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CU Medallion [64837]

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Summary as of 10:30am

Sep 13, 2017, 7:04 PM

Posts like this are despicable, unnecessary, and cowardly. How are you, as a middle-aged man, going to sit here and post about hot young girls, and drool over them like a f r e a k I n g p e r v e r t. This is a F - I N G FOOTBALL forum, not If those girls were my daughters, You'd be seeing me out front of your house with a loaded 44. Posts like this should be banned and those who post this crap should be banned. Clemson folk are supposed to have class and respect others, not discuss how much you'd want to bang a college girls you don't even know anything about... and is a F R E A K I N G K I D! Good gosh almighty man, posts like this and people say the crap p I s s me off.

Keep this forum to football, and quit ******* girls with your eyes. There's my piece.


Ok, jack ###, that was never said. I said that the beat was a west coast beat which reminded me of the good ol' 90's rap. Not that he was a rapper, but that the beat in the song was west coast.

You wouldnt understand though, as you teach school in bum #### SC, dip your copenhagen by the track, yell at kids running too slow, while sticking your hands up cheerleaders skirts.


I don't like you and I can't agree with you.

I am going to be an ### and just straight up say I have had tickets and premier parking passes that I have paid out the mothra for and I haven't seen you once at those games.

Dude you talk so much #### on here and throw weight but I don't buy it.

Just one mans opinion. And don't play that Alum vs. NonAlum. That crap don't fly. I have been IPTAY since 1999. Took all my boat cleaning and waxing and bar tending dollars and put it all into IPTAY. I had season tickets while you were dancing with the ugliest chick in high school.

I call you a ####### fraud and always will. You ############# fraud.


dude your way off, been to around 150 football games in my life

And you wouldn't see me because you don't know what I look like. I don't post personal pictures on the internet. Talking ish? You're the one holding onto a post that's over two years old in response to a troll. So it seems you're the one talking ish. I've never followed you around and saved your posts. Fraud, in what way? This is just a message board not reality. And I don't claim anything I'm not so there is nothing to be a fraud about.

By the way I'm not an alum either. So you failed big time on that one. Also, I was going to games long before you joined IPTAY and joined IPTAY before you.

You're just another troll obsessed with me. If you don't like what I post put me on ignore, or don't read or respond to my posts. You're an adult you shouldn't be so obsessed with a faceless screen name that you're saving the same years old post in some lame attempt at a put down.


Sorry dude, it's highly likely that I'm much stronger than you. Not claiming I'm the strongest person or a bad ###, but I am much stronger than the average American male. I was skinny as a youth, and when I see people from my youth that haven't seen me in years they are surprised by how much muscle I have added over the years. So highly unlikely you could do anything to me if challenged me. Most likely I would just shove you to the ground and tell you take your loss like a man without even punching you.


I've got a nice juicy fart reserved for you. Hahahaha. You can't come up with anything better than that. Hahaha. Your life is so pathetic that you have to hold onto something I posted along time ago half jokingly to a troll threatening violence. Thanks for letting me know how important I am to you and that you have no life outside this message board that you have to save two year old posts from a troll thread. And thanks for exposing yourself as one of the screen name changing trolls on this board. You just couldn't help but expose yourself. Come here for a nice juicy fart


Your very sick person an need help. I feel sorry for your parents. I bet they regret ever giving birth to your sick self


Wow didn't realize there was so many non clemson fans in here. Just a bunch of lameco*cks. Wrong message board girls


No I've recently got rid of Facebook an making some life changes in my life. I know this doesn't have anything to do with football on this comment right here but I'm a recovering alcoholic an addict an trying to find a nice friendly place to talk to good people about football. I'm trying to stay away from the drama an negative things in my life. Anger was a big problem for me. I know I may not should have shared this in here but I'm not ashamed of who I am. Sorry guys an gals now back to football


So, do you know me? Dude, my toenail clippings have more life experience than you. I'm not an Alumni of Clemson. Just a fan since 1983, and I've held season tickets for several years, but have given most of them away to less fortunate people such as yourself. Most of the time, I'm overseas somewhere and cannot attend. You were talking about weight gain, I do not care about how big you think you are, or how fat your old lady is. Nobody pulled your chain, and ask for your opinion you troll. I have more respect for my dip spitter than I have for you, and I spit in my dip spitter.


What the #### did you just ####### say about me, you little #####? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the #### out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ####### words. You think you can get away with saying that #### to me over the Internet? Think again, ######. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ####### dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ### off the face of the continent, you little ####. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ####### tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you ####### idiot. I will #### fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ####### dead, kiddo.


God you sound like a little #####, not surprising that you look like one as well. Maybe when you get halfway to my level you will realize that I can say whatever the **** I like, but I doubt that will ever happen. And even though your face looks like it's spent 9 rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime I doubt you've ever been in a real fight, my guess is the only moves you would know are the "tap" or bloodied gurgle as you slip in and out of consciousness. So let's do this thing, tell me when and where homeslice. I'll ****ing crank your neck back and use that mop that you call a head of hair to wipe your ### after you **** your pants.


Ok, jack ###, that was never said. I said that the beat was a west coast beat which reminded me of the good ol' 90's rap. Not that he was a rapper, but that the beat in the song was west coast.

You wouldnt understand though, as you teach school in bum #### SC, dip your copenhagen by the track, yell at kids running too slow, while sticking your hands up cheerleaders skirts.


When I was a younger man, I went to visit a dear friend, that despite having no familial relationship, I have always referred to as my "Uncle Bob". He had recently moved from my hometown, back to where he had lived originally, a small town in Massachusetts called Pittsfield. The very first day upon my visit he took me to the batting cages in neighboring town Lenox. Rumor was, they had machines that had been tweaked to pitch almost 80 miles per hour. Despite the fact that the "60 mph" cage said practice at your own risk and helmet required, he put me in there with the confidence of a man who had passed this test himself a hundred times with his eyes closed. Pitch after pitch, I swung and miss. The pitches were coming and they were coming fast. As I stepped out of the batting cage to insert another quarter, a much older man walked up and asked if he could give me one suggestion. I remember laughing when he shared with me his wisdom. Before I even stepped back into the cage and as I dropped my quarter he said... "Swing now."


This time I was sitting on my left foot, while drinking and posting from my cellphone, and when I stood up I realized that stories get written in very strange ways. Shhh, be quiet. My left foot is still asleep. He needs the rest. I can't be completely certain where I am right now, but it's comfortable, and I don't think I will be leaving for a while. Lord knows I couldn't walk very far right now, anyways. Which brings me to the story...

Tomorrow is the memorial service. A lot of work has been put in and a lot of love has been shown to the fam. As for me, I have done what I've always done and continued down the path of righteous drunkenness. Tomorrow is quickly impending, but I am more than ready. I've written what needed to be written and I've crossed the eyes and dotted the tees. Wife of is dealing fairly well, fairly well, fare thee well my fairy fay... so I'm getting by.

Turns out though, I've got some feeling, down in this cold broken heart. And there are only so many "bad mother in law" jokes people can take! So instead of making people feel better in the real world, today I decided to make me feel better. (Plus they are off acting happy with family that showed up last minute, to give a dang. Not to complain too much... but they weren't here to clean up vomit or help back from the bathroom or wipe fecal matter off of the cabinets for the past couple years. And that doesn't mean they aren't worthy of their grief. Because they all are worthy of their grief. I'm just being a selfish jerk today.).

But anyways I'm rambling!!! Drinks get dranked, we get by, people pass on, and sings get written! (Yes sings.) As a drunk I have always loved this diddy


It's been a pretty good Friday her in the Lunge. I must admit, that the strange suicide by Paws, really helped jumpstart my day. He was the real hero today. His fake TNet Lounge suicide really helped me forget about the fact that real freaking millionaire, rich, musicians were actually killing themselves this week. I'm thinking his life, while bad, could've been worse. I know that my statement isn't very empathetic. And I know that depression knows no boundaries. Depression sucks!

But come on people... when you got water that tastes bad, but there are actual people dying from thirst, don't take your own life to prove that you have suffered! We all know how bad life can be. We all suffer sometimes! Suicide is not the f*ckkin solution! So now that no one else can kill themselves... what else do y'all have to offer? Any jokes? I'm fatty liver by the way, if it helps.


I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.


Oh and of course I've consumed a fair amount of alcohol along with my innermost thoughts. Now I have no choice but to reveal what the heck is going on. When we exist with just the existing point system we realize that ##### are #####.

Heck, when facebookchildmolesterasshole.cum showed up with his complete azzbag attack against the hero that is Tajh Boyd, the lunge stook together. When TOTE1! got banded, the lunge stook together. #### when shorty handled those balls while hiding the first down marker... we all "came" together! Shorty you saved our season. And by season I mean "salt, pepper, or old bay". Which brings me to my point, The Lounge is a crazybitch!!! Don't be scared about what may happen and always enjoy the ride. We've got Brownell for at least 1 more season. I think we will make it to the tourney next year. Are you with me? Whether you are or not, we are only 1 Shorty away from making it!!!



I share this drunken story because my emotions are similar regarding this Clemson football season. I'm elated to be on this trip. But honestly, I can't believe the football season has already started again and before we know it, we will be a quarter of the way through it. It seems like they are coming faster and faster every year. It's been a good season so far and there is no real way to know how it will end. We might strike out, we might foul tip a few, or we may knock the crap out of it. But with them flying by, my only advice for those that want to enjoy football this year is... "Swing now."

Apologies for not knowing the difference between baseball and football. But I've been drinking! (High wind advisory style.)


If anyone is interested in contacting the owner of this company (Julie Ann Linman-Blalock), call: 806 240 5157 or 810 814 8162 or 810 814 8158 or 910 554 7403. Her service is terrible and she is very unsanitary (cooks out of her 'rental' house) and she books dates then never provides any service. PLEASE be careful with her, she has a long time track record of poor and rude service. Signed - long time relative who has given up on her...


Here's a little story about a prank, that was played against me on Tigernet this past week.

Rewind about 6 months or so: I posted an ad in the "General Boards" forum section of Tigernet with an investment opportunity in a clean energy deal. The company was called Crosswinds Energy, which is a clean and renewable energy deal. As it turns out, my clients cancelled the deal after the elections due to a Trump victory. Anyway, I had provided the details of the investment opportunity to include the point of contact. The point of contact was Chris Finnegan, who is the principle of Crosswinds Energy. His phone number just so happened to be in the ad that I posted, and that came back to bite me later on down the road.

Fast forward to this past week: Someone on here posted an ad in the Ticket section of Tigernet. They posted Chris Finnegan's phone number in the ad claiming that he had several tickets for sale at a $300 price range for Zone 3. I guess there were many people looking for tickets because they called or texted him and he forwarded them to me. Not only that, but the people he rerouted to me shared my number with many others.

So far, I've received 1142 phone calls, 1219 text messages, and 783 voicemails asking for "Natty Tickets". Well folks, it was hilarious up to the point where some drunk guy with indistinguishable drunken English calls my house at 4am asking for "Natty Tickets".

I've been home for a little over a month now from Iraq, and let me tell you I have never had such a horrible time until this past week. I can definitely see the humor in it, and I certainly hope who ever done this wins some sort of Prank Award. On the other hand, I hope it NEVER happens to anyone else. I wouldn't wish this on Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi... I just wouldn't.


I am Travis... I don't know who posted an ad on here, and provided my number, but it's genius. Love the humor in it, but as with all good things, it has to come to an end. Thanks for the laughs.

The phone numbers being provided on the hoax are as follows:






To be clear, you are entitled to your opinions and beliefs

Because 'Murcia. I'll stand up for anyone in that regard.

But if you're in this forum, please post about athletic related topics...or at the very least, say something funny.

If you feel that ######## puckering and just HAVE to discuss your opinion on a political or prejudice based issue, please escort yourself to the politics and religion forum.

You see, that's how this works. You discuss your issues with society in the right context.

A very important thing actually. Because when you just barge in to other people's lives with crap when they aren't wanting it...well you suck as bad as the people you dislike.

You do more harm, than good.

Why, oh why, is this such a hard concept?


You are without doubt one of the most annoying, useless wastes of bandwidth ever seen here. Would you please just shut up and go do something else?

Message was edited by: ryanadidas®

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