:30 p.m. WCVB (5) NBA Count A pre- BILLIARDS tween the big city and his 11:00 a.m. NESN (59) MLB Toronto Blue view of upcoming NBA action. Live Jays at Boston Red Sox Live 3:00 p.m. WCVB (5) NBA Playoffs Live Saturday home. 2:00 p.m. NESN (59) Innings Live 5:30 p.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs Live 10:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) Tournament of Director: Trevor Wall. Stars: 2:30 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Fin. Live 7:00 p.m. ESPN2 (57) NCAA Slam Dunk Champions Women’s Women’s Rob Schneider, Ken Jeong, 5:00 p.m. NESN (59) Red Sox Show A and 3-Point Championship 11:00 a.m. ESPN2 (57) Tournament of Heather Graham, Bill Nighy. recap of Red Sox action from past week. CSNE (58) Celtics Champions Women’s Women’s 2016. 90 min. Animation. 7:00 p.m. ESPN (56) Baseball T. Scores, 8:00 p.m. ESPN (56) NBA Playoffs Live Noon ESPN2 (57) Tournament of Cham- highlights, news and analysis. Live CSNE (58) Celtics pions Women’s Women’s FINAL-1 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:02:26 PM

4 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016

++ (2004, Action) Peter Parker his friend’s murder and preserve the USA (35) “3 Days to Kill” ++ 5:00 p.m. CMT (60) “Armageddon” struggles to balance his personal life future. (2h30) (2014, Action) A dying spy takes on ++ (1998, Adventure) A drill rigger and his superhero responsibilities. 2:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “Charlie’s one last mission in exchange for a and his crew embark on a mission to (2h30) Angels II: Full Throttle” ++ drug that could save his life. (2h) blow up an asteroid heading for Saturday FX Earth. (3h30) movies 1:00 p.m. WSBK (9) “Silverado” (2003, Action) Three detectives (44) “The Amazing Spider- investigate the theft of a database Man” +++ (2012, Action) Peter 5:15 p.m. COM (43) “The CAPE ANN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY +++ (1985, Western) Four drifters Noon USA (35) “Tin Cup” ++ (1996, reluctantly unite to stop the injustic- from the Witness Protection Parker develops spider-like abilities Campaign” ++ (2012, Comedy) A Comedy/Drama) An ex-golf pro es of a crooked New Mexican sheriff. Program. (2h) and faces off against the Lizard. (3h) hapless local tourism director runs Protect the Environment attempts to impress his rival’s girl- (3h) CMT (60) “Gridiron Gang” +++ 4:00 p.m. TNT (37) “The Lord of the for congress against a disgraced friend by competing in the U.S. (2006, Sport) A juvenile detention Rings: The Two Towers” incumbent. (2h07) ConservCapeeE Annner gy FREEFORM (34) “Failure to +++ Open. (3h) Launch” (2006, Comedy) The probation officer creates a football (2002, Fantasy) A fellowship created 5:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Dear ++ program for his interns. (3h) to destroy a ring of power is frac- SaTransportve Money TNT (37) “The Lord of the Rings: parents of a thirty-something slacker John” ++ (2010, Drama) While on The Fellowship of the Ring” 2:35 p.m. COM (43) “You Don’t tured, putting the quest at risk. (4h) leave, a soldier returns home where (2001, Fantasy) A group of set him up so that he’ll finally leave he falls in love with a student. 1 x 2.5” +++ home. (2h) Mess With the Zohan” ++ (2008, AMC (38) “Back to the Future” mythical beings are brought togeth- Comedy) An Israeli Special Agent +++ (1985, Comedy) A teenager (2h30) 1:30 p.m. WLVI “Space RIDE er in a quest to destroy a ring of (8) moves to New York to pursue his roars back through time to 1955, 6:00 p.m. FX (44) “The Internship” power. (4h) Cowboys” +++ (2000, Sci-Fi) dream of becoming a hair stylist. where he meets his parents at a ++ (2013, Comedy) Two salesmen www.canntran.com 12:20 p.m. COM (43) “The One-time hotshot pilots are recruited (2h42) young age. (2h30) land internships after their careers Campaign” ++ (2012, Comedy) A by NASA to repair a damaged 3:00 p.m. FREEFORM “Hope SYFY “Starship Troopers” are destroyed by the digital world. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (34) (50) hapless local tourism director runs Russian satellite. (2h30) Floats” +++ (1998, Romance) ++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A group of naïve (3h) for congress against a disgraced AMC (38) “Back to the Future After being dumped by her husband, high school students joins a mobile E! (45) “Cheaper by the Dozen” 978-283-7916 incumbent. (2h13) III” +++ (1990, Comedy) A time a former beauty queen returns to infantry to battle giant alien bugs. ++ (2003, Comedy) A father of 12 12:30 p.m. FX (44) “Spider-Man 2” traveller ventures to 1885 to prevent her hometown. (2h30) (3h) must juggle his new job and his

SATURDAY, APRIL 16 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 S1 S2 Bob the Peg + Nature Ready Jet Odd Wild Jacques Martha A Chef's Weeknig Movea- Lidia's Simply Chef Test Cook's Sing That Open (2) WGBH Builder Cat Cat Go! Squad Kratts Pepin Bakes Life ht Meals ble Feast Kitchen Ming "Hustle" Kitchen Country Thing Studio (6:00) FOX 25 Weekend Morning News Weekend Marketplace Matc- DFL Soccer Schalke at Bayern Munich Site: Pre-Race Supercross Monster Energy -- St. Louis, Mo. (3) WFXT hday (L) Allianz Arena -- Munich, Germany (L) (L) (L) CBS This Morning Saturday (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innovatio Inspec- Chicken Game Paid Paid Paid Paid PGA Golf RBC Heritage Round 3 Site: (4) WBZ Dog Pet Vet n Nation tors Soup Changers Program Program Program Program Harbour Town Golf Links (L) NewsCenter Five Wild Ocean Sea Wildlife Rock the Born to Teen Kids Raw L.M. World of X Games Count- NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) (5) WCVB Eye Opener Countd. Mysteries Rescue Docs Park Explore News Travel Traveler down (L) 7 News Today in New England Astrob- The Chica Floogals Nina's Tweet- EPL Soccer Manchester City at Chelsea Site: Goal NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) (7) WHDH last Show World &Dave Stamford Bridge -- London, England (L) Zone (L) Dog DogWh- DogWh- DogWh- DogWh- Save Our Dream Hatched Paid Paid Paid Space Cowboys One-time hotshot pilots are recruited Paid Paid (8) WLVI Town isperer isperer isperer isperer Shelter Quest (N) (N) Program Program Program by NASA to repair a damaged Russian satellite. Program Program Holly- Career Wild Aqua King of Phantom Phantom Gourmet Paid Paid Silverado ('85, West) Kevin Kline. Four drifters reluctantly Mike & Mike & (9) WSBK wood Day America Kids Queens Gourmet Program Program unite to stop the injustices of a crooked New Mexican sheriff. Molly Molly Nature Dinosaur Peg + Ready Jet Voices Voices Natural Wonders Natural Wonders Natural Wonders Journey to Planet W.S. Merwin: To 10 Parks That (10) WGBX Cat Train Cat Go! Planet Planet "Extreme Wonders" "Wonders of Water" "Living Wonders" Earth Plant a Tree Changed America Arthur Nature Odd Wild Ready Jet WordGirl Jacques Martha A Chef's Weeknig Movea- Lidia's Simply Chef Test Cook's Ciao Wood- (14) WENH Cat Squad Kratts Go! Pepin Bakes Life ht Meals ble Feast Kitchen Ming "Hustle" Kitchen Country Italia work Animal Jack Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Paid Paid Designin Chef's Paid Paid (18) WZMY Rescue Hanna Program Program Program Program Program Program Files Files Files Files Program Program g Spaces Plate Program Program C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn This Morning necn This Morning necn This Morning Paid News News News News Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid (23) CNN New Day Saturday Smerconish CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Signs (N) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 200 202 (25) CNBC Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 208 355 (26) MSNBC Up Special Coverage "The Place for Politics" Weekends With Alex Witt Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera 209 356 (27) FNC (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In Journal Editorial R. America's News HQ America's News HQ America's News HQ 205 360 (30) TBS Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Think Like a Man ('12, Com) Chris Brown. Why Did I Get Married Too? ('10, Com) Janet Jackson. Friends Friends Friends Friends 204 246 (31) DISC Paid Paid Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Misfit Garage Misfit Garage The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans 182 278 (32) TLC Paid Paid Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder FirstHm. FirstHm. Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding 183 280 (33) LIFE Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Unsolved Mysteries Wuthering High School Sorority Surrogate Cassie Steele. Lethal Seduction 108 252 (34) FREE (7:00) Mamma Mia! (:45) Moulin Rouge! A popular courtesan working at the Moulin Rouge falls in love ... Failure to Launch Hope Floats Sandra Bullock. 180 311 (35) USA Paid Program Chrisley Chrisley EPL Soccer (L) Tin Cup ('96, Com/Dra) Rene Russo, Kevin Costner. 3 Days to Kill ('14, Act) Kevin Costner. 105 242 (36) A&E Flipping Vegas Zombie House Flip. Zombie House Flip. C.Minds "Limelight" C.Minds "Damaged" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars 118 265 (37) TNT LawOrder "Missing" Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring A group of mythical beings are brought tog... The Lord of the R... 138 245 (38) AMC Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Back to the Future II Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future III Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future 130 254 (39) HIST Alone Alone Alone "Stalked" Alone Alone Alone "The Hunger" Alone "The Freeze" Alone Alone "Triumph" 120 269 (40) HGTV FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers 112 229 (41) FOOD Daphne Heart Rules Pioneer Pioneer Southern The Kitchen (N) Wedding Cakes Spring Baking Cake Masters Cupcake Wars Cooks vs. Cons 110 231 (43) COM Comedy SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk (:10) Accepted ('06, Com) Justin Long. (:20) The Campaign ('12, Com) Will Ferrell. (:35) You Don't Mess With the Zohan 107 249 (44) FX 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men Spider-Man ('02, Act) Tobey Maguire. Spider-Man 2 ('04, Act) Tobey Maguire. The Amazing Spider-Man 137 248 (45) E! I Am Cait I Am Cait E! News Weekend Total Divas Total Divas Total Divas Divas "No Retreat" Total Divas Divas "Baby Talk" 114 236 (46) BRAVO Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Real Wives Dallas Housewives Atlanta Shahs of Sunset Southern Charm Southern Charm Real Housewives Real Housewives 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN ALVINNN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Dino ALVINNN ALVINNN ALVINNN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge ALVINNN 170 299 (49) DISN M.Mouse The Lion Liv/Mad Austin Bunk'd S.Middle Backstag Backstag Backstag Backstag Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Friends Jessie 1/3 Jessie 2/3 Jessie 3/3 Underc. Underc. 172 290 (50) SYFY Hunters Batman Returns ('92, Act) Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton. Catwoman ('04, Act) Halle Berry. Charlie's Angels II: Full Throttle Starship Troopers 122 244 (51) OXY Quit Your Day Job Like a Boss #KillerPost #KillerPost #KillerPost Snapped Snapped #KillerPost #KillerPost 127 612 (52) MTV Monsters vs. Aliens Catfish Catfish (:10) Catfish (:20) MTV Movie Awards Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. 160 331 (53) VH1 Big ('88, Com) Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Hanks. Dirty Dancing ('87, Dan) Patrick Swayze. Family "Secrets" TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny 162 335 (54) SPIKE Paid Program Dredd ('12, Act) Olivia Thirlby, Karl Urban. Death Race ('08, Act) Jason Statham. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail 168 262 (55) HALL Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls A Taste of Romance ('11, Fam) Teri Polo. Bridal Wave ('15, Rom) Arielle Kebbel. Stranded in Paradise Vanessa Marcil. 185 312 (56) ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsC. SportsC. SportsCenter Rookie SportsC. NCAA Football Alabama Spring Game (L) 140 206 (57) ESPN2 30 for 30 SportsC. MatchUp Billiards Billiards Billiards NCAA Softball Tennessee at Georgia (L) NCAA Softball Texas vs. Oklahoma (L) 144 209 (58) CSNE NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Celtics Playoff Pre. RomaNow Serie A Soccer Curling World Championships 434 623 (59) NESN Update Update Dining Wicked Paid Paid Paid Paid C. Moore C. Moore MLB Baseball Toronto vs Boston 1stPitch Pregame MLB Baseball (L) 166 327 (60) CMT CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown Dude Per Dude Per Broken Skull Ch. Gridiron Gang ('06, Spt) Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. 151 608 (61) NBCSN (7:40) EPL Soccer (L) (:45) Live (:55) EPL Soccer Aston Villa vs Man Utd (L) GoalZone NCAA Football (L) Mecum Auto Auctions "Houston, Texas" (L) 176 296 (62) TOON TeenT. TeenT. Uncle TeenT. Gumball Uncle Clarence Uncle (N) TeenT. TeenT. BareBear BareBear Gumball Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Clarence Clarence 261 422 (63) EWTN Daily Mass (L) Catholic Jesus Truth Jim and Joy Rosary Daily Mass Catalogue Vision. EWTN (N) Mercy Rosary Web of Faith 2.0 184 282 (64) TRU (6:00) Paid Program Billy on Billy on Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. HackLife HackLife HackLife HackLife TruInsid "Heathers" 139 247 (65) ANPL Cat Hell "Cat Fight!" Second Chance E. Dogs Pets Dogs 101 Dogs 101 Rocky Mountain Vet Rocky Mountain Vet Rocky Mountain Vet Rocky Mountain Vet Rocky Mountain Vet 215 277 (66) TRAV Foods "Chengdu" Planet Planet Bizarre Foods Foods "Savannah" Wild Things (N) ManFood ManFood Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise 106 301 (68) TVLAND (:25) Family Feud Inst.Mom Inst.Mom Inst.Mom Inst.Mom (:25) Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba 210 350 (69) CSPAN (7:00) Washington Journal To Be Announced Washington Week (:20) To Be Announced 401 605 FINAL-1 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:02:30 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 5 marry her in order to avoid deporta- Future III” +++ (1990, Comedy) A “Grease” +++ (1978, Musical) A tion to Canada. (2h30) time traveller ventures to 1885 to leather-jacketed boy and a goody- CBS TNT (37) “The Hobbit: An prevent his friend’s murder and pre- two-shoes girl fall in and out of love Unexpected Journey” +++ serve the future. (2h30) in the 1950s. (2h30) Hear My Song Saturday FX movies (2012, Fantasy) A group of dwarves (44) “The Secret Life of VH1 (53) “Guess Who?” ++ After his mother passes away, a recruit a Hobbit to help regain their Walter Mitty” +++ (2013, (2005, Comedy) An African-American troubled young boy named Stet family while his wife is out of town. mountain from a dragon. (3h30) Adventure) A man realizes he must dad has trouble coping when he (2h) E! (45) “Cheaper by the Dozen act to maintain the parts of his life learns his daughter’s fiancé is white. (Garrett Wareing) is sent to a 6:30 p.m. AMC (38) “Back to the 2” ++ (2005, Comedy) The Baker that he loves. (2h30) (2h30) boy choir boarding school in the Future II” +++ (1989, Sci-Fi) Two family competes with a rival family BRAVO (46) “Safe Haven” ++ 11:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “Starship premiere of “Hear My Song,” time travelers go back from 2015 to of eight while on Christmas vaca- (2013, Drama) A young woman Troopers” ++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A 1955 to stop a man from altering tion. (2h) bonds with a widower who helps group of naïve high school students airing Saturday, April 16, on CBS. her confront her dark secrets. (2h30) the future. (2h30) VH1 (53) “You, Me and Dupree” joins a mobile infantry to battle Originally titled “Boy Choir,” this ++ (2006, Comedy) A newlywed 10:00 p.m. E! (45) “Cheaper by the giant alien bugs. (3h) 7:20 p.m. COM (43) “You Don’t Hallmark acquisition also stars couple settles into a home, only to Dozen” ++ (2003, Comedy) A 11:30 p.m. TNT (37) “The Lord of Mess With the Zohan” ++ (2008, have their privacy crashed by a father of 12 must juggle his new job Dustin Hoffman, Kathy Bates, Comedy) An Israeli Special Agent the Rings: The Return of the friend. (2h30) and his family while his wife is out King” +++ (2003, Fantasy) A Eddie Izzard and Kevin McHale. moves to New York to pursue his 8:30 p.m. CMT (60) “Jarhead” +++ of town. (2h) king’s heir must unite fractured dream of becoming a hair stylist. (2005, Action) Two snipers are MTV (52) “How High” ++ (2001, armies in order to save mankind (2h36) shipped out to the Middle East for Comedy) Two buddies end up in pos- from a great evil. (4h30) Dustin Hoffman stars in 8:00 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “The the Gulf War and fight in Desert session of a magical weed plant that “Hear My Song” Proposal” +++ (2009, Comedy) A Storm. (3h) enhances their brainpower. (2h) Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies pushy woman forces her assistant to 9:00 p.m. AMC (38) “Back to the 10:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) Apr 16, 2016

SATURDAY, APRIL 16 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Rough Cut This Old High School A Chef's Life Call the Midwife Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Classic "Mr. Antiques Roadshow Basic Black Ask This Old (2) WGBH Woodwork House Quiz Show "Grantchester" Selfridge" "Tucson (Hour Three)" House (3:00) Supercross Monster UFC Fight Night Preliminaries Khabib Nurmagomedov UFC Fight Night Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Tony FOX 25 (:45) Fox 25 Party Over Cooper (3) WFXT Energy (L) vs. Tony Ferguson -- Tampa Bay, Fla. (L) Ferguson -- Tampa Bay, Fla. (L) News Sports Wrap Here (N) Barrett (3:00) PGA Golf RBC WBZ News CBS Evening Running (N) Jeopardy! Hear My Song A neglected 12-year-old's devilish 48 Hours Delve into real- WBZ News (:35) (4) WBZ Heritage (L) News behavior obscures his angelic singing voice. (P) life crime and justice cases. Gourmet (3:00) NBA NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World Inside Chronicle America's Funniest Home America's Funniest Home 20/20 Interviews and hard- NewsCenter (:35) Person (5) WCVB Basketball 5 at 5 p.m. 5 at 6 p.m. News Edition Videos Videos hitting investigative reports. 5 at 11 p.m. of Interest (3:00) NHL Hockey Stanley 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly Access Hollywood Carmichael Boxing Premier Championship Card TBA Site: Barclays Center -- 7 News at Sat. Night (7) WHDH Cup Playoffs (L) p.m. News Weekend Show Brooklyn, N.Y. (L) 11 p.m. Live (N) Paid Paid Paid Paid Scandal Monopoly- Monopoly- Family Feud Family Feud 7 News at 10 on CW56 Rookie Blue (8) WLVI Program Program Program Program Millionaires Millionaires Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big The Hit List A man races against time to save the lives of WBZ News Seinf'ld "The Seinfeld (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory people on a hit list as the bodies pile up. Conversion" "The Stall" Nova "Can Alzheimer's Be Ride the Tiger Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson integrates into the Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson uses his fame to speak High School Sing That (10) WGBX Stopped" MLB,performing brilliantly despite threats and abuse. out against injustice, risking his popularity. Quiz Show Thing This Old Ask This Old State A Chef's Life Call the Midwife Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Classic "Mr. Antiques Roadshow Windows to Ask This Old (14) WENH House House Challenge "Grantchester" Selfridge" "Tucson (Hour Three)" the Wild House Paid Paid Community Community The The Family Guy Family Guy Tosh.0 Tosh.0 NH1 News Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Forensic (18) WZMY Program Program Simpsons Simpsons Weekend Files C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now News News News First Look News News (23) CNN CNN Newsroom Smerconish CNN Newsroom Eighties "The AIDS Crisis" The Eighties Race for the White House Race for the White House 200 202 (25) CNBC Paid Paid Paid Paid Boss "American Seafoods" Boss "Squaw Valley" Under Boss "EmpireCLS" Undercover Boss "Vivint" Boss "Cinnabon, Inc." 208 355 (26) MSNBC Caught on Camera Caught on Camera CaughtCam "Collision!" CaughtCamera "Trapped" Lockup "Raw: Severd Ties" Lockup Lockup 209 356 (27) FNC To Be Announced America's News HQ FOX Report Saturday To Be Announced Justice JudgeJeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show America's Election HQ 205 360 (30) TBS 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Full Frontal The Detour 204 246 (31) DISC The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch 182 278 (32) TLC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours "Exposed" 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery 183 280 (33) LIFE (4:00) Lethal Seduction Stranger in the House ('16, Dra) Emmanuelle Vaugier. Dying to Be Loved ('16, Myst) Lindsay Hartley. (P) The Cheerleader Murders Samantha Boscarino. 108 252 (34) FREE Movie Dear John ('10, Dra) Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum. The Proposal ('09, Com) Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock. Grease ('78, Mus) John Travolta. 180 311 (35) USA SVU "Twenty-Five Acts" SVU "Beautiful Frame" SVU "Funny Valentine" SVU "Undercover Blue" SVU "October Surprise" SVU "Padre Sandunguero" SVU "December Solstice" 105 242 (36) A&E Storage W. Wars The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 "Bloodline" First 48 "Birthday Girl" (N) The First 48: Lost (N) The First 48 "Hale Storm" 118 265 (37) TNT (4:00) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ('02, Fant) Elijah Wood. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey A group of dwarves recruit a Hobbit to help regain their mountain from Movie 138 245 (38) AMC (4:00) Back to the Future Back to the Future II ('89, Sci-Fi) Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future III ('90, Com) Michael J. Fox. Movie 130 254 (39) HIST Alone "Making the Cut" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (:05) Pawn S. Pawn Stars 120 269 (40) HGTV Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Renovation (N) Bou.Farm Bou.Farm 112 229 (41) FOOD Chopped "Frankly Frantic" Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped 110 231 (43) COM (:15) The Campaign ('12, Com) Will Ferrell. (:20) You Don't Mess With the Zohan ('08, Com) John Turturro, Adam Sandler. Louis C.K.: Hilarious Trevor Noah: Lost 107 249 (44) FX (3:00) The Amazing Spid... The Internship (2013, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne, Vince Vaughn. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ('13, Adv) Ben Stiller. Mike&Molly 137 248 (45) E! Total Divas Cheaper by the Dozen ('03, Com) Steve Martin. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ('05, Com) Steve Martin. Cheaper by the Dozen ('03, Com) Steve Martin. 114 236 (46) BRAVO Real Wives Dallas Beverly Hills "Dubai Daze" Beverly "Goodbye Dubai" Beverly Hills Safe Haven ('13, Dra) David Lyons, Josh Duhamel, Julianne Hough. Safe Haven 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! School Thunder Thunder H.Danger H.Danger H.Danger (N) School (N) Bella (N) GShakers Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Austin/Ally Austin/Ally Teen Beach Movie ('13, Fam) Ross Lynch. (:45) Teen Beach Movie 2 ('15, Fam) Ross Lynch. (:40) Underc. (:05) Gamer Gamer Bunk'd Liv Maddie 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:00) Starship Troopers Denise Richards. Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008, Sci-Fi) Starship Troopers 122 244 (51) OXY #KillerPost Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped #KillerPost 127 612 (52) MTV (4:50) Ridicu. (:25) Ridicu. Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous How High ('01, Com) Redman, Method Man. 160 331 (53) VH1 Behind the Movie Family "I Am In Crisis!" Family Therapy "Secrets" You, Me and Dupree ('06, Com) Matt Dillon, Owen Wilson. Guess Who? ('05, Com) Bernie Mac. 162 335 (54) SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Bellator MMA (N) 168 262 (55) HALL October Kiss (2015, Romance) Ashley Williams. Hearts of Spring ('16, Rom) Lisa Whelchel. Love by Chance Beau Garrett, Brenda Strong. Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN SportsCent. NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportsC. SportsCenter SportsCenter NCAA Basketball Slam Dunk and 3-Point Championship Kickboxing Glory 29 SportsCenter 144 209 (58) CSNE (3:00) Curling SportsNet SportsNet Celtics SportsNet Celtics Quick Slants Revs Quick Slants Celtics SportsNet Celtics SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN (4:00) MLB Baseball Toronto vs Boston (L) Innings Red Sox Fin. MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox Sports Sports Sports Dirty (N) 166 327 (60) CMT Armageddon A drill rigger & his crew embark on a mission to blow up an asteroid heading for Earth. Jarhead (2005, Action) Scott MacDonald, Peter Sarsgaard, Jake Gyllenhaal. Dude Perfect 151 608 (61) NBCSN (2:30) Auto Auctions IndyCar Racing Grand Prix of Long Beach NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs 176 296 (62) TOON Gumball Gumball Regular (N) Regular Advent. (N) Adventure T. DragonB. King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN Convrse Bookmark Worth Living Church Poor Mother Angelica Marie's Story Holy Rosary Living Right "I'm Spiritual" The Vanier Way 184 282 (64) TRU Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest TruInside "Heathers" Top Funniest Top Funniest 139 247 (65) ANPL Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff "A Full Heart" My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell (N) Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose (N) Mountain Vet "Nine Lives" (:05) My Cat From Hell 215 277 (66) TRAV Ghost Adven. "Tor House" Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Deadly Possessions (N) The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files 106 301 (68) TVLAND Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (2:20) To Be Announced Washington This Week Washington This Week (:45) New Orleans Town Hall Washington This Week 401 605 FINAL-1 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:02:34 PM

6 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016 super powers they got from cosmic rays to defeat Doctor Doom. (2h30) Bravo 10:15 a.m. FREEFORM (34) “Hope Floats” +++ (1998, Romance) SINCE 1984 Shahs of Sunset Sundaymovies After being dumped by her husband, Mercedes, Reza, Asa and the oth- a former beauty queen returns to CAPE ANN INSURANCE AGENCY ers face new challenges as rela- 9:00 a.m. AMC (38) “The Shining” her hometown. (2h45) proudly representing fine companies such as: ++++ (1980, Horror) An off-sea- 11:00 a.m. HALL (55) “The Good tionships are put to the test in the son resort hotel caretaker takes an Witch” +++ (2008, Family) A REGISTRATION RENEWAL new season of “The Shahs of Sun- woman moves into a supposedly AND Cape Ann isolated job so he can write a novel. set,” airing Sunday, April 17, on (3h30) haunted house and changes the resi- LICENSE PLATES ISSUED AT OUR OFFICE* dents’ lives. (2h) Insurance Bravo. Cameras follow wealthy FX (44) “Spider-Man 2” ++ Home - Renters - Auto - Business (2004, Action) Peter Parker struggles Noon TBS (30) “Bad Boys II” ++ Workers Compensation - 2Life x Insurance2.5” members of a Persian-American to balance his personal life and his (2003, Action) Narcotics detectives group as they live a life of luxury pursue men who are flooding the superhero responsibilities. (3h) streets with lethal doses of ecstasy. 978.283.7757 while trying to balance careers 10:00 a.m. TBS (30) “Kindergarten (3h) www.CapeannInsuranCe.Com and social lives. Cop” ++ (1990, Comedy) A cop is FX (44) “The Amazing Spider- forced to masquerade as a kinder- Man” +++ (2012, Action) Peter 23 DALE AVE., GLOUCESTER garten teacher to find a drug deal- Parker develops spider-like abilities Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 5pm; Sat. 9am to noon Mercedes “MJ” Javid from er’s ex-wife. (2h) and faces off against the Lizard. (3h) *Customers of Cape Ann Insurance only “Shahs of Sunset” MTV (52) “Fantastic Four” +++ 12:30 p.m. AMC (38) “Terminator 3: (2005, Action) Four people must use Rise of the Machines” ++ (2003,

SUNDAY, APRIL 17 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 S1 S2 Curious Nature SciGirls Cyberc- School Odd Open Steves' Great Performances at the Met "Tannhauser" James Levine conducts Otto Schenk’s 10 Parks That (2) WGBH George Cat hase Quiz Squad Studio Europe classic production, in its first Met revival. Changed America (6:00) FOX 25 Weekend Morning News Fox News Sunday Outer Earth Awesome Pre-Race NASCAR Auto Racing Food City 500 Sprint Cup Series Site: Bristol Motor alt_driver (3) WFXT Space 2050 Planet (L) Speedway -- Bristol, Tenn. (L) (6:00) WBZ This CBS Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation Paid Paid Paid PBR Bull Riding PGA Tour "Making PGA Golf RBC Heritage Final Round Site: (4) WBZ Morning Program Program Program Cancer History" (N) Harbour Town Golf Links (L) NewsCenter Five This Week NewsCenter Five On the Matter of CityLine Comm. Republic of Doyle Ron Count- NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) (5) WCVB Eye Opener Eye Opener Record Fact Auditions Hazelton down (L) Sunday Today (N) 7 News Today in New England Meet the Press (N) Urban Paid Paid Paid AVP Volleyball New Orleans NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) (7) WHDH Update Program Program Program Open -- New Orleans, La. Sports Animal Into the Coolest Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid This Old Paid Paid Paid Open The Replacements ('00, (8) WLVI Stars Atlas Wild Earth Program Program Program Program Program Program House Program Program Program House Spt) Keanu Reeves. Paid Paid Three (:45) Three Phantom Phantom Gourmet Paid Paid Friends Friends Jerry Maguire ('96, Rom) Tom Cruise. A sports agent who (9) WSBK Program Program Stooges Stooges Stooges Gourmet Program Program has it all starts over with one client after a personal moral crisis. Greater Basic Washing- McLaughl Well Motor- Theater Open Martha Martha Italy Music Mexican BBQ Simply Lidia's Sing That Bluegrass (10) WGBX Boston Black ton Week in Group Read week Talk Studio Bakes "Shrimp" "Rome" Voyager Table "Brisket" Ming Kitchen Thing Under Ready Jet Nature SciGirls Cyberc- State Odd Windows Steves' Great Performances at the Met "Tannhauser" James Levine conducts Otto Schenk’s 10 Parks That (14) WENH Go! Cat hase Chal. Squad to Wild Europe classic production, in its first Met revival. Changed America Zoo Jack Paid Paid Paid Paid Insider Newsm- Sports Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid The First Mr. Box Paid Paid (18) WZMY Clues Hanna Program Program Program Program Weekend akers Legends Program Program Program Program Program Family Office Program Program C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn This Morning necn This Morning Dialogue Paid Rescue House News Busin's News Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid (23) CNN Inside Politics State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 200 202 (25) CNBC Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 208 355 (26) MSNBC PoliticsNation Up Special Coverage "The Place for Politics" Weekends With Alex Witt Meet the Press Caught on Camera Caught on Camera 209 356 (27) FNC (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday Morning Futures MediaBuzz News HQ Housecall America's News HQ Fox News Sunday America's News HQ America's News HQ 205 360 (30) TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Kindergarten Cop Bad Boys II ('03, Act) Will Smith, Martin Lawrence. Men in Black ('97, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. 204 246 (31) DISC Paid Paid The Last Alaskans Sea Gold "Pressure" Bering Sea Gold Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked "Rise Above" 182 278 (32) TLC Paid Paid Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Say Yes to the Dress Extreme Weight Loss "Jason and Rachel" Makeover "Ashley" 183 280 (33) LIFE Amazing David J. J.Osteen Paid Unsolved Mysteries The Preacher's Daughter Andrea Bowen. The Surrogate Cameron Mathison. Kidnapped: The Hannah Anderson Story 108 252 (34) FREE (7:00) Moulin Rouge! Nicole Kidman. (:15) Hope Floats ('98, Rom) Sandra Bullock. Grease 2 ('82, Mus) Michelle Pfeiffer. (:45) Grease 180 311 (35) USA Miracles J.Osteen Motive "Oblivion" SVU "Flight" SVU "Spectacle" SVU "Pursuit" Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. 105 242 (36) A&E Criminal Minds C.Minds "Limelight" C.Minds "Damaged" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds C.Minds "In Heat" Criminal Minds Extracto Extracto Extracto Extracto 118 265 (37) TNT Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Patriot" Law & Order Law & Order Wrath of the Titans Sam Worthington. (:15) Clash of the Titans 138 245 (38) AMC TURN "Valley Forge" The Shining An off-season resort hotel caretaker takes an isolated job so he can wri... Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Planet of the Apes Mark Wahlberg. 130 254 (39) HIST Vikings "Promised" Vikings Vikings Vikings "Portage" Vikings 101 Weapons That Changed the World Iron/Fire Iron/Fire American Pickers 120 269 (40) HGTV FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop Bungalow FlipFlop H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt 112 229 (41) FOOD Giada Southern Pioneer Big Bite TiaMowry Giada Pioneer Southern Rules (N) Brunch The Kitchen Chopped Chopped Chopped 110 231 (43) COM Comedy WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie Tosh.0 (:55) Tosh.0 (:25) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 107 249 (44) FX Mother Mother Spider-Man 2 ('04, Act) Kirsten Dunst, Tobey Maguire. The Amazing Spider-Man ('12, Act) Andrew Garfield. The Internship Vince Vaughn. 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians 114 236 (46) BRAVO Shahs of Sunset Housewives Atlanta Housewives Atlanta Real Wives Dallas Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Housewives P. Housewives P. Housewives P. 129 273 (48) NICK Dino ALVINNN ALVINNN Sponge Sponge Sponge Ninja Sponge H.Danger H.Danger Thunder School ALVINNN ALVINNN ALVINNN Sponge Sponge Sponge 170 299 (49) DISN M.Mouse The Lion Liv/Mad Austin Teen Beach Movie Ross Lynch. (:45) Teen Beach Movie 2 Ross Lynch. (:40) Austin (:05) GirlM. Backstag Friends Friends Girl M. Girl M. 172 290 (50) SYFY Arachnoquake ('12, Sci-Fi) Tracey Gold. Big Ass Spider ('13, Sci-Fi) Ray Wise. Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federa... Starship Troopers 3: Marauder ('08, Sci-Fi) The Fifth Element 122 244 (51) OXY House House Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped 127 612 (52) MTV MTV Movie Awards Fantastic Four ('05, Act) Ioan Gruffudd. The Incredible Hulk ('08, Act) Edward Norton. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. 160 331 (53) VH1 Stevie J Guess Who? ('05, Com) Bernie Mac. Love and Hip-Hop Black Ink Crew Behind the Movie First Sunday ('08, Com) Ice Cube. White Chicks 162 335 (54) SPIKE Paid Program Power Power Power Power Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue 168 262 (55) HALL Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls The Good Witch Catherine Bell. The Good Witch's Charm The Good Witch's Destiny Catherine Bell. 185 312 (56) ESPN SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter PBA Bowling Playoffs (L) Rookie MLS Soccer NE/Orlan. (L) 140 206 (57) ESPN2 30Shorts NBA SportsCenter OLines Report E:60 30 for 30 "This Magic Moment" SportsC. SportsC. SportsC. Rookie A.F.L. Football (L) 144 209 (58) CSNE Central Central Central Central On Water Shape Revs Game365 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Curling World Championships 434 623 (59) NESN Update Update Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NES Club 1stPitch Pregame MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox (L) Innings 166 327 (60) CMT CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown Ed Bass Broken Skull Ch. Armageddon A drill rigger & his crew embark on a mission to blow up an asteroid ... 151 608 (61) NBCSN (7:30) Live (:25) EPL Soccer W.H.U./Leic. (L) Live (:55) EPL Soccer Crystal Palace at Arsenal (L) Goal Zone (L) F1 Auto Racing Chinese Grand Prix Pre-race Racing 176 296 (62) TOON TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball Clarence BareBear TeenT. TeenT. Steven Steven Steven Steven TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball Clarence BareBear 261 422 (63) EWTN Sunday Mass (L) S.Heart B'kmark Weep Jim and Joy Rosary Sunday Mass S.Heart In Concert GKChest. Mercy Rosary Catech. Faith 2/2 184 282 (64) TRU (6:00) Paid Program 20 Most Shocking 20 Most Shocking 20 Most Shocking Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Who Can't Jokers Jokers 139 247 (65) ANPL Untamed and Uncut North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Finding Bigfoot: XL Finding Bigfoot: XL Finding Bigfoot: XL Finding Bigfoot: XL 215 277 (66) TRAV Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mysteries Castle Exp. Unkown Foods "Greece" Foods "Detroit" Bizarre Bizarre Man/Food Man/Food 106 301 (68) TVLAND (:25) Golden Girls G. Girls G.Girls G.Girls G.Girls (:25) Golden Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Reba Reba 210 350 (69) CSPAN (7:00) Washington Journal Newsmkr WA Week (:10) Washington This Week Public Affairs Programming (:55) WA Week Washington Week 401 605 FINAL-1 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:02:38 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 7 HALL (55) “The Good Witch’s ed by a secret organization to help jacketed boy and a goody-two-shoes group of violent convicts who have teenager who becomes a star foot- Charm” +++ (201, Family) A crime control Earth’s alien population. (2h) girl fall in and out of love in the taken over a transport plane. (2h30) ball player. (3h) wave and a reporter threaten AMC (38) “Planet of the Apes” 1950s. (2h45) 6:00 p.m. WGBX (10) “The Remains SYFY (50) “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” Cassie’s vacation plans and her role ++ (2001, Sci-Fi) An astronaut 4:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “The Fifth of the Day” +++ (1993, Drama) A ++++ (2013, Action) The G.I. Joes Sundaymovies as mayor. (2h) lands on a planet inhabited by Element” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A cab butler’s rule-bound world is tested are forced to contend with threats 1:30 p.m. CMT (60) “Armageddon” human-like apes who rule with an driver becomes involved with a mys- by a housekeeper and his master’s from within their own government. Action) A deadly robot arrives to kill ++ (1998, Adventure) A drill rigger iron fist. (2h30) terious woman who holds the key to ties to the Nazis. (2h15) (2h30) the teens who are destined to save and his crew embark on a mission to FX (44) “The Internship” ++ saving Earth. (2h30) 6:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “The MTV (52) “The Incredible Hulk” the world from machines. (2h30) blow up an asteroid heading for (2013, Comedy) Two salesmen land VH1 (53) “White Chicks” ++ Proposal” +++ (2009, Comedy) A ++ (2008, Action) Bruce Banner MTV (52) “The Incredible Hulk” Earth. (3h30) internships after their careers are (2004, Comedy) Two disgraced FBI pushy woman forces her assistant to meets a monstrous opponent while destroyed by the digital world. (3h) agents go undercover as white marry her in order to avoid deporta- he searches for a cure to banish the ++ (2008, Action) Bruce Banner 2:00 p.m. WSBK (9) “Jerry Maguire” meets a monstrous opponent while 3:15 p.m. TNT (37) “Clash of the women in an effort to protect heir- tion to Canada. (2h30) Hulk. (2h30) +++ (1996, Romance) A sports esses. (2h) he searches for a cure to banish the agent who has it all starts over with Titans” ++ (2010, Action) Zeus’ MTV (52) “Fantastic Four” +++ 10:00 p.m. VH1 (53) “First Sunday” Hulk. (2h30) son attempts to stop the Underworld 5:00 p.m. TBS (30) “Men in Black II” (2005, Action) Four people must use ++ (2008, Comedy) Two friends are one client after a personal moral cri- and its minions from bringing evil to (2002, Sci-Fi) Two secret agents super powers they got from cosmic 1:00 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Grease sis. (3h) ++ trapped after they try to rob a 2” ++ (1982, Musical) A new boy Earth. (2h15) are called in to battle an alien dis- rays to defeat Doctor Doom. (2h30) church in a bid to solve problems. from England falls for the leader of VH1 (53) “First Sunday” ++ 3:30 p.m. WLVI (8) “The guised as a lingerie model. (2h) 8:00 p.m. FX (44) “21 Jump Street” (2h) (2008, Comedy) Two friends are the pink ladies club, who cannot Replacements” ++ (2000, Sport) CMT (60) “Jarhead” +++ (2005, +++ (2012, Action) Bumbling cops 10:30 p.m. FX (44) “21 Jump date him. (2h45) trapped after they try to rob a Replacements are brought in to sub- Action) Two snipers are shipped out are sent undercover to high school Street” +++ (2012, Action) TNT (37) “Wrath of the Titans” church in a bid to solve problems. stitute for a team of striking football to the Middle East for the Gulf War to take down a drug ring. (2h30) (2h30) ++ (2011, Action) When the ancient (2h) players. (2h30) and fight in Desert Storm. (3h) 9:00 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “The Titans are unleashed, Perseus braves 3:00 p.m. TBS (30) “Men in Black” 3:45 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Grease” 5:30 p.m. AMC (38) “Con Air” +++ Blind Side” +++ (2009, Sport) An Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies the underworld to stop them. (2h15) +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A cop is recruit- +++ (1978, Musical) A leather- (1997, Action) A parolee must stop a affluent family takes in a homeless Apr 17, 2016

SUNDAY, APRIL 17 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 High School Travelscope Windows to Rick Steves' Castles "Instruments of Call the Midwife Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Classic "Mr. 10 Parks That Changed (2) WGBH Quiz Show the Wild Europe Invasion" "Grantchester" (N) Selfridge" (N) America Bones "Boy in the Time FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Bordertown Cooper The Bob's Family Guy Last Man on FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 Fox 25 (3) WFXT Capsule" (N) Barrett (N) Simpsons Burgers (N) (N) Earth (N) News Sports Wrap (3:00) PGA Golf RBC CBS Evening WBZ News 60 Minutes Madam Secretary The Good Wife "Landing" Elementary "Ain't Nothing WBZ News (:35) Sports (4) WBZ Heritage (L) News (N) Like the Real Thing" (N) Final (3:00) NBA NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World America's Funniest Home Once Upon a Time "Ruby The Family "Sweet Jane" Quantico "Soon" (N) NewsCenter (:35) (5) WCVB Basketball 5 at 5 p.m. 5 News Videos Slippers" (N) (N) 5 at 11 p.m. Sportscenter (3:00) NHL Hockey Stanley 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly Little Big Shots "The Little Big Shots "I'm Not a Crowded Crowded (N) Dateline NBC 7 News at (:25) Sports (7) WHDH Cup Playoffs (L) p.m. News Karate Kid" Princess" 11 p.m. Xtra (3:30) The Paid Paid Everybody Everybody The Middle The Middle Modern Modern 7 News at 10 on CW56 Rookie Blue (8) WLVI Replacements Program Program Loves Ray Loves Ray Family Family Rizzoli & Isles Castle "Valkyrie" Castle "Dreamworld" Blue Bloods "Framed" Blue Bloods "Inside Jobs" WBZ News The Big The Big (9) WSBK "Doomsday" Bang Theory Bang Theory Newshour. Open Studio The Remains of the Day A butler's rule-bound world is (:15) Jazz "Swing: Pure Pleasure (1935- (:45) Jazz As the Depression deepens, jazz thrives and the (:45) Front (10) WGBX (N) tested by a housekeeper & his master's ties to the Nazis. 1937)" saxophone emerges as an iconic instrument. and Center State Travelscope Windows to Rick Steves' Castles "Instruments of Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Classic "Mr. 10 Parks That Changed (14) WENH Challenge the Wild Europe Invasion" "Grantchester" (N) Selfridge" (N) America Paid Paid Paid Paid The Office The Office Family Feud Just for Monopoly- Family Feud NH1 News NH1 Wild Side NewsRadio (18) WZMY Program Program Program Program Laughs Millionaires Weekend Newsmakers C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now necn Now Wk Business CEO Corner News News News News News News (23) CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The CNN Quiz Show (N) A. Bourdain "Ethiopia" A. Bourdain "South Africa" The Wonder List (N) A. Bourdain "Madagascar" 200 202 (25) CNBC Paid Paid Paid Paid Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Under Boss "Sky Zone" Boss "Gigi's Cupcakes" Billion Dollar Buyer 208 355 (26) MSNBC Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera CaughtCamera "I'm Alive" CaughtCam "Full Throttle" Lockup Lockup 209 356 (27) FNC MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday FOX Report Sunday Stossel Inheritance Inheritance FOX Report Sunday Stossel 205 360 (30) TBS Men in Black II ('02, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Men in Black 204 246 (31) DISC Naked "Jungle Love" Naked and Afraid Naked "The Swarm" Naked "King of the Forest" Naked "All Falls Down" (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked "All or Nothing" 182 278 (32) TLC (4:00) Makeover "Ashley" Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Jill Jessa Recount (N) Who Are "Katey Sagal" (N) Long Lost Family (N) Who Are "Katey Sagal" 183 280 (33) LIFE A Mother Betrayed ('15, Thril) Lynn Collins. A Woman Scorned: Doctor Foster 1/3 A Woman Scorned: Doctor Foster 2/3 (N) Doctor Foster Pt. 1 of 3 108 252 (34) FREE (3:45) Grease John Travolta. The Proposal ('09, Com) Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock. The Blind Side (2009, Sport) Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock. 180 311 (35) USA SVU "Father Dearest" SVU "Strange Beauty" Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam 105 242 (36) A&E Intervention "Rachel" Intervention "Dennis" Intervention "Lorna" Intervention "Karissa" Intervention "Latisha" (N) Intervention (N) The First 48 118 265 (37) TNT Movie NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 138 245 (38) AMC Movie Con Air ('97, Act) John Cusack, John Malkovich, Nicolas Cage. Fear the Dead "Monster" Fear the Walking Dead (N) Talking Dead (N) Fear the Walking Dead 130 254 (39) HIST Pickers "Best of the 70's" Pickers "White Knuckles" American Pickers American Pickers A. Pickers "Grudge Match" American Pickers (:05) American Pickers 120 269 (40) HGTV House Hunt. House Hunt. House Hunt. House Hunt. House Hunt. House Hunt. Bargain (N) Bargain (N) Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life House Hunt. House 112 229 (41) FOOD Chopped Baking "Berry Naked" Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games (N) Spring Baking Champ (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cooks vs "Burger Battle" 110 231 (43) COM (:15) Tosh.0 (:45) Tosh.0 (:20) Tosh.0 (:50) Tosh.0 (:20) Tosh.0 (:55) Tosh.0 "Rich Piana" (:25) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daneil People Please (N) Daneil People Please 107 249 (44) FX (3:00) The Internship Ride Along ('14, Act/Com) Kevin Hart, Ice Cube. 21 Jump Street ('12, Act) Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Jonah Hill. 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill. 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians I Am Cait I Am Cait (N) I Am Cait The Kardashians 114 236 (46) BRAVO Housewives Potomac Shahs of Sunset Housewives Potomac Housewives Potomac (N) Shahs of Sunset (N) Thicker Than Water (N) Watch (N) Housewives 129 273 (48) NICK School Thunder Thunder H.Danger Kingdom (N) Kingdom (N) Nicky School TV Land Awards Show (N) Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Liv Maddie Liv Maddie Austin/Ally S.Middle K.C. Underc. K.C. Underc. Underc. (N) Friends (N) S.Middle Bunk'd Backstage Girl World K.C. Underc. Best Friends 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:00) The Fifth Element Abduction (2011, Action) Lily Collins, Alfred Molina, Taylor Lautner. G.I. Joe: Retaliation ('13, Act) Channing Tatum. Hunters 122 244 (51) OXY Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped "Ruby & Mitchell" Snapped Snapped 127 612 (52) MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Fantastic Four ('05, Act) Jessica Alba, Ioan Gruffudd. The Incredible Hulk ('08, Act) Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, Edward Norton. Jackass 3D 160 331 (53) VH1 (4:00) White Chicks Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop First Sunday ('08, Com) Katt Williams, Ice Cube. 162 335 (54) SPIKE Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Life or Debt (N) Bar Rescue 168 262 (55) HALL The Good Witch's Wonder ('13, Fam) Catherine Bell. Good Witch "Something Wicked" Good Witch (N) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN (3:30) MLS Soccer (L) SportsCenter Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers Site: Dodger Stadium (L) SportsCenter 140 206 (57) ESPN2 (4:00) A.F.L. Football Por./Phi. (L) NCAA Bowling Division I Championship Hey Rookie SportsC. SportsC. SportsC. E:60 ESPN FC 144 209 (58) CSNE (3:30) Curling SportsNet The Baseball Show (L) Sports The Baseball Show Sports SportsNet Sports Sports 434 623 (59) NESN Red Sox Fin. Clubhouse Red Sox (N) C. Moore C. Moore Bruins (N) Cruisin' (N) Cruisin' Dining Play Red Sox Sports Sports Sports Dirty Water 166 327 (60) CMT Jarhead (2005, Action) Scott MacDonald, Peter Sarsgaard, Jake Gyllenhaal. Broken Skull Challen (N) Dude Perfect Dude Perfect Ed Bass Broken Skull Challen Cops 151 608 (61) NBCSN (4:30) IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Post NHL Live! NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (:15) NHL Overtime (L) Match of the Day (N) 176 296 (62) TOON Teen Titan Teen Titan Powerpuff Teen Titan Bare Bears Gumball King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy RickMort Robot 261 422 (63) EWTN Church (N) F. Love Light Vaticano The World Over Sunday Night Prime (N) Symbolon Holy Rosary Theology Roundtable Mother Angelica Live 184 282 (64) TRU Impractical Impractical Late Night Late Night Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Late Night Late Night 139 247 (65) ANPL RivMon "Hidden Predator" RivMon "Alaskan Horror" River Monsters: Unhooked Catch/ River Monster (:05) River Monsters (:05) Finding Bigfoot (:05) Catch/ River Monster 215 277 (66) TRAV Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Food Paradise Mysteries at the Museum America Declassified (N) Mysteries at the Museum 106 301 (68) TVLAND Reba 1/2 Reba 2/2 Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The TV Land Icon Awards (N) Lopez Lopez Lopez 210 350 (69) CSPAN (4:) WAWeek Comms. Newsmakers To Be Announced Q & A To Be Announced Q & A 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:10:50 PM

8 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016

12:30 p.m. WGBH (2) WENH (14) restaurants, the owners and the Sara’s Weeknight Meals “Fancy chef. Pasta” Plain old pasta it’s not but Noon WGBX (10) Martha Bakes simple to make. “Homemade Doughnuts” Learn Cooking 1:30 p.m. WGBH (2) WENH (14) to make raspberry filled doughnuts. Lidia’s Kitchen “Chicken Stock” FOOD (41) Farmhouse Rules this week Stracciatella laced with eggs and “Here’s to Another 250 Years!” spinach. 3:00 p.m. WGBX (10) Simply Ming SATURDAY 2:00 p.m. WGBH (2) WENH (14) “California 4” 9:00 a.m. NESN (59) Dining Simply Ming “Jody Adams” 8:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Guy’s Grocery Games “Redemption Playbook With Bill & Jenny 3:00 p.m. WGBH (2) WENH (14) Covering sports and food in New Tournament: Part 3” Four chefs America’s Test Kitchen From return to GGG for redemption. England. Cook’s Illustrated “Sweet 10:00 a.m. FOOD (41) The Pioneer 9:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Spring Baking and Spicy Asian Specialties” Championship “Great Outdoors” Woman Salt and pepper shrimp; Sichuan 10:30 a.m. WSBK (9) Phantom peppercorns. MONDAY Gourmet A critic reviews 3:30 p.m. WZMY The Chef’s 11:30 a.m. WGBX America’s restaurants, the owners and the (18) (10) Yes he ‘Khan’ Test Kitchen From Cook’s chef. Plate 11:35 p.m. WBZ (4) Phantom Illustrated “Roast Chicken and 11:00 a.m. WGBH (2) WENH (14) Potatoes Revisited” Slow-roasted Jacques Pepin: Heart and Soul Gourmet A critic reviews restaurants, the owners and the chicken parts with shallot-garlic Ali Khan eats cheap in new Cooking Channel show “Heirloom Favourites” A tutorial sauce. on how to skin a salami. chef. 8:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Cupcake WSBK (9) Phantom Gourmet SUNDAY Wars “Celebrity: Can You Spell By Andrew Warren In the series premiere, he visits Bobby Flay” and “Best Thing I A critic reviews restaurants, the Cupcake?” TV Media beautiful Austin, Texas, with a crav- Ever Made.” At the young age of owners and the chef. 10:00 a.m. FOOD (41) Tia Mowry at Home “Girls’ Night” Tia cooks 9:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Cake Masters ing for local cuisine. Breakfast is an 26, he was made senior editor of FOOD (41) The Kitchen “Secrets “Monster Truck Cake” Show” Katie Lee prepares barbecue some of her favorite recipes. ho hasn’t been there? easy one to figure out: migas tacos BlackBook Magazine’s Los Ange- potato chip-crusted salmon. 10:30 a.m. WSBK (9) Phantom TUESDAY You’re in a strange city are a local specialty, and Khan les Dining and Nightlife Guide. 11:30 a.m. WGBH (2) Martha Bakes Gourmet A critic reviews 9:00 p.m. TRAV (66) Bizarre — be it on a vacation, a tracks down a roadside stop where He’s a guy who knows what to restaurants, the owners and the W “Homemade Doughnuts” Learn Foods: Delicious Destinations he can get a great start to the day eat and where to get it, and in chef. business trip or just a stopover — to make raspberry filled doughnuts. “Portugal” Andrew reveals and you’re hungry, but you’ve got without emptying his bank ac- “Cheap Eats,” he’s finally sharing WENH (14) Martha Bakes “Fruit 11:00 a.m. WSBK (9) Phantom Lisbon’s seafood and custard tarts. Curds” Gourmet A critic reviews 9:30 p.m. TRAV (66) Bizarre Foods: a tight budget. No problem: grab count. these tips with TV audiences. Delicious Destinations “Sicily” a cheap bite to eat and you’re Of course, lunch has to be Texas- In future episodes, Khan visits Andrew samples Sicily’s fried street good to go. style barbecue, and dinner a full- Chicago, Boulder and Albuquer- eats and more. But what if you only have blown bayou experience, with a que, but everywhere he goes the Honoring Celebrating 10:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Chopped tasty buttery pastry snack sand- rules stay the same: $35 and 12 Lives Memories Uncompromised quality “Champions: Battle 4, Kitchen $35? And what if that money has and personalized service. Storm” to feed you for the whole day — wiched in between. It’s amazing hours to feed himself, and he has Cemeterylettering and WEDNESDAY that’s breakfast, lunch, dinner that he can find that much food for to eat well. But first, he has a rum- monument cleaning so cheap, but Khan’s not one to bling stomach and a layover in MOUNT PLEASANT 11:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Mystery and even an afternoon snack? aspecialty. Diners “Crooked Contest” And what if you’re a bit of a compromise on quality. Austin. MEMORMt. PleasantIALS Memorials foodie who doesn’t want to or- Khan has previously appeared “Cheap Eats” premieres Tues- Serving Cape Ann Since 1979 John B. Nicastro, Owner THURSDAY Bruce Lane, ExpertLetter Cutter der off of the value menu at a on Food Network in “Grill It With day, April 19, on Cooking Channel. 2 x 2” 10:30 a.m. WGBX (10) Sara’s Free cemeterycandle lamp or Weeknight Meals “Louisiana chain restaurant? Impossible, ceramic memorial photo NICASTRO with the purchase of amemorial Style” right? 150 EasternAve., Gloucester 9:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Cooks vs. Cons Wrong, apparently, and Ali Across from CalvaryCemetery “Meatball Mayhem” Kardea & Graham try to discern the cooks Khan is out to prove it in his new 978.283.7841 Cooking Channel show, “Cheap mountpleasantmemorials.com from the cons. 10:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Beat Bobby Eats.” The six-episode series, Flay “Just Act Natural” which premieres Tuesday, April 19, Specializing in Business, Personal FRIDAY puts the food blogger in exactly 10:00 p.m. FOOD (41) Diners, Drive- that cash-starved situation. and Commercial Insurance Ins and Dives “Hot Meat and Each episode finds him in a Cool Veg” new city with only $35 and 12 Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Food Apr hours to prove that great food can We’re With 16, 2016 to Apr 22, 2016 also have a great price tag. You When No One Else Is Personal InsuranceBabson Elwell Davis • Balloons YOUR Auto, Homeowners, Umbrellas,2 x 4” We’ll save ONE STOP Watercraft, Recreational Vehicles, • Pinatas PARTY Goodwin PartySHOP! and Antique Cars. you money • Decorations Seaview Farm • Cake DecorationStore Commercial Insurance like it were 1 x 3” Business, Liability, Auto & Supplies1 x 3” Workers Compensation ours. • Plates,cups, Grass Fed, Farm Raised Beef Napkins &Chicken raised on our farm Babson-Elwell & Davis Fall Riding Lessons Fresh Local Eggs, Honey,Maple Syrup Serving Cape Ann Since 1854 Cheeses, Marinades, Spices Rubs •Ice Cream 978-283-1561, 800-878-1561 978-546-2418 44 Blackburn Center – Gloucester, MA 5 Pond Road • Gloucester ® www.seaviewstables.com

® www.babson-elwell-davis.com 978-281-2440 ® 38 South Street, Rockport Ali Khan hosts “Cheap Eats”

® FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:10:53 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 9 ACROSS 50 Once, to a poet Network CUSTOMCUSTOM FRAMING 1 Cain’s brother Making it all better! 51 Lhasa __ (Kind of 21 Puerto __ &&R READY-MADESEADY- MADES 5 Robert of early-’80s dog) 25 Prayer’s last word adventure series Cape Ann 26 Hitch “The Greatest Cape AnnVe Vetterinary Hospital DOWN 27 Politician like American Hero” 2 x 2” 1 “The Walking Prime Minister 9 Item used for 462 Essex Avenue Gloucester,MA Dead” channel David Cameron in House of the carrying bricks 978-283-3238 2 Tavern Britain Raven 12 Locale of www.capeannvet.com 3 ABC series of 31 Sound of just one 1 x 3” Timbuktu in Africa 2008 to 2009, “__ plucked string on House 13 On the briny Stone” the guitar Houofse theof 14 Particular news 4 Portugal’s capital 32 CNN anchor Ms. theRaven agcy. 5 Houses, in Madrid Raven Baldwin 141411M Mainain St.,St., GloucesterGloucester 15 Profession of 6 Military div. for 33 __’Pea (Kid in (97978-28) 2881-1-11626244 www.houseoftheraven.com Olivia Pope on ABC Gomer Pyle Popeye comics) www.houseoftheraven.com political drama 7 TV actress Ms. 34 Ms. Wallace of “Scandal”: 2 wds. Remini, and “The Bob Newhart 18 HGTV realty show namesakes Show” about getaways on 8 Cook, as scrambled 36 Rings-exchanging ’ sandy shores, “__ eggs site Delaneys Bargain Hunt” 9 Les Miserables 37 Electronics store Pizza 19 “__ the Pacific” author Victor purchase, e.g.: 2 (1942) starring 10 Unlock wds. Tuesday Humphrey Bogart 11 David Spade 38 Ms. Eikenberry of 22 __ Lanka Special comedy, “Joe __” “LA Law” Delaney's Pizza 23 Pencil tip (2001) 39 Racetrack’s shape 1$ x 3” 24 Bread maker’s Save 2.00 on 16 ‘Air’ suffix (Most 40 Pants parts supply every pizza open and breezy) 41 Sir McKellen, and 28 Worldwide sports Tonight with __ (1941) 17 “The every Tuesday!!! org. namesakes __” (HBO’s satirical 48 Character in Chumscrubber” 43 Music style for 29 6’s letters on a look at current Othello (2005) director Mr. 978-282-7878 telephone Drake events) 49 “Coal Miner’s Posin 44 For instances, 332 Main Street 30 Vocal gr. for Joey 42 Psst! Long- Daughter” singer 19 Neat as _ __ Gloucester McIntyre and briefly Tue.-Sun. 4-8:45pm running game ...her initials- 20 What the hosts 45 Also Jonathan Knight sharers do on The Food 33 Besmirch show, its hosts Solution on page 3 included Garry 35 Mr. Gershwin of “The Outboard of the Future is Here!” lyrics Moore and Steve Jim’s Bagel & Bake Shoppe 37 Like country Allen: 4 wds. Pastries • Bagels • Donuts • Coffee • Drive-Through music sometimes 46 Hasty escape Pike Marine Sandwiches • Cakes • Cookies • Pies 38 “Last Week 47 “Citizen __” 2 x 1.5”

80 MAIN STREET • ESSEX, MA 978-768-7161 • www.pikemarine.com Jim’s Bagels 2 x 3” Jose The Painter Inc. Marshall Landscape Quality and Service on Cape Ann for 20 years 2 x 2” JoseSpring the Is Painter Here. Call For A2 FREEx 1.5” Estimate. Exterior, interior, design & color consulting Fully insured, excellent references Let us cater your office luncheon! 34 Railroad Ave. 978-546-7657 www.josethepainter.com 978.283.3383 Gloucester, MA 01930 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:10:54 PM

10 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016

north, failed to retain its strong main reason the show ended. A Q: Why are there so many nence with a series of high-pro- And “nuanced and occasionally Hollywood early following. It drew more than number of sources reported that TV dramas about the FBI? I’ve file cases in the 1930s — partic- negative” is a pretty good de- six million viewers for its premiere there was internal strife between counted six currently on the ularly the Lindbergh kidnapping scription of the kind of anti-hero Q&A in September, but by late October it the writers and the network, and regular cable channels. and the hunt for John Dillinger. most TV shows look for today. By Adam Thomlison had shed almost half of them, even among the writers them- A: That’s actually a great ques- Shortly afterward, it began col- Take current popular FBI TV Media causing ABC to reduce its episode selves. tion: There are some very good, laborating directly with the me- shows such as “Criminal Minds” order from 13 to 10. An article in the Hollywood Re- and surprisingly simple, reasons dia to develop shows and films and “The Blacklist” — they fea- Q: Will the ABC series “Blood And that’s all it ended up get- porter at the time of the show’s ep- why the Federal Bureau of Inves- that made FBI agents into he- ture characters who constantly & Oil” be back soon, or at all? ting — the show’s 10th episode, isode reduction said the network tigation gets so much attention roes. question (and in the case of “The I’m a big fan of Don Johnson which aired in mid-December, was wanted “more ‘OMG’ moments,” on television. And the story actu- That collaboration led to the Blacklist,” occasionally betray) and loved the series! its last. The producers seemed to while the writers wanted to make ally starts even longer ago than image of the incorruptible G-Man the bureau and its methods. A: Your suspicion about the see that coming, so there was a an “emotional soap.” The conflict “Criminal Minds” (which seems that was popular during director show’s fate was right: “Blood & fair bit of closure provided for the meant that, at one point, the show to have been on forever). J. Edgar Hoover’s day, but that im- Have a question? Email us at Oil” has been canceled. various, tangled plotlines. was operating two separate writ- A 2008 article in the Washing- age wouldn’t last. Eventually, the [emailprotected]. The prime-time soap about oil Though the ratings were disap- ers’ rooms. Of course, anything ton Times traced the history of public wanted, and got, a more Please include your name and barons in a booming North Dakota pointing, this may be one of the would have been workable if the the FBI in the popular media and nuanced — and occasionally town. Personal replies will not be town, a sort of “Dallas” in the rare cases where that wasn’t the ratings had been high enough. said that it first rose to promi- negative — image of the FBI. provided.

MONDAY, APRIL 18 TO FRIDAY, APRIL 22 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 S1 S2 Nature Curious Peg + Cat in Sesame Super Daniel Dinosaur Bob the Thomas Martha Arthur Odd Curious Kratts/(F) Cat/(F) Ready Jet Curious (2) WGBH Cat George Cat the Hat Street WHY! Tiger Train Builder & Friends Speaks Squad George QuizShow Chal. Go! George (7:00) FOX 25 FOX 25 Morning This This The Wendy Williams The Real FABLife Divorce Divorce TMZ Live! The Dr. Oz Show (3) WFXT Morning News News Minute Minute Show Court Court (7:00) CBS This Various Hot Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right WBZ The Young and the Bold- The Talk Dr. Phil Judge Judge (4) WBZ Morning / Marathon Bench News Restless Beautiful Judy Judy (7:00) Good Morning Live! With Kelly and Steve Harvey The View NewsC- Milliona- The Chew General Hospital The Ellen Inside NewsC- (5) WCVB America Michael enter 5 ire? DeGeneres Show Edition enter 5 (7:00) Today Show 7 News Today in Today Show II Today Show III 7 News at Noon Days of Our Lives The Doctors Family Family 7 News 7 News (7) WHDH New England Feud Feud First at 4:30 Paid Paid Crazy Crazy Maury The Jerry Springer The Steve Wilkos Maury The Jerry Springer The Bill Maury (8) WLVI Program Program Talk Talk Show Show Show Cunningham Show Paid Paid Name Name (M) Make a Deal / (M) Price Judge Judy/C. (M) Y & R Judge (M) Bold- (M) The Talk / The Raising Friends Mike & Mike & (9) WSBK Program Program Game Game The People's Court R./Judy Judy Watch Mathis Beautiful People's Court Hope Molly Molly R Maxa's Ask-Old Mexican Martha's Martha Weeknig Lidia's Test Various (F) Ask Various Arthur Nature Curious Curious Cat in Odd (10) WGBX World House Table School Bakes ht Meals Kitchen Kitchen House Cat George George the Hat Squad Nature Curious Daniel Daniel Sesame Peg + Dinosaur Dinosaur Super Thomas Sesame Cat in Curious Curious Arthur/(F) Cat/(F) Ready Jet Odd (14) WENH Cat George Tiger Tiger Street Cat Train Train WHY! & Friends Street the Hat George George Chal. QuizShow Go! Squad Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid The Rachael Ray Cops Cops American King of The Commu- Law & Order: Family Family (18) WZMY Program Program Program Program Program Program Show Dad the Hill Office nity Criminal Intent Feud Feud C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn (8:00) necn Morning necn Today necn Today necn Today necn Today necn Today necn Today necn Today necn Now (23) CNN New Day CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead 200 202 (25) CNBC (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Squawk Alley Fast Money Power Lunch Closing Bell 208 355 (26) MSNBC (6:00) Morning Joe MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart MSNBC Live Andrea Mitchell MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts MSNBC Live MSNBC Live 209 356 (27) FNC (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered Happening Now The Real Story Shepard Smith Your World 205 360 (30) TBS Married Married Queens Queens Queens Queens Clevela. Clevela. Sein. Sein. Friends Friends Various Friends New Girl New Girl Sein. Sein. 204 246 (31) DISC Paid Paid Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various 182 278 (32) TLC The Little Couple Little/(Tu) Willis Little/48Hours/Family (M) Beauty/48 Hours 48Hrs/48Hours/48Hrs Dateline/(Tu) Dateline Dateline/(Tu) Dateline Dateline/(Tu) Dateline Dateline/(Tu) Dateline 183 280 (33) LIFE Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy (M) Movie/Grey's A. 108 252 (34) FREE Gilmore Gilmore Girls 700 Club The 700 Club Movie Last Man Last Man Last Man Reba Reba Reba Reba Middle Middle Middle Movie 180 311 (35) USA Various (M W) NCIS/(Tu F) SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU NCIS/SVU 105 242 (36) A&E You Do? P. Wars P. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S.Wars Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. First 48/(Th) 60 Days The First 48 118 265 (37) TNT Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones Bones Castle / (F) Bones 138 245 (38) AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Stooge Movie (F) Movie Movie (Tu) Movie (M) CallSaul Various Movie CallSaul (F) Movie Movie/ (:40) CallSaul Various 130 254 (39) HIST Various BigRig/Forged/Marvels Various Various Various (Th) Pawn Various (Th) Pawn Various (Th) Pawn Various (Th) Pawn Various (Th) Pawn 120 269 (40) HGTV Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop 112 229 (41) FOOD Paid Program Paid Various Various Various Cupcake Wars Chopped Pioneer Barefoot Kitchen/(F) Chopped Giada Basics Rules Southern 110 231 (43) COM Paid Paid Comedy Nightly Daily S. Saturday Night Live (:45) Saturday Night Live Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various 107 249 (44) FX Various Movies Various Various (M) Movie 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother AngerM. Various 2½Men 2½Men Various 137 248 (45) E! Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe Khloe SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians 114 236 (46) BRAVO Various Various (F) Million Chef/Dallas/Million Various Various Various Various Various Various 129 273 (48) NICK Sponge Machines PAW PAW Mutt&St. Umizoo Guppies PAW Shimmer PAW PAW Machines Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge ALVINNN 170 299 (49) DISN Various PJ Masks Mouse The Lion Sofia1st Stuffins Callie M.Mouse PJ Masks Mouse Sofia 1st Sofia 1st Various Various Various Various Various Underc. 172 290 (50) SYFY Destintn Movie Movie Movie Destintn Movie Movie (W) Movie Various (M) Movie / (W) Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) Movie Various Movie 122 244 (51) OXY Wife Kids Wife Kids Wife Kids Wife Kids WifeKid Wife Kids WifeKid Wife Kids WifeKid Wife Kids Various WifeKid Various WifeKid Various WifeKid Various WifeKid 127 612 (52) MTV (F) Teen Mom 2 Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Buckwild Various Buckwild Various Buckwild Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. 160 331 (53) VH1 J. Foxx J. Foxx J. Foxx J. Foxx Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Various (F) TI Tiny BlckInk/Movie/Family Various (Th) TI Tiny Various Michelle Various Michelle 162 335 (54) SPIKE Paid Program Various Movie Various (M) Cops Various (M) Jail Various Movie Various Movie Police/Bar Res./Gang Various (F) Cops Various (M F) Cops 168 262 (55) HALL G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Home and Family Home and Family Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie 185 312 (56) ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines NFL NFL Live The Jump SportNat Highly? 140 206 (57) ESPN2 (6:00) Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers First Take His & Hers The Jump Re-take 144 209 (58) CSNE (6:00) Toucher & Rich Radio BBaShow Basket. Paid Paid Paid Paid Tire Heinsohn Felger and Mazz Radio 434 623 (59) NESN Update Update TBA/Paid Paid 1stPitch Pregame Baseball Paid Various 1stPitch Various Baseball Various Various Various C. Moore Dining Dining 166 327 (60) CMT Music/(Th) Throw CMT Music Various Movies Pickler Broken S (W) Pickler Cowboys Cheer. Reba Reba Reba Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN Hockey Marathon The Dan Patrick Show Various Various Various Various Live Various Various Saltwat. (F) Rugby 176 296 (62) TOON TeenT. TeenT. Wabbit Looney Looney TomJerry TomJerry Various Movies Uncle Uncle Clarence BareBear TeenT. Gumball Gumball TeenT. 261 422 (63) EWTN Daily Mass Various Various Catalogue Women Rosary Daily Mass J. Home/(F) J. Home Various The Cross Mercy Various Various Various 184 282 (64) TRU (6:00) Paid Program World's Dumbest... World's Dumbest... World's Dumbest... Various HackLife Various HackLife Various HackLife Various Carbon. Various HackLife 139 247 (65) ANPL Bad Dog! Dogs 101 Animal Cops Animal Cops Pit Bull Parolees (M) Parolees/Parole Tanked/Bigft/K9Cops Various Tanked/Bigft/Justice 215 277 (66) TRAV Hotel (F) Hotel Various Various Bizarre Various Bizarre Various Bizarre Various Bizarre Various Bizarre Various ManFood Various 106 301 (68) TVLAND Paid Paid G. Girls G. Girls Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Bonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke 210 350 (69) CSPAN (7:00) Washington Journal (M) Key Capitol Hill Hearings / U.S. House of Representatives (M) House of Represent. / (F) Politics & Public Policy Today 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:10:58 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 11 detective takes on the case of a (1992, Comedy) A lounge singer wit- DISN (49) “Another Cinderella Syfy mother whose child was kidnapped. nesses a murder by her mobster Story” +++ (2008, Comedy) (2h30) boyfriend and hides out in a con- Armed only with a forgotten MP3 12 Monkeys CMT (60) “co*cktail” ++ (1988, vent. (2h) player, a young man searches for his Monday true love. (1h40) Cole (Aaron Stanford) and movies Drama) Intent on making money, a TNT (37) “Terminator Salvation” young hotshot befriends a fast-talk- ++ (2009, Action) A group of survi- 8:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Steel Ramse (Kirk Acevedo) try to 7:00 a.m. FX (44) “Wall Street: ing bartender. (2h30) vors tries to stop machines from Magnolias” +++ (1989, Comedy/ repair their broken friendship Money Never Sleeps” ++ (2010, 11:00 a.m. SYFY (50) “Star Trek: eradicating all of humanity. (2h) Drama) Five women regularly gather while on the run in the sea- Drama) Wall Street traders work First Contact” ++++ (1996, Sci- 6:30 p.m. SYFY (50) “G.I. Joe: at a small-town Louisiana beauty together to alert the financial world Fi) The Enterprise goes back in time Retaliation” ++++ (2013, Action) shop to share stories. (2h30) son premiere of “12 Mon- of the impending doom. (3h) to stop the evil Borg’s quest for uni- The G.I. Joes are forced to contend 9:00 p.m. CMT (60) “Miss keys,” airing Monday, April 9:00 a.m. SYFY (50) “Star Runners” versal domination. (2h30) with threats from within their own Congeniality 2: Armed and 18, on Syfy. Meanwhile, in ++ (2008, Sci-Fi) Smugglers are 1:30 p.m. SYFY (50) “The Fifth government. (2h30) Fabulous” ++ (2005, Comedy) An 2043, Railly (Amanda Schull) given a mission by the government Element” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A cab 8:00 p.m. LIFE (33) “Sister Act 2: FBI agent defies orders and returns to transport goods from a distant driver becomes involved with a mys- Back in the Habit” +++ (1993, to the pageant scene after Miss USA faces an uncertain future planet. (2h) terious woman who holds the key to Comedy) Lounge singer Deloris is kidnapped. (2h30) now that the Twelve control 10:00 a.m. AMC (38) “Con Air” saving Earth. (2h30) returns to the convent to help choral 10:30 p.m. FX (44) “47 Ronin” ++ the Temporal Facility. +++ (1997, Action) A parolee must 5:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “The students save their school. (2h32) (2013, Action) A dispossessed band stop a group of violent convicts who Blind Side” +++ (2009, Sport) An FX (44) “47 Ronin” ++ (2013, of Ronin seek out the help of an have taken over a transport plane. affluent family takes in a homeless Action) A dispossessed band of outcast in order to exact vengeance. Amanda Schull in “12 (2h30) teenager who becomes a star foot- Ronin seek out the help of an out- Monkeys” FX (44) “Freedomland” ++ ball player. (3h) cast in order to exact vengeance. Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies (2006, Drama) An African American 6:00 p.m. LIFE (33) “Sister Act” ++ (2h30) Apr 18, 2016

MONDAY, APRIL 18 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow IndependentLens History's made as Zimbabwe attempts (2) WGBH House America Boston Europe "Omaha (Hour One)" (N) "Detroit, MI (Hour Two)" to draft its first-ever democratic constitution. (N) FOX 25 News at 5 p.m. FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Entertainm- TMZ Gotham "Pinewood" (N) Lucifer "#TeamLucifer" (N) FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 TMZ (3) WFXT ent Tonight News WBZ News WBZ News WBZ News CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Supergirl "Better Angels" Scorpion "Chernobyl, NCIS: Los Angeles WBZ News (:35) Stephen (4) WBZ News Fortune (SF) (N) Intentions" (N) "Granger, O." (N) Colbert NewsCenter NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World NewsCenter Chronicle Dancing With the Stars (N) Castle "Backstabber" (N) NewsCenter (:35) Jimmy (5) WCVB 5 at 5 p.m. 5 5 at 6 p.m. News 5 5 at 11 p.m. Kimmel Live 7 News at 5 7 News at 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly 7 News at 7 Extra The Voice "Live Top 12 Performances" The top 12 artists Blindspot "One Begets 7 News at (:35) Tonight (7) WHDH p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. News p.m. perform in front of the coaches. (N) Technique" (N) 11 p.m. Show Cougar Hot in Everybody The Middle Modern Modern Ex-Girlfriend "Paula Needs Jane the Virgin "Chapter 7 News at 10 on CW56 Family Feud Family Feud (8) WLVI Town Cleveland Loves Ray Family Family to Get Over Josh" (SF) (N) Forty" (N) Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big WBZ Special Boston Marathon "120th" (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory Ready Jet Wild Kratts Curious Curious Ask This Old Amer. Test Midsomer Murders "Shot Shetland Ireland's Lost Babies PBS NewsHour (10) WGBX Go! George George House Kitchen at Dawn" 1/2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow IndependentLens History's made as Zimbabwe attempts (14) WENH House America Boston Europe "Omaha (Hour One)" (N) "Detroit, MI (Hour Two)" to draft its first-ever democratic constitution. (N) NH1 News at 5 p.m. NH1 News NH1 News Family Feud Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Law & Order: Criminal NH1 News Tonight American Cleveland (18) WZMY at 6 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Intent Dad Show C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now The Take Business News The Take News Business necn Tonight necn Tonight necn Tonight (23) CNN The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 200 202 (25) CNBC Fast Money Mad Money Rich Guide Rich Guide Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Rich Guide Rich Guide 208 355 (26) MSNBC MTP Daily With All Due Respect Hardball All in With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All in With Chris Hayes 209 356 (27) FNC The Five Special Report On the Record The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor 205 360 (30) TBS Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Am.Dad (N) Detour (N) Family Guy Family Guy Frontal (N) Conan 204 246 (31) DISC Diesel "Truck vs. Train" Street Outlaws "AlaBAM!" Street Outlaws Street Outlaws: Full (N) Street Outlaws (N) Misfit Garage (N) Street Outlaws 182 278 (32) TLC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Yes Dress Yes Dress Long Lost Family (N) Long Lost Family (N) Long Lost Family (N) Long Lost Family 183 280 (33) LIFE (4:00) The Gabby Dougl... Sister Act ('92, Com) Whoopi Goldberg. Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit ('93, Com) Whoopi Goldberg. The Preacher's Mistress Sarah Lancaster. 108 252 (34) FREE The Middle The Blind Side (2009, Sport) Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock. Steel Magnolias ('89, Com/Dra) Dolly Parton, Sally Field. The 700 Club 180 311 (35) USA NCIS "Chimera" NCIS "Requiem" Modern Fam Modern Fam WWE Monday Night Raw (:05) Chrisley (:35) Chrisley 105 242 (36) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Bates "The Vault" (N) Damien "Abattoir" (N) Bates Motel "The Vault" 118 265 (37) TNT Castle "Last Call" Terminator Salvation ('09, Act) Christian Bale. NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 138 245 (38) AMC (4:40) CallSaul (:40) Call Saul "Bali Ha'i" (:45) Call Saul "Inflatable" (:50) Better Call Saul "Fifi" (:55) Call Saul "Nailed" Call Saul "Klick" (SF) (N) (:05) Talking Saul (N) 130 254 (39) HIST Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People: Blood Swamp People Billion Dollar Wreck (:05) Billion Dollar Wreck 120 269 (40) HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Listed Sisters (N) House (N) House (N) H.Hunt (N) House HGTV Smart Home 112 229 (41) FOOD Pioneer Pioneer Guy's Grocery Games Diners Diners Cupcake Wars (N) Cake Masters (N) Chopped Chopped "Teen Talent" 110 231 (43) COM Archer Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily S. (N) Nightly (N) 107 249 (44) FX Mike&Molly World War Z (2013, Action) Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz, Brad Pitt. 47 Ronin ('13, Act) Hiroyuki Sanada, Keanu Reeves. 47 Ronin ('13, Act) Keanu Reeves. 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News Botched "The Living Doll" Botched I Am Cait E! News 114 236 (46) BRAVO Shahs of Sunset Real Wives Dallas Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm (N) Real Wives Dallas (N) Watch (N) S. Charm 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! ALVINNN!!! Nicky H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Paradise Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Girl World Girl World Liv Maddie Bunk'd Best Friends Girl World Another Cinderella Story (:40) Liv/Mad (:05) Underc. Bunk'd Austin/Ally Girl World 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:00) Abduction ('11, Act) Taylor Lautner. G.I. Joe: Retaliation ('13, Act) Channing Tatum. 12 Monkeys (N) Hunters "Messages" (N) Bitten (N) 122 244 (51) OXY Wife Kids Wife Kids To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced 127 612 (52) MTV 16 and Pregnant Teen Mom 2 "In the Dark" Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 "Iced Out" Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Teen Mom Catfish 160 331 (53) VH1 K. Michelle K. Michelle Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop (N) Black Ink Crew (N) Love and Hip-Hop Black Ink Crew 162 335 (54) SPIKE Cops Jail Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops 168 262 (55) HALL L. House "The Music Box" Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN Horn (N) Interrupt (N) SportsCenter Baseball Tonight (L) MLB Baseball (L) SportsCenter 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportNation Highly? Around Horn Interruption E:60 NFL Live Hey Rookie SportsCenter Special SportsC. SportsC. SportsC. 144 209 (58) CSNE (2:00) Felger & Mazz (L) SportsNet Arbella Early SportsNet Quick Slants Celtics Quick Slants Celtics Quick Slants Tire Sports SportsNet Tire Sports SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN Red Sox NESN Live NESN Live Celeb Spot To Be Announced MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox Sports Sports Sports Sports 166 327 (60) CMT Reba Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Sandra Bullock. Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN Goal Zone NASCAR (:10) FB Talk NHL Live! (L) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs 176 296 (62) TOON Clarence Gumball Powerpuff Teen Titan Bare Bears Gumball King of Hill Bob's Burger Bob's Burger Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN Catholic Bookmark EWTN News Philos.Bench Daily Mass The Journey Home (N) EWTN News Holy Rosary The World Over Scoundrels Women 184 282 (64) TRU World's Dumbest... Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical TruInside (N) Late Night Late Night 139 247 (65) ANPL Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked "Tanks on Tap" Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked! Tanked! Insane Pools DeepEnd (:05) Tanked! 215 277 (66) TRAV Food Paradise Bizarre Foods "Hawaii" Bizarre Foods America BizarreFood BizarreFood Foods "Pennsylvania" Hotel Impossible (N) Bizarre Foods America 106 301 (68) TVLAND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (2:00) U.S. House of Representatives Landmark Cases Key Capitol Hill Hearings 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:11:02 PM

12 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016

Compass” +++ (2007, Fantasy) A a struggle with three witches when Express” +++ (2008, Comedy) A Fox girl is guided by a mysterious com- he visits an enchanted land. (3h) stoner witnesses a murder, dumps pass in the search for her kidnapped 7:30 p.m. AMC (38) “Ocean’s his rare weed and goes on the run Brooklyn Nine-Nine friend. (2h30) Eleven” +++ (2001, Crime Story) due to its rarity. (2h30) Tuesday 5:30 p.m. FX “Twilight” A gang of thieves devise a plan to The Nine-Nine team suspects movies (44) ++ 10:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “Oz the Great (2008, Drama) A teenager yearning rob an underground vault that and Powerful” ++ (2013, Capt. Holt’s (Andre Braugher) 4:00 p.m. DISN (49) “Another for belonging unexpectedly falls in serves three casinos. (2h30) Adventure) A magician is forced into life is in grave danger after a Cinderella Story” +++ (2008, love with a vampire. (2h30) 8:00 p.m. FX (44) “Snow White and a struggle with three witches when surprising turn of events in the Comedy) Armed only with a forgot- 6:15 p.m. COM (43) “Harold and the Huntsman” ++ (2012, Action) he visits an enchanted land. (3h) ten MP3 player, a young man Kumar Escape From Guantanamo The Huntsman who was ordered to VH1 (53) “Waiting to Exhale” season finale of “Brooklyn searches for his true love. (1h40) Bay” ++ (2008, Comedy) Harold kill Snow White ends up becoming ++ (1995, Drama) The story of four Nine-Nine,” airing Tuesday, 4:15 p.m. COM (43) “Harold and and Kumar are suspected of being her mentor and protector. (3h) African-American female friends April 19, on Fox. Andy Samberg Kumar Go to White Castle” +++ terrorists on a flight to Amsterdam. DISN (49) “Spy Kids 3D: Game who lament over their love lives. (2h15) Over” (2003, Family) Juni must and Terry Crews star, while (2004, Comedy) Two roommates ++ (3h) spend a night in New Jersey search- 6:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Harry save the world and his sister when 11:00 p.m. FX (44) “Snow White Dennis Haysbert guest stars as ing for White Castle hamburgers. Potter and the Philosopher’s she gets caught in a virtual reality and the Huntsman” ++ (2012, Holt’s old colleague, FBI Spe- (2h) Stone” ++++ (2001, Fantasy) game. (1h30) Action) The Huntsman who was cial Agent Bob Anderson. 4:30 p.m. AMC (38) “The Hunt for Upon learning that he has magical CMT (60) “Walk the Line” +++ ordered to kill Snow White ends up Red October” +++ (1990, Action) powers, a boy enrolls in a boarding (2005, Biography) The life of country becoming her mentor and protector. A Soviet nuclear submarine captain school for wizards. (3h30) music star Johnny Cash from his (3h) Andy Samberg stars in plans to defect to the U.S. during its 7:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “Oz the Great childhood to marriage to June “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” maiden voyage. (3h) and Powerful” ++ (2013, Carter. (3h30) Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies SYFY (50) “The Golden Adventure) A magician is forced into 8:30 p.m. COM (43) “Pineapple Apr 19, 2016

TUESDAY, APRIL 19 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' 10 Towns that Changed Shakespeare's Tomb (N) Frontline "Children of Point Taken Charlie Rose (2) WGBH House America Boston Europe America (N) Syria" (N) (N) (N) FOX 25 News at 5 p.m. FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Entertainm- TMZ New Girl (N) New Girl Brooklyn 99 The Grinder FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 TMZ (3) WFXT ent Tonight "Helmet" (N) (N) (N) News WBZ News WBZ News WBZ News CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! NCIS "Return to Sender" NCIS: New Orleans Limitless "Finale: Part WBZ News (:35) Stephen (4) WBZ News Fortune (N) "Collateral Damage" (N) One" 1/2 (N) Colbert NewsCenter NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World NewsCenter Chronicle Fresh Off The Real Agents of SHIELD "The Beyond the Tank (N) NewsCenter (:35) Jimmy (5) WCVB 5 at 5 p.m. 5 5 at 6 p.m. News 5 the Boat O'Neals (N) Team" (N) 5 at 11 p.m. Kimmel Live 7 News at 5 7 News at 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly 7 News at 7 Extra The Voice "Live Top 12 Chicago Med "Hearts" (N) Chicago Fire "I Will Be 7 News at (:35) Tonight (7) WHDH p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. News p.m. Eliminations" (N) Walking" (N) 11 p.m. Show Cougar Hot in Everybody The Middle Modern Modern The Flash "Versus Zoom" Containment "Pilot" (P) 7 News at 10 on CW56 Family Feud Family Feud (8) WLVI Town Cleveland Loves Ray Family Family (N) (N) Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big The Walking Dead The Walking Dead WBZ News Seinfeld Seinfeld (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory "Indifference" "Internment" Ready Jet Wild Kratts Curious Curious Ask This Old Amer. Test Call the Midwife Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Classic "Mr. PBS NewsHour (10) WGBX Go! George George House Kitchen "Grantchester" Selfridge" Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' 10 Towns that Changed Shakespeare's Tomb (N) Frontline "Children of Point Taken Charlie Rose (14) WENH House America Boston Europe America (N) Syria" (N) (N) (N) NH1 News at 5 p.m. NH1 News NH1 News Family Feud Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Law & Order: Criminal NH1 News Tonight American Cleveland (18) WZMY at 6 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Intent Dad Show C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now The Take Business News The Take News Business necn Tonight necn Tonight necn Tonight (23) CNN The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront A.Choice "NY Primary" (L) A.Choice "NY Primary" (L) A.Choice "NY Primary" (L) A.Choice "NY Primary" (L) 200 202 (25) CNBC Fast Money Mad Money Rich Guide Rich Guide Shark Tank Shark Tank Rich Guide Rich Guide Shark Tank 208 355 (26) MSNBC MTP Daily With All Due Respect Hardball All in With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All in With Chris Hayes 209 356 (27) FNC The Five Special Report On the Record The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor 205 360 (30) TBS Friends 2/2 Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang Makers (N) Separation Anxiety (N) Conan 204 246 (31) DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest C. "First Timers" Deadliest Catch (N) Deadliest Catch (N) The Last Alaskans (N) D. Catch "Swedish Twins" 182 278 (32) TLC (:05) Dateline NBC (:05) Long Lost Family (:05) Long Lost Family (:05) Jill Jessa Countdown Jill Jessa Count On (N) The Willis Family (N) (:05) Jill Jessa Count On 183 280 (33) LIFE Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms: Chat (N) Dance Moms (N) To Be Announced 108 252 (34) FREE The Middle The Middle The Middle Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone Upon learning that he has magical powers, a boy enrolls in a boar... Stitchers (N) The 700 Club 180 311 (35) USA SVU "Legitimate Rape" SVU "Girl Dishonored" SVU "Traumatic Wound" NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) SVU "Brief Interlude" 105 242 (36) A&E The First 48 "Underworld" The First 48 Storage W. Storage W. Wars Storage W. Storage "Barry's Busts" (N) S. Wars (N) S. Wars (N) Storage W. Storage W. 118 265 (37) TNT Castle "Poof! You're Dead" Castle "Knockdown" Castle "Lucky Stiff" NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 138 245 (38) AMC (4:30) The Hunt for Red October ('90, Act) Sean Connery. Ocean's Eleven ('01, Cri) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. The Night Manager (P) (N) (:20) The Night Manager 130 254 (39) HIST CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars (:05) Forged in Fire (:05) Forged in Fire 120 269 (40) HGTV Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House Hunt. House Good Bones (N) 112 229 (41) FOOD Pioneer Pioneer Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped "Brunch Battle" Chopped (N) Chopped 110 231 (43) COM (4:15) Harold & Kumar ... (:15) Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Pineapple Express ('08, Com) James Franco, Seth Rogen. Daily S. (N) Nightly (N) 107 249 (44) FX Mike&Molly Twilight ('08, Dra) Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Kristen Stewart. Snow White and the Huntsman ('12, Act) Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Stewart. Snow White & the Hunt... 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News Total Divas Total Divas (N) Clippers Dance Squad (N) E! News 114 236 (46) BRAVO Beverly Hills Beverly Hills "Dubai Daze" Beverly "Goodbye Dubai" Beverly Hills Social (N) Beverly Hills (N) Beverly "Reunion Part 1" Watch (N) Beverly Hills 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! ALVINNN!!! Nicky H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Paradise Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Movie (:40) Backstag (:05) Backstag Liv Maddie Jessie K.C. Underc. Spy Kids 3D: Game Over Best Friends K.C. Underc. Bunk'd Austin/Ally Girl World 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:30) The Golden Compass Nicole Kidman. Oz the Great and Powerful ('13, Adv) Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, James Franco. Oz the Great and Powerful James Franco. 122 244 (51) OXY Bad Girls Club Like a Boss Bad Girls Club Bad Girls Club Like a Boss Bad Girls Club Like a Boss 127 612 (52) MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Teen Mom 2 "Iced Out" Teen Mom 2 Awkward. Faking It (N) How High 160 331 (53) VH1 Movie T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop Waiting to Exhale ('95, Dra) Whitney Houston. 162 335 (54) SPIKE Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Mstr "Under Pressure" Ink Master Ink Mstr "Breath Fire" (N) Ink Mstr (N) Ink Master 168 262 (55) HALL Little House "Castoffs" Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN Horn (N) Interrupt (N) SportsCenter Hey Rookie MatchUp SportsC. (N) SportsC. (N) Hey Rookie E:60 SportsCenter 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportNation Highly? Around Horn Interruption SportNation E:60 30 for 30 "Elway to Marino" Hey Rookie Hey Rookie NFL Live 144 209 (58) CSNE (2:00) Felger & Mazz (L) SportsNet Arbella Early SportsNet Arbella Early EPL Soccer Tire Sports SportsNet Tire Sports SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN Red Sox NESN Live First Pitch Pregame MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox Site: Fenway Park (L) Innings Red Sox Fin. Sports Red Sox 166 327 (60) CMT Reba Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Walk the Line The life of country music star Johnny Cash from his childhood to marriage to June Carter. Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN Goal Zone NASCAR (:10) FB Talk NHL Live! (L) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs 176 296 (62) TOON Clarence Gumball Powerpuff Teen Titan Bare Bears Gumball King of Hill Bob's Burger Bob's Burger Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN Super Saints The Choices EWTN News Philos.Bench Daily Mass Angelica "The Our Father" EWTN News Holy Rosary Threshold of Hope Catechism Women 184 282 (64) TRU HackLife HackLife Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical HackLife (N) HackLife HackLife HackLife 139 247 (65) ANPL Finding Bigfoot: XL Finding Bigfoot: XL River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked "American Killers" (:05) Riv Monsters: Unhook 215 277 (66) TRAV Paradise "Steak Paradise" Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods "Wisconsin" Bizarre Foods "San Diego" Bizarre (N) Bizarre (N) Booze Traveler "Brazil" Bizarre Foods America 106 301 (68) TVLAND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (10:00) U.S. House of Representatives Key Capitol Hill Hearings 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:11:07 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 13 assist him on his mission to protect ++ (2002, Comedy) Two cousins +++ (2007, Family) A quarterback’s Bravo the world. (2h30) move in together and work as night- bachelor lifestyle is put on hold FX (44) “Black Hawk Down” ++ time security guards. (2h) when he discovers he has a daugh- The Real Housewives of Wednesday (2001, Action) An elite team of 7:00 p.m. AMC (38) “Jurassic Park” ter. (2h) movies peacekeepers attempt to kidnap a +++ (1993, Sci-Fi) Genetically re- MTV (52) “Next Friday” ++ New York City crime lord’s top lieutenants in created dinosaurs break out of cap- (2000, Comedy) A streetwise man 4:00 p.m. DISN (49) “Spy Kids 3D: Somalia. (3h) tivity and wreak havoc in a theme visits his cousin and his uncle, who Socialites take a bite out of the Big Ap- Game Over” ++ (2003, Family) 5:30 p.m. COM (43) “Pineapple park. (3h) have recently won the lottery. (2h) ple as they all face new beginnings in a Juni must save the world and his sis- Express” +++ (2008, Comedy) A SYFY (50) “Legion” ++ (2010, SPIKE (54) “Law Abiding Citizen” new episode of “The Real Housewives ter when she gets caught in a virtual stoner witnesses a murder, dumps Action) A group of strangers battle +++ (2009, Crime Story) A man reality game. (1h30) his rare weed and goes on the run for humanity when God sends of New York City,” airing Wednesday, wages a deadly war on the justice SYFY (50) “Seven” +++ (1995, due to its rarity. (2h30) angels to bring the Apocalypse. (2h) system after his family’s murderers April 20, on Bravo. This season, both Thriller) Detectives pursue a serial SPIKE (54) “Assault on Precinct 7:30 p.m. FX (44) “Lone Survivor” are set free. (2h30) Bethenny and Ramona are ready to get killer whose crimes embody the 13” ++ (2005, Action) An officer ++++ (2014, Action) Four Navy 9:00 p.m. SYFY (50) “The Final back in the dating game, while Dorinda Bible’s seven deadly sins. (3h) must unite cops and criminals to SEALs are ambushed on a covert Destination” ++ (2009, Horror) protect a precinct that comes under mission to capture or kill a Taliban Death tries to take the lives of teen- and Carole enjoy budding romances. MTV (52) “How High” ++ (2001, assault. (2h30) leader. (2h30) Comedy) Two buddies end up in pos- agers who survived a car crash 6:00 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Freaky 8:00 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “The intended to kill them. (2h) session of a magical weed plant that Friday” ++ (2003, Comedy) An Parent Trap” ++ (1998, Family) CMT “Groundhog Day” enhances their brainpower. (2h) (60) Some of the women of “The Real overworked mother and her daugh- Identical twins mischievously con- +++ (1993, Comedy) (2h30) 4:30 p.m. AMC (38) “The Sorcerer’s ter adapt to each other’s lives when spire to reunite their unhappily Housewives of New York City” Apprentice” ++ (2010, Action) A they switch bodies. (2h) divorced parents. (3h) Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies sorcerer recruits an average man to MTV (52) “Friday After Next” DISN (49) “The Game Plan” Apr 20, 2016

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' Nature "Leave It to Nova "Wild Ways" (N) The Best of Big Blue Live Charlie Rose (N) (2) WGBH House America Boston Europe Beavers" (N) FOX 25 News at 5 p.m. FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Entertainm- TMZ Rosewood "Silkworms y Empire "Time Shall Unfold" FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 TMZ (3) WFXT ent Tonight Silencio" (N) (N) News WBZ News WBZ News WBZ News CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Survivor: Kaoh Rong (N) Criminal Minds "Devil's Crim. Minds: Borders WBZ News (:35) Stephen (4) WBZ News Fortune Backbone" (N) "Citizens of the World" (N) Colbert NewsCenter NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World NewsCenter Chronicle The Middle Goldberg Modern Black-ish Nashville "Didn't Expect It NewsCenter (:35) Jimmy (5) WCVB 5 at 5 p.m. 5 5 at 6 p.m. News 5 "Wingmom" Family to Go Down This Way" (N) 5 at 11 p.m. Kimmel Live 7 News at 5 7 News at 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly 7 News at 7 Extra Heartbeat "The Land of Law & Order: S.V.U. Chicago P.D. "A Night 7 News at (:35) Tonight (7) WHDH p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. News p.m. Normal" (N) "Catfishing Teacher" Owl" 11 p.m. Show Cougar Hot in Everybody The Middle Modern Modern Arrow "Taken" Oliver Supernatural "Beyond the 7 News at 10 on CW56 Family Feud Family Feud (8) WLVI Town Cleveland Loves Ray Family Family needs help battling Darhk. Mat" Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big The Closer "Products of The Closer "Blood Money" WBZ News Seinfeld Seinf'ld "The (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory Discovery" "The Pie" Bookstore" Ready Jet Wild Kratts Curious Curious Ask This Old Amer. Test Doctor Blake "Crossing the Doc Martin "Control-Alt- Castles "Defense of the PBS NewsHour (10) WGBX Go! George George House Kitchen Line" Delete" Realm" (N) Ask This Old BBC News NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction (14) WENH House America "Day 1" (L) "Day 1" (L) "Day 1" (L) "Day 1" (L) "Day 1" (L) "Day 1" (L) NH1 News at 5 p.m. NH1 News NH1 News Family Feud Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Law & Order: Criminal NH1 News Tonight American Cleveland (18) WZMY at 6 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Intent Dad Show C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now The Take Business News The Take News Business necn Tonight necn Tonight necn Tonight (23) CNN The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 200 202 (25) CNBC Fast Money Mad Money Rich Guide Rich Guide Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank 208 355 (26) MSNBC MTP Daily With All Due Respect Hardball All in With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All in With Chris Hayes 209 356 (27) FNC The Five Special Report On the Record The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor 205 360 (30) TBS Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan 204 246 (31) DISC D. Catch "Swedish Twins" Sea Gold "The Gamble" Sea Gold "Pressure" Dredged Up (N) SeaGold "Father's Day" (N) Deadliest Catch Sea Gold "Father's Day" 182 278 (32) TLC Dateline NBC 600-lb Life "Marla's Story" 600-lb "Pauline's Story" My 600-lb Life (N) My 600-lb Life: Now (N) In Million (N) My 600-lb Life: Now 183 280 (33) LIFE Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Women "Media Frenzy" Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (N) TerraFam (N) TerraFam TerraFamily TerraFamily 108 252 (34) FREE The Middle The Middle Freaky Friday ('03, Com) Jamie Lee Curtis. The Parent Trap ('98, Family) Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson, Lindsay Lohan. The 700 Club 180 311 (35) USA NCIS "Nine Lives" NCIS "Road Kill" NCIS "Broken Bird" NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) NCIS: LA "Deadline" 105 242 (36) A&E First 48 "Off the Tracks" The First 48 60 Days In "Fight Face" 60 Days In 60 Days In "Full Inmate" 60 Days In "Pod Drama" 60 Days In "Fight Face" 118 265 (37) TNT Castle "Setup" Pt. 1 of 2 Castle "Countdown" 2/2 NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 138 245 (38) AMC (4:30) The Sorcerer's Apprentice Nicolas Cage. Jurassic Park (1993, Sci-Fi) Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill. Jurassic Park ('93, Sci-Fi) Laura Dern, Sam Neill. 130 254 (39) HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers (:05) Pawn S. (:35) Join/Die (:05) Pawn S. Pawn Stars 120 269 (40) HGTV Property Brothers Property "Melissa and Joe" Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunt. House Property Brothers 112 229 (41) FOOD Pioneer South Heart Diners Diners Diners, Drive-Ins Diners Diners Diners Diners Restaurant: Impossible (N) Diners (N) Myst. Diners 110 231 (43) COM Movie Pineapple Express ('08, Com) James Franco, Seth Rogen. South Park South Park South Park South Park Broad (N) TimeBong Daily S. (N) Nightly (N) 107 249 (44) FX (4:30) Black Hawk Down ('01, Act) Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett. Lone Survivor ('14, Act) Taylor Kitsch, Mark Wahlberg. Americans "The Rat" (N) The Americans "The Rat" 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians Kardash "How to Deal" E! News Kardashians Kardashians Kardashians Kardashians Kardashians Kardashians E! News 114 236 (46) BRAVO Beverly Hills Beverly "Reunion Part 1" The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives (N) Goes Motherhood (N) Watch (N) Housewives 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! ALVINNN!!! Nicky H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Paradise Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Movie K.C. Underc. Best Friends Austin/Ally K.C. Underc. S.Middle The Game Plan ('07, Fam) Dwayne Johnson. K.C. Underc. Bunk'd Austin/Ally Girl World 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:00) Seven ('95, Thril) Morgan Freeman. Legion ('10, Act) Lucas Black, Paul Bettany. The Final Destination ('09, Hor) Bobby Campo. Abduction Taylor Lautner. 122 244 (51) OXY Tia and Tamera Tia and Tamera Quit Your Day Job To Be Announced Quit Your Day Job To Be Announced 127 612 (52) MTV (4:00) How High Friday After Next ('02, Com) Mike Epps, Ice Cube. Next Friday ('00, Com) Mike Epps, Ice Cube. Catfish: The TV Show (N) Friday After Next 160 331 (53) VH1 Love and Hip-Hop: Atlanta Love and Hip-Hop Family Therapy "Secrets" Family Therapy (N) Love and Hip-Hop Family Therapy First Sunday Ice Cube. 162 335 (54) SPIKE Movie Assault on Precinct 13 ('05, Act) Ethan Hawke, Ja Rule. Law Abiding Citizen ('09, Cri) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. Four Brothers Mark Wahlberg. 168 262 (55) HALL Little House "The Wolves" Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN Horn (N) Interrupt (N) SportsCenter MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportNation Highly? Around Horn Interruption SportsCenter Special Sport Science SportsC. SportsC. Hey Rookie Hey Rookie SportsCenter Special 144 209 (58) CSNE (2:00) Felger & Mazz (L) SportsNet Arbella Early SportsNet Arbella Early Quick Slants Men/Blazers Quick Slants Men/Blazers Tire Sports SportsNet Tire Sports SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN In Depth (N) NESN Live First Pitch Pregame MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox Site: Fenway Park (L) Innings Red Sox Fin. Sports Sports 166 327 (60) CMT Reba Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Groundhog Day ('93, Com) Andie MacDowell, Bill Murray. Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN Goal Zone NASCAR (:10) FB Talk NHL Live! (L) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs 176 296 (62) TOON Clarence Gumball Powerpuff Teen Titan Bare Bears Gumball King of Hill Bob's Burger Bob's Burger Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN GParents Convrse EWTN News Philos.Bench Daily Mass Live "Anne Hendershott" EWTN News Holy Rosary Catalogue Vaticano Women Women 184 282 (64) TRU Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbon. (N) Carbonaro TruInside "Bridesmaids" 139 247 (65) ANPL Rug. Justice "Line of Fire" North Woods Law TheHunt "Judgement Day" TheHunt "Deer Detectives" Woods Law "Dirty Habits" North Woods Law (:05) North Woods Law 215 277 (66) TRAV Bizarre Foods Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Exp. Unknown: Extra (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown 106 301 (68) TVLAND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Lopez (N) SoulMan (N) Jim Gaffigan King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (10:00) U.S. House of Representatives Key Capitol Hill Hearings 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:11:11 PM

14 • Gloucester Daily Times • April 16 - 22, 2016

friends must win their city’s dance 7:30 p.m. FX (44) “The Wolverine” infantry to battle giant alien bugs. Fox contest in order to open a recording ++ (2013, Action) An old acquain- (3h) studio. (2h) tance offers to unburden Wolverine 8:30 p.m. AMC (38) “Back to the Bones Thursday 5:30 p.m. FX (44) “X-Men: The Last of his immortality. (2h30) Future II” +++ (1989, Sci-Fi) Two Emily Deschanel and David Bore- movies Stand” ++ (2006, Action) A cure to 7:45 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Mrs. time travelers go back from 2015 to make mutants normal is discovered Doubtfire” +++ (1993, Comedy) 1955 to stop a man from altering anaz star as Temperance Brennan 4:00 p.m. DISN “The Game using the DNA of a very powerful An actor poses as a female house- the future. (2h30) (49) boy. (2h) and Seeley Booth, respectively, in Plan” +++ (2007, Family) A quar- keeper in order to spend time with 9:00 p.m. VH1 (53) “8 Mile” +++ the long-running crime drama terback’s bachelor lifestyle is put on 6:00 p.m. AMC (38) “Back to the his children. (3h15) (2002, Drama) A young rapper in Future” +++ (1985, Comedy) A Detroit struggles with his anger and “Bones,” which airs a new epi- hold when he discovers he has a COM (43) “Step Brothers” ++ daughter. (2h) teenager roars back through time to (2008, Comedy) Two men are reluc- social status through music. (2h30) sode Thursday, April 21, on Fox. 1955, where he meets his parents at 11:00 p.m. AMC (38) “Back to the SYFY (50) “Legion” ++ (2010, a young age. (2h30) tant to give up their pampered life- The Jeffersonian team finds the styles after their parents marry. Future III” +++ (1990, Comedy) A Action) A group of strangers battle SYFY “The Final for humanity when God sends (50) (2h15) time traveller ventures to 1885 to body of a men’s rights organiza- Destination” ++ (2009, Horror) prevent his friend’s murder and pre- tion founder in a car wreck, and angels to bring the Apocalypse. (2h) Death tries to take the lives of teen- 8:00 p.m. NICK (48) “Zookeeper” serve the future. (2h30) 4:30 p.m. FREEFORM “The ++ (2011, Comedy) The animals in they suspect he may have been a (34) agers who survived a car crash 11:30 p.m. FX (44) “The Wolverine” Parent Trap” ++ (1998, Family) the zoo break their code of silence victim of domestic abuse. intended to kill them. (2h) ++ (2013, Action) An old acquain- Identical twins mischievously con- 7:00 p.m. VH1 (53) “First Sunday” to help their zookeeper find love. tance offers to unburden Wolverine spire to reunite their unhappily ++ (2008, Comedy) Two friends are (2h) of his immortality. (2h30) David Boreanaz and Emily divorced parents. (3h15) trapped after they try to rob a SYFY (50) “Starship Troopers” Deschanel star in “Bones” 5:00 p.m. VH1 (53) “You Got church in a bid to solve problems. ++ (1997, Sci-Fi) A group of naïve Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies Served” ++ (2004, Drama) Two (2h) high school students joins a mobile Apr 21, 2016

THURSDAY, APRIL 21 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Rick Steves' This Old Ask This Old Members' Choice Viewers choose their favorite pledge Charlie Rose (N) (2) WGBH House America Boston Europe House (N) House (N) programming. FOX 25 News at 5 p.m. FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Entertainm- TMZ Bones "The Murder of the American Grit "Ice Cubed" FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 TMZ (3) WFXT ent Tonight Meninist" (N) (N) News WBZ News WBZ News WBZ News CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Big Bang The Odd Mom (N) 2 Broke Rush Hour "La Real Estate WBZ News (:35) Stephen (4) WBZ News Fortune Theory (N) Couple (N) Girls (N) Boom" (N) Colbert NewsCenter NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World NewsCenter Chronicle Grey's Anatomy "Trigger Scandal "Till Death Do Us The Catch "The Laragan NewsCenter (:35) Jimmy (5) WCVB 5 at 5 p.m. 5 5 at 6 p.m. News 5 Happy" (N) Part" (N) Gambit" (N) 5 at 11 p.m. Kimmel Live 7 News at 5 7 News at 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly 7 News at 7 Extra Strong "Don't Give Up the The Blacklist (N) Game of Silence 7 News at (:35) Tonight (7) WHDH p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. News p.m. Fight" (N) "Hurricane Gil" (N) 11 p.m. Show Cougar Hot in Everybody The Middle Modern Modern Legends of Tomorrow The 100 "Demons" Jaha 7 News at 10 on CW56 Family Feud Family Feud (8) WLVI Town Cleveland Loves Ray Family Family "Last Refuge" (N) returns to Polis. (N) Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big The Mentalist "Red John's The Mentalist WBZ News Seinf'ld "The Seinf'ld "The (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory Footsteps" "Redemption" Stand-In" Frogger" Ready Jet Wild Kratts Curious Curious Ask This Old Amer. Test Father Brown "The Deadly Miss Fisher's Murder Ireland's Lost Babies PBS NewsHour (10) WGBX Go! George George House Kitchen Seal" Mysteries "Dead Air" Ask This Old BBC News NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction (14) WENH House America "Day 2" (L) "Day 2" (L) "Day 2" (L) "Day 2" (L) "Day 2" (L) "Day 2" (L) NH1 News at 5 p.m. NH1 News NH1 News Family Feud Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Law & Order: Criminal NH1 News Tonight American Cleveland (18) WZMY at 6 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Intent Dad Show C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now The Take Business News The Take News Business necn Tonight necn Tonight necn Tonight (23) CNN The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 The Eighties (N) CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 200 202 (25) CNBC Fast Money Mad Money American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam 208 355 (26) MSNBC MTP Daily With All Due Respect Hardball All in With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All in With Chris Hayes 209 356 (27) FNC The Five Special Report On the Record The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor 205 360 (30) TBS Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. BigBang BigBang 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. Conan 204 246 (31) DISC Naked "Primal Fear" Naked "Surthrive" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked "Lord of the Rats" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid 182 278 (32) TLC Dateline NBC "Ransom" 600-lb "Zsalynn's Story" My 600-lb Life: Now 600lb "Susan's Story" (N) Extreme Weight Loss "David and Rebecca" EM: Weight Loss "Nyla" 183 280 (33) LIFE Runway "Bait and Stitch" Project Runway: All Stars Runway "A Touch of Style" PR All Stars Social (N) Project Runway (N) Runway "State of the Art" Project Runway: All Stars 108 252 (34) FREE (4:30) The Parent Trap ('98, Fam) Dennis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan. (:45) Mrs. Doubtfire An actor poses as a female housekeeper in order to spend time with his children. The 700 Club 180 311 (35) USA SVU "Wrong Is Right" Law&Order: SVU "Legacy" Modern Fam Modern Fam WWE Smackdown! Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam Modern Fam 105 242 (36) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 First 48 "Knock Knock" The First 48 (N) 60 Days "Shakedown" (N) The First 48 "Night Run" 118 265 (37) TNT Castle "Law and Murder" Castle "Slice of Death" NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 138 245 (38) AMC (3:30) National Lampoo... Back to the Future ('85, Com) Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future II ('89, Sci-Fi) Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future III 130 254 (39) HIST Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Join or Die Join or Die Vikings Vikings Join or Die TBA 120 269 (40) HGTV Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House Hunt. House Masters of Flip (N) 112 229 (41) FOOD Pioneer Cooking Chopped Chopped "Family Affair" Chopped Cooks vs. Cons (N) Beat Flay (N) Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay 110 231 (43) COM (:15) Futura (:45) Futura (:15) Futurama Futurama (:45) Step Brothers (2008, Comedy) John C. Reilly, Will Ferrell. Schumer (N) TimeBong Daily S. (N) Nightly (N) 107 249 (44) FX Mike&Molly X-Men: The Last Stand ('06, Act) Patrick Stewart. The Wolverine ('13, Act) Will Yun Lee, Hugh Jackman. Archer (N) Archer Archer Movie 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News LA Clippers Dance Squad The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News 114 236 (46) BRAVO Million Dollar List Million Dollar "Luis 2.0" Million Dollar List Million Dollar List Million Dollar Listing New York (SP) (N) Watch (N) Million Dollar List 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! ALVINNN!!! Nicky H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN (4:00) The Game Plan Bunk'd Jessie Girl World Liv Maddie S.Middle K.C. Underc. Bunk'd Best Friends K.C. Underc. Bunk'd Austin/Ally Girl World 172 290 (50) SYFY (4:00) Legion The Final Destination ('09, Hor) Bobby Campo. Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards. Starship Troopers 2: He... 122 244 (51) OXY Like a Boss To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced 127 612 (52) MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Real World Go Big (N) R. World (N) Ridiculous 160 331 (53) VH1 You Got Served ('04, Dra) Omarion. First Sunday ('08, Com) Katt Williams, Ice Cube. 8 Mile (2002, Drama) Kim Basinger, Brittany Murphy, Eminem. Movie 162 335 (54) SPIKE (4:00) Homefront Jason Statham. Snitch (2013, Action) Jon Bernthal, Susan Sarandon, Dwayne Johnson. Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync (N) Lip Sync Snitch Dwayne Johnson. 168 262 (55) HALL Little House on the Prairie Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN Horn (N) Interrupt (N) SportsCenter SportsC. "Mel & Todd's Mock Draft" (L) SportsCenter Special (N) MatchUp MatchUp SportsCenter 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportNation Highly? Around Horn Interruption Hey Rookie Hey Rookie E:60 SportsC. SportsCenter "Mel & Todd's Mock Draft" NFL Live 144 209 (58) CSNE (2:00) Felger & Mazz (L) SportsNet Arbella Early SportsNet Arbella Early Game 365 On Water Poker After Dark Tire Sports SportsNet Tire Sports SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN Red Sox Fin. NESN Live NESN Live Cannons (N) Breakers (N) Bruins MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox Sports Sports Sports Dining Play 166 327 (60) CMT Reba Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Dude Per (N) Ed Bass (N) Dude Perfect Ed Bass Ed Bass Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN Goal Zone NASCAR (:10) FB Talk NHL Live! (L) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs 176 296 (62) TOON Clarence (N) Gumball (N) Powerpu. TeenT. (N) BareBear (N) Gumball King of Hill Bob's Burger Bob's Burger Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN Savoring Vocation EWTN News Philos.Bench Daily Mass The World Over (L) EWTN News Holy Rosary Father Spitzer's Universe Defend. Life Women 184 282 (64) TRU Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Impractical Jokers (N) Comedy (N) Snack (N) Impractical 139 247 (65) ANPL RivMon "Flesh Ripper" RivMon "American Killers" River Monsters: Unhooked CatchMon "Deadly Seas" (:05) River Monsters (:05) Finding Bigfoot (N) (:05) River Monsters 215 277 (66) TRAV Mysteries/Monument Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mystery Museum (N) Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum 106 301 (68) TVLAND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (10:00) U.S. House of Representatives Key Capitol Hill Hearings 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:11:15 PM

April 16 - 22, 2016 • Gloucester Daily Times • 15

his rare weed and goes on the run with $200, to pay drug dealer Big 8:45 p.m. FREEFORM (34) ABC due to its rarity. (2h30) Worm for marijuana they smoked. “Matilda” ++++ (1996, Family) 8:00 p.m. TNT (37) “I Am Number (2h) A young girl with telekinetic abilities Last Man Standing Four” +++ (2011, Action) An DISN (49) “Wreck-It Ralph” ++ uses her powers against grown-ups. Fridaymovies extraordinary teen must elude an (2012, Animated) A video game vil- (2h15) Mike (Tim Allen) has been enemy who has already killed three lain creates havoc for an arcade 10:30 p.m. TNT (37) “Hellboy II: The working at The Outdoor Man 5:30 p.m. FREEFORM (34) “Mrs. people like him. (2h30) when he decides to become a hero. Golden Army” ++ (2008, for 25 years, so Ed (Hector Eli- Doubtfire” +++ (1993, Comedy) AMC (38) “The Lost World: (1h50) Adventure) Hellboy and his team try An actor poses as a female house- Jurassic Park” +++ (1997, VH1 (53) “Varsity Blues” ++ to save the world from creatures zondo) asks Joe (Jay Leno) and keeper in order to spend time with Adventure) A research group travels (1999, Sport) A Texas high school bent on destruction. (2h30) Chuck (Jonathan Adams) to his children. (3h15) to an island inhabited by dinosaurs football team is led by a back-up VH1 (53) “Cruel Intentions” ++ give speeches at a surprise AMC (38) “Back to the Future to study their behavior. (3h) quarterback and an iconic coach. (1999, Drama) Two step-siblings III” +++ (1990, Comedy) A time FX (44) “Avatar” +++ (2009, (2h30) hatch a cruel plan to mess up the dinner in this season finale of traveller ventures to 1885 to prevent Fantasy) A marine is torn between CMT (60) “The Help” +++ lives of their innocent schoolmates. “Last Man Standing,” airing his friend’s murder and preserve the following orders or protecting a (2011, Drama) Tension and surprises (2h) Friday, April 22, on ABC. Also, future. (2h30) planet he feels is his home. (3h30) abound as three women struggle 11:00 p.m. AMC (38) “Jurassic Park VH1 (53) “8 Mile” +++ (2002, E! (45) “Miss Congeniality” ++ against prejudice in this drama. III” ++ (2001, Sci-Fi) A wealthy Mandy (Molly Ephraim) has a Drama) A young rapper in Detroit (2000, Comedy) A tomboy FBI agent (3h30) couple trick a scientist into visiting plan to save money. struggles with his anger and social goes undercover in a beauty pag- TVLAND (68) “Hot Shots!” +++ an island populated by dinosaurs. status through music. (2h30) eant to prevent a terrorist bombing. (1991, Comedy) A psychologically (2h) Tim Allen stars in “Last Man 7:00 p.m. COM (43) “Pineapple (2h) unbalanced gunfighter is sent on a Standing” Express” +++ (2008, Comedy) A BRAVO (46) “Friday” +++ (1995, mission to destroy nuclear plants. Gloucester Daily Times, MA: Movies stoner witnesses a murder, dumps Comedy) Two friends must come up (2h) Apr 22, 2016

FRIDAY, APRIL 22 C – COMCAST S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV C 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 S1 S2 Ask This Old BBC News PBS NewsHour Greater Basic Black Moone Boy Sing That Members' Choice Viewers choose their favorite pledge Open Studio Charlie Rose (2) WGBH House America Boston (N) Thing (N) programming. (N) (N) FOX 25 News at 5 p.m. FOX 25 News at 6 p.m. Entertainm- TMZ Hell's Kitchen "Five Chefs Hell's Kitchen "3 Chefs FOX 25 News at 10 p.m. FOX 25 TMZ (3) WFXT ent Tonight Compete" Compete" (N) News WBZ News WBZ News WBZ News CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! The Amazing Race "Salt Hawaii Five-0 "Ka Pono Blue Bloods "Worst Case WBZ News (:35) Stephen (4) WBZ News Fortune That Sand" (N) Ku'Oko'a" (N) Scenario" Colbert NewsCenter NewsCenter NewsCenter ABC World NewsCenter Chronicle Last Man Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank (N) 20/20 Interviews and hard- NewsCenter (:35) Jimmy (5) WCVB 5 at 5 p.m. 5 5 at 6 p.m. News 5 Standing (N) hitting investigative reports. 5 at 11 p.m. Kimmel Live 7 News at 5 7 News at 7 News at 6 NBC Nightly 7 News at 7 Extra Caught on Camera "High Grimm "Good to the Bone" Dateline NBC 7 News at (:35) Tonight (7) WHDH p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. News p.m. Drama" (N) (N) 11 p.m. Show Cougar Hot in Everybody The Middle Modern Modern Vamp.Diaries "Somebody Containment "Pilot" 7 News at 10 on CW56 Family Feud Family Feud (8) WLVI Town Cleveland Loves Ray Family Family That I Used to Know" (N) Two and a Two and a 2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big Bones "The Superhero in Bones "The Woman in the WBZ News Seinfeld Seinfeld (9) WSBK Half Men Half Men Girls Girls Bang Theory Bang Theory the Alley" Garden" "The Wife" "The Maid" High School WildK "Stars Curious Curious Ask This Old Amer. Test Washington McLaughlin Greater Point Taken Frontline "Children of Charlie Rose PBS (10) WGBX Quiz Show of the Tides" George George House Kitchen Week (N) Group Boston Syria" (N) NewsHour Ask This Old BBC News NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction NHPTV Spring Auction (14) WENH House America "Day 3" (L) "Day 3" (L) "Day 3" (L) "Day 3" (L) "Day 3" (L) "Day 3" (L) NH1 News at 5 p.m. NH1 News NH1 News Family Feud Family Feud Family Guy Family Guy Law & Order: Criminal NH1 News Tonight American Cleveland (18) WZMY at 6 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Intent Dad Show C ABLE C HANNELS (22) necn necn Now The Take Business News The Take News Business necn Tonight necn Tonight necn Tonight (23) CNN The Situation Room The Situation Room OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain 200 202 (25) CNBC Fast Money Options Mad Money American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam 208 355 (26) MSNBC MTP Daily With All Due Respect Hardball All in With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary 209 356 (27) FNC The Five Special Report On the Record The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor 205 360 (30) TBS Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang The Detour Separation 204 246 (31) DISC Bush "Fight or Flight" Yukon "The Yukon Way" Yukon Men Yukon Men Yukon "The Edge" (N) Yukon "The Final Shot" (N) Yukon Men "The Edge" 182 278 (32) TLC Dateline "Deadly Denial" Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress Yes Dress To Be Announced Say Yes (N) What If Get Married (N) Yes Dress Yes Dress Get Married 183 280 (33) LIFE Atlanta Plastic Atlanta Plastic Atlanta Plastic Atlanta Plastic (N) Atlanta Plastic (N) Mother Daughter Exp. (N) TerraFamily TerraFamily 108 252 (34) FREE The Middle Mrs. Doubtfire (1993, Comedy) Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Robin Williams. (:45) Matilda ('96, Fam) Danny DeVito, Mara Wilson. The 700 Club 180 311 (35) USA Law&O: SVU "Runaway" Law&Order: SVU "Taken" SVU "Educated Guess" SVU "Spiraling Down" SVU "Surrendering Noah" Motive (N) SVU "Theater Tricks" 105 242 (36) A&E The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In 60 Days In "Full Inmate" 60 Days In "Pod Drama" 60 Days In "Shakedown" The First 48 "Bad Love" 118 265 (37) TNT Bones Bones Bones I Am Number Four ('11, Act) Timothy Olyphant, Alex Pettyfer. Hellboy II: The Golden Army 138 245 (38) AMC Movie Back to the Future III ('90, Com) Michael J. Fox. The Lost World: Jurassic Park ('97, Adv) Julianne Moore, Jeff Goldblum. Jurassic Park III 130 254 (39) HIST Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Restoration Million Dollar Genius (:05) Join/Die Pawn Stars 120 269 (40) HGTV Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too (N) Love/List "Baby Boom" (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It House Hunt. House House Hunt. House 112 229 (41) FOOD Chopped Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners (N) Diners Diners Diners 110 231 (43) COM Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Pineapple Express ('08, Com) James Franco, Seth Rogen. Travel Bong Travel Bong TimeBong Time Traveling Bong (N) 107 249 (44) FX (4:30) 2012 (2009, Action) Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, John Cusack. Avatar A marine is torn between following orders or protecting a planet he feels is his home. Oblivion 137 248 (45) E! The Kardashians Kardash "Playing Dirty" E! News Miss Congeniality ('00, Com) Sandra Bullock. Total Divas E! News 114 236 (46) BRAVO Wives "The Biggest Boob" Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Friday ('95, Com) Chris Tucker, Ice Cube. The People's Couch (N) Friday Ice Cube. 129 273 (48) NICK ALVINNN!!! ALVINNN!!! Nicky H.Danger Rufus (2016, Family) School HALO (N) Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends 170 299 (49) DISN Girl World Girl World K.C. Underc. Liv Maddie S.Middle Mako Mer Wreck-It Ralph Jack McBrayer. (:50) Mickey Gravity Falls "Weirdmageddon" (N) 172 290 (50) SYFY Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards. The Warrior's Way ('10, Act) Dong-gun Jang. Wynonna "The Blade" (N) Hunters "Messages" 122 244 (51) OXY (4:00) Next Top Model To Be Announced Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped 127 612 (52) MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous A Haunted House ('13, Com) Marlon Wayans. Carrie Chloë Grace Moretz. 160 331 (53) VH1 Movie 8 Mile (2002, Drama) Kim Basinger, Brittany Murphy, Eminem. Varsity Blues ('99, Spt) Jon Voight, James Van Der Beek. Cruel Intentions 162 335 (54) SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Kimbo Slice: The Truth Bellator MMA Fighters battle for $100,000 and a shot at the title. (N) (:15) Kickbox Bellator (N) 168 262 (55) HALL Little House "The Rivals" Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Home Imp Home Imp The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls 185 312 (56) ESPN Horn (N) Interrupt (N) SportsCenter NBA Countdown (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 140 206 (57) ESPN2 SportNation Highly? Around Horn Interruption NFL Live Sport Science Hey Rookie E:60 NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) 144 209 (58) CSNE (2:00) Felger & Mazz (L) SportsNet Arbella Early SportsNet Arbella Early EPL Soccer Tire Sports SportsNet Tire Sports SportsNet 434 623 (59) NESN Dining Play NESN Live NESN Live C. Moore First Pitch Pregame MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Houston Astros Site: Minute Maid Park (L) Innings Red Sox Fin. 166 327 (60) CMT Reba Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St Last Man St The Help Tension and surprises abound as three women struggle against prejudice in this drama. Reba 151 608 (61) NBCSN (4:00) IRB Rugby Pro FB Talk NHL Live! (L) NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs Overtime Auto Auctions "Kansas City, MO" 176 296 (62) TOON Clarence Gumball Powerpuff Teen Titan Bare Bears Gumball King of Hill Bob's Burger Bob's Burger Cleveland Amer. Dad Family Guy RickMort Family Guy 261 422 (63) EWTN Will of God Goal EWTN News Philos.Bench Daily Mass Life-Rock "Abby Johnson" EWTN News Holy Rosary Church F. Love Amazing Women 184 282 (64) TRU Top Funniest "Goofballs" Funniest "Best Day Ever" Top Funniest Comedy Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro HackLife HackLife 139 247 (65) ANPL Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked! Insane Pools DeepEnd (N) Tanked! (:05) Insane Pools DeepEnd 215 277 (66) TRAV Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum 106 301 (68) TVLAND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Hot Shots! ('91, Com) Charlie Sheen. Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens 210 350 (69) CSPAN (2:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 401 605 FINAL-2 Sat, Apr 9, 2016 7:11:19 PM

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.