Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 16) (2024)

Generation V

Victini: N/A

Snivy: Starter Pokemon

Servine: Evolve Snivy

Serperior: Evolve Servine

Tepig: Starter Pokemon, Event in Pyrous Mountain. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=1s

Pignite: Evolve Tepig

Emboar: Evolve Pignite

Oshawott: Starter Pokemon, event, guide:https://youtu.be/AFSROIp-Mlo

Dewott: Evolve Oshawott

Samurott: Evolve Dewott

Patrat: Opal Ward (Grass)

Watchog: Evolve Patrat

Lillipup: Hide and Seek in Onyx, Obsidia, and Peridot Wards

Herdier: Evolve Lillipup

Stoutland: Evolve Herdier

Purrloin: Alleyways (North Peridot and Lapis Ward)

Liepard: Evolve Purrloin, Lapis Ward Alleyway

Pansage: Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle, Adventurine Forest

Simisage: Evolve Pansage with leaf stone

Pansear: Under Opal Bridge while raining (Event, Rainy Weather Only), Adventurine Forest

Simisear: Evolve with fire stone

Panpour: Event; Either being bullied in Opal Bridge, or running wildly inside an Apartment in West Peridot, Adventurine forest

Simipour: Evolve with water stone

Munna: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass), trade for Bibarel in Peridot Ward

Musharna: Evolve Munna with Moon Stone

Pidove: Obsidia Slums, Peridot Garden (Headbuttable Trees)

Tranquill: Iolla Valley

Unfezant: Evolve Tranquill

Blitzle: Outside the Peridot Gym during a Thunderstorm

Zebstrika: Route 4

Roggenrola: Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Depths ,Iola Valley, buy from 7th street Pokémon dealer

Boldore: Tanzan Depths, Route 2, Route 3

Gigalith: Evolve Boldore with a Linkstone

Woobat: Underground Railnet, Iolla Valley, Ametrine Cave 1F

Swoobat: Evolve Woobat, Caves in Iolla Valley, Ametrine Cave 1F

Drilbur: Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18), Tanzan Cove Hidden Cave

Excadrill: Evolve Drilbur

Audino: Route 1, Chrysolia Forest, Tanzan Cove

Timburr: Reward for beating Circus puzzle

Gurdurr: Evolve Timburr

Conkeldurr: Evolve Gurdurr with Link Stone

Tympole: Breed Palpitoad

Palpitoad: Azurine Island

Seismitoad: Evolve Palpitoad

Throh: Route 2, Pyrous Mountain

Sawk: Route 2, Pyrous Mountain

Sewaddle: Jasper Ward, Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle

Swadloon: Evolve Sewaddle

Leavanny: Evolve Swadloon

Venipede: Byxbysion Wasteland (They jump out of trees)

Whirlipede: Evolve Venipede

Scolipede: Evolve Whirlipede

Cottonee: Route 4 (Day), Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Whimsicott: Evolve Cottonee via sun stone

Petilil: Obsidia Park during a Sunny Day (requires 2 badges and Pokésnax), Iolia Valley (Morning/Day)

Lilligant: Evolve Petilil

Basculin: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod), Adventurine Cave (Good Rod)

Sandile: Tanzan Mountain

Krokorok: Evolve Sandile

Krookodile: Evolve Krokorok

Darumaka: Girl at Apopyhll academy will trade for Luvdisc

Darmanitan: EvolveDarumaka

Maractus: Chrysolia Forest Abandoned train event (Egg)

Dwebble: Route 2

Crustle: Route 2

Scraggy: Obsidia Slums Event. Obtain the Dull Key from the Railnet and start the Event. Finish and you'll receive a Scraggy

Scrafty: Evolve Scraggy

Siglyph: Top of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie

Yamask: Abandoned Powerplant (Shade's Gym)

Confa*grigus: Evolve Yamask

Tirtouga: Beat the grunts that were at the Spinel Museum and the curator will give you the Cover fossil or Plume fossil, get the Cover fossil for Tirtouga

Carracosta: Evolve Tirtouga

Archen: Beat the grunts that were at the Spinel Museum and the curator will give you the Cover fossil or Plume fossil, get the Plume fossil for Archen

Archeops: Evolve Archen

Trubbish: Peridot Garden (Night), Alleways, Obsidia Slums, Byxbysion Wasteland

Garbodor: Evolve Trubbish

Zorua: Hide and Seek in Alleyways

Zoroark: Evolve Zorua

Minccino: Chrysolia Forest

Cinccino: Evolve Minccino with shiny stone

Gothita: Beryl Library Event (Must defeat Corey)

Gothorita: Evolve Gothita

Gothielle: Evolve Gothorita

Solosis: Tanzan Mountain West Puzzle, guide: https://youtu.be/spZPJxo5iPM

Duosion: Evolve Solosis

Reuniclus: Evolve Duosion

Ducklett: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Possible egg in the Obsidia Slums, Iolia Valley

Swanna: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Evolve Ducklett, Iola Valley

Vanillite: Ice Cream Machines in the Obsidia Ward & Spinel Town, buy from 7th street Pokémon Dealer, Ametrine City (Night)

Vanillish: Evolve Vanillite, Ametrine City (Night)

Vanilluxe: Evolve Vanillish

Deerling: Chrysolia Forest (Grass), Route 1

Sawsbuck: Evolve Deerling

Emolga: Jasper Ward, sleeping in front of a tree near the Pokémon Center, (Clear Weather)

Karrablast: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Escavelier: Trade Shelmet for Karrablast in Spinel Town (or use Link Stone)

Shelmet: Azurine Island (Day)

Accelgor: Trade Karrablast for Shelmet in Spinel Town (or use Link Stone), Renovate Azurine Island

Foongus: Azurine Island

Amoongus: Azurine Island

Frillish: Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Jellicent: Evolve from Frillish

Alomomola: Iolia Valley (Fishing)

Joltik: Adventurine Forest Event (Night), Guide: https://youtu.be/maPF0b77R_E

Glavantula: Evolve Joltik

Ferroseed: N/A

Ferrothorn: N/A

Klink: Underground Railnet (Between Strength Rock and Staircase), Abandoned Power Plant (Shade's Gym)

Klang: Underground Railnet, Abandoned Power Plant(Shade's Gym)

Klinklang: Evolve Klang

Tynamo: Peridot Alleyway during a thunderstorm

Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 16) (1)

Eelektrik: Evolve Tynamo

Eelektross:Evolve Eelektrik using Thunderstone

Elgyem: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Beryl Cemetery Cave Event requires Ill Fated Doll

Beheeyem: Evolve Elgyem

Litwick: Bring a Soul Candle to the Subseven Altar, talk & Litwick will appear

Lampent: Evolve Litwick

Chandelure: Evolve Lampent with Dusk Stone

Axew: Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Fraxure: Evolve Axew

Haxorus: Evolve Fraxure

Cubchoo: Cave in front of Shade's gym, Celenstine Mountain, Ameritrine Mountain

Beartic: Celenstine Mountain, Ameritrine Mountain

Cryogonal: Ametrine Mountain

Stunfisk: Apophyll Cave

Mienfoo: Route 3 (Day)

Mienshao: Evolve Mienfoo

Druddigon: Route 3 Caves

Golett: Route 3, Beryl Cemetery Cave Event requires Ill Fated Doll

Golurk: Route 3

Pawniard: Route 4, Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Bisharp: Evolve Pawniard

Bouffalant: Route 1

Rufflet: Route 2

Braviary: Evolve Rufflet

Vullaby: Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Mandibuzz: Evolve Vullaby

Heatmor: Pyrous Mountain Event

Durant: Tanzan Depths

Deino: N/A

Zweilous: N/A

Hydreigon: N/A

Larvesta: Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Volcarona: Evolve Larvesta

Cobalion: N/A

Terrakion: N/A

Virizion: N/A

Tornadus: N/A

Thundurus: N/A

Reshiram: N/A

Zekrom: N/A

Landorus: N/A

Kyurem: N/A

Keldeo: N/A

Meloetta: N/A

Genesect: N/A

Generation VI

Chespin: Choose as starter, Event in 7th Street, Guide: https://youtu.be/8i8RG1OB6lo

Quilladin: Evolve Chespin

Chesnaught: Evolve Quilladin

Fennekin: Choose as starter, Event in the Water Treatment Center, Guide: http://youtu.be/X1YwBt57k3U

Braixen: Evolve Fennekin

Delphox: Evolve Braixen

Froakie: Choose as starter

Frogadier: Evolve Froakie

Greninja: Evolve Fragadier

Bunnelby: Rhodochrine Cave, Beryl Graveyard

Diggersby: Evolve Bunnelby

Fletchling: N/A

Fletchinder: N/A

Talonflame: N/A

Scatterbug: Jasper Ward, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle, Rhodochrine Cave

Spewpa: Evolve Scatterbug

Vivillon: Evolve Spewpa

Litleo: Event in Obsidia Ward, talk to it and chase it down to the Abandoned Railnet, defeat Klinklang and obtain it

Pyroar: Evolve Litleo

Flabebe: Step on a flower in South Aventurine Woods with a Floral Charm, Flabebé appears

Floette: Evolve Flabebe

Florges: Evolve Floette with shiny stone

Skiddo: Route 1 (Day)

Gogoat: Route 1 (Day)

Pancham: Open the locked area in Obsidia Slums with the Dull Key - Obsidia Slums Pancham Playground, Obsida Slums

Pangoro: Evolve Pancham

Furfrou: Chrysolia Forest, Radamous' Maze


Espurr: House guarded by hobo in Peridot ward,Alleways (North Peridot Ward and Lapis Ward)

Meowstic: Evolve Espurr

Honedge: N/A

Doublade: N/A

Aegislash: N/A

Spritzee: Given for completing the puzzle in the Lapis Ward flower shop puzzle.

Aromatisse: Evolve Spritzee with a Linkstone while holding a Satchet

Swirlix: Given for completing the Obsidia Ward candy shop puzzle

Slurpuff: Evolve Swirlix with Linkstone while holding a Sweet Dream

Inkay: Headbutt trees in Byxbysion Wasteland

Malamar: Evolve Inkay by cancelling the evolution, (spam x while it evolves.)

Binacle: Rock Smash (Apophyll Beach)

Barbaracle: Evolve Binacle

Skrelp: Fish in Poisonous water (Azurine Island, Coral Ward, Good Rod)

Dragalge: Evolve Skrelp

Clauncher: Celestine Mountain 2F (Good Rod)

Clawitzer: Evolve Clauncher

Helioptile: Beryl Rooftop (Sunny Weather)

Heliolisk: Evolve Helioptile with a Sun Stone

Tyrunt: Revive Jaw Fossil at the museum in Spinel Town which you get from doing the Order of The Helix Fossil jobs or Circus games, you need a helix fossil to get the jobs

Tyrantum: Evolve Tyrunt

Amoura: Revive the Sail Fossil at the museum in Spinel Town which you get from doing the Order The Helix Fossil jobs or Circus games, you need to get a helix fossil for the jobs

Auorus: Evolve Amaura

Sylveon: Evolve Eevee while max friendship and knowing a Fairy move.

Hawlucha: Route 2 (Morning)

Dedenne: Hidden Cove A.K.A. Tanzan Cove

Carbink: Caves in Iolla Valley

Goomy: Renovate Slums, guide:here

Sliggoo: Evolve Goomy

Goodra: Evolve Sliggoo

Klefki: Spoink quest, guide:https://youtu.be/haZAIG_Az2k

Phantump: Route 4, Random chance of receiving from an egg given by a Police Officer in return for a Growlithe, (1/18)

Trevenant: Evolve Phantump

Pumpkaboo: First find the soul candle by the cave near Shade's power plant and than with it click on one of the pumpkins by the Beryl graveyard. (Night)

Gourgeist: Evolve Pumpkaboo with linkstone

Bergmite: Ametrine Mountain 2F

Avalugg: Evolve Bergmite

Noibat: Underground Railnet, Grand Stairway, Rhodochrine Cave, Pyrous Cave

Noivern: Evolve Noibat

Xerneas: N/A

Yveltal: N/A

Zygarde: N/A

Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 16) (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.