Slow-Cooker Mulled Cider Is Mandatory at Every Holiday Party (2024)

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Christine Gallary

Christine GallaryFood Editor-at-Large

Christine graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France, and she has worked at Cook's Illustrated and She lives in San Francisco and loves teaching cooking classes. Follow her latest culinary escapades on Instagram.


updated Oct 13, 2023


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Slow-Cooker Mulled Cider Is Mandatory at Every Holiday Party (1)

Apple cider, ginger, warm spices, and citrus simmer in a slow cooker to make an easy, fragrant mulled cider. Spiked is optional but highly encouraged.

Makes1 gallonPrep5 minutesCook4 hours

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Slow-Cooker Mulled Cider Is Mandatory at Every Holiday Party (2)

Hot mulled cider is a must-have at all our fall and winter shindigs. It’s a great non-alcoholic drink option for holidays like Thanksgiving — guests of all ages never seem to turn down a mug, but grown-ups can also take the opportunity to do a little self-spiking and mix with their alcohol of choice. Slow-cooker mulled cider is the easiest way to serve a crowd.

A slow cooker does double duty of both mulling the cider and keeping it warm for hours, making it the perfect appliance for this classic cold-weather beverage.

How to Make Mulled Cider

  1. Add the cider. Pour a gallon of fresh apple cider or unfiltered apple juice into a slow cooker.
  2. Add the spices. Add cinnamon sticks, cloves, and optional spices, bundled up in cheesecloth if you want to make it easier to remove later.
  3. Slow cook the cider for 4 hours. Slow cook for 4 hours on LOW. Keep warm and serve in mugs garnished with additional orange slices if desired.

Leftover mulled cider keeps wonderfully, and you can just reheat a mug in the microwave or on the stovetop and enjoy a steaming, fragrant, and soothing cup whenever the mood strikes.

The Right Apple Cider

The most important ingredient for a good mulled apple cider is, of course, the apple cider. Apple cider can mean a few things, but here’s what you’ll need: Fresh apple cider that contains no added sugar or spices (those are sometimes labeled spiced apple cider), or unfiltered apple juice.

Read more: What’s the Difference Between Apple Cider and Apple Juice?

A cloudy cider is the best visual clue you’re buying the right beverage. It should come from the refrigerator section at the store. We’re not using hard (alcoholic) cider here, the sparkling clear stuff from Martinelli’s, nor apple juice. Apple juice tends to be sweetened and lacks all the deep flavor of fresh-pressed apple juice.

If you’re lucky enough to find local, unpasteurized apple cider, grab it. (You can even freeze it!) Your mulled cider will be more complex and earthier than any pasteurized version. If you’re worried about food safety, the slow cooker will basically pasteurize the cider as it cooks.

Spicing (and Spiking) Your Cider

Once you’ve got the right kind of cider, it’s time to choose your spices. You can use a whole range of sweet spices, but the most basic combination is:

  • Spicy fresh ginger
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves

Feel free to add star anise, black peppercorns, or allspice berries to make this cider your own. While the mulled cider may look pretty with all the spices floating on top, those little bits of spices do make it less pleasant to sip. To avoid getting bits of spices in every sip, tie up the spices in a little sachet made of cheesecloth or a coffee filter, or use a large tea ball instead.

Apple cider is plenty sweet on its own, so I don’t add any sugar when I mull. I do however, like to add a whole sliced orange. Not only are the slices really festive-looking on top, but the fragrant orange peel and the juice really complement the apple and spice flavors.

Set out bottles of rye whiskey, rum, or bourbon next to the slow cooker for those would like a spiked drink.


Slow-Cooker Mulled Cider Recipe

Apple cider, ginger, warm spices, and citrus simmer in a slow cooker to make an easy, fragrant mulled cider. Spiked is optional but highly encouraged.

Prep time 5 minutes

Cook time 4 hours

Makes 1 gallon

Nutritional Info


  • 1 gallon

    fresh apple cider or unfiltered apple juice

  • 1

    medium orange

  • 1 (1 1/2-inch) piece

    fresh ginger

  • 5

    (3-inch) cinnamon sticks

  • 1 tablespoon

    whole cloves

  • Orange slices, for serving (optional)


  • 5-quart or larger slow cooker

  • Measuring spoons

  • Knife

  • Cutting board

  • Cheesecloth or paper coffee filter and kitchen twine, or a tea ball (optional)


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  1. Fill the slow cooker. Pour 1 gallon apple cider or unfiltered juice into a 5-quart or larger slow cooker.

  2. Add the fresh ingredients. Cut 1 medium orange into 1/4-inch-thick rounds. Cut 1 1/2 inches ginger crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Add both to the slow cooker.

  3. Add the spices. Add 5 (3-inch) cinnamon sticks, 1 tablespoon whole cloves, and optional spices. To make it easier to serve, place the cloves and spices in a tea ball first, or place in a double layer of cheesecloth or paper coffee filter, gather it up into a sachet, and tie closed with kitchen twine.

  4. Slow cook the cider for 4 hours. Cover the slow cooker and cook until the flavors meld, 4 hours on LOW. (If there are clumps of spices floating at the top that you wish to remove, strain the cider through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a large pot.) Keep warm and serve in mugs garnished with more orange slices if desired.

Recipe Notes

Apple cider: Buy fresh apple cider or unfiltered apple juice for the best flavor. Do not use sparkling cider, spiced cider, hard cider, or clear apple juice.

Optional add-in spices: You can add any combination of the following spices to make a more complex-tasting cider: 4 star anise pods, 1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns, or 1/2 teaspoon whole allspice berries.

Storage: Leftover cider can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Stovetop directions: This recipe is designed for the slow cooker, but you can also simmer the cider covered over low heat on the stovetop for about 1 hour.

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Slow-Cooker Mulled Cider Is Mandatory at Every Holiday Party (2024)


How do you serve hot cider at a party? ›

Heat the apple cider, pour it into a thermal insulated beverage dispenser to keep it hot and invite guests to serve themselves. Once they pour their cider you add: 1 Tb Brown Sugar Cinnamon Syrup per 8oz of apple cider {or you can purchase the actual Cinnamon Dolce from Starbucks for more $} Top with whipped cream.

How long can you keep mulled cider? ›

If I'm leaving the Mulled Cider to keep warm in the slow cooker and serving straight from there to the glasses in front of guests, I like to add a few slices of apple for added interest. Leftover Mulled Cider can be stored in the fridge for upto 3 days.

What does mulled cider mean? ›

What Does Mulled Cider Mean? Mulled Cider is typically a sweet cider heated with spices and citrus fruits. Mulled means to heat, sweeten, and flavor (a beverage like cider or wine) with spices.

What is the difference between mulled cider and regular cider? ›

What is the difference between apple cider and mulled apple cider? Apple cider is the juice pressed out of apples, and mulled apple cider is cider that has been infused with warm spices, like cinnamon, cloves, and star anise.

How do you serve mulled wine at a party? ›

Right Temperature: Serve mulled wine warm, but not too hot. Aim for a temperature that's comfortable to sip, similar to a warm cup of tea. Appropriate Glassware: Use heat-resistant glasses or mugs. Traditional glass wine goblets might crack with the heat, so opt for thicker, sturdier glasses or even festive mugs.

What is a beverage of hot mulled cider called? ›

Wassail is a hot, mulled punch often associated with Yuletide, often drunk from a 'wassail bowl'. The earliest versions were warmed mead into which roasted crab apples were dropped and burst to create a drink called 'lambswool' drunk on Lammas day, still known in Shakespeare's time.

What's the best cider for mulled cider? ›

A strong apple flavour is a must, and the sweeter the apple, the better! With more sugar, the cider will be better-balanced and richer once you add the spices. Organic ciders are not made with apple concentrate or additives and therefore the flavours are intense and balanced.

Does alcohol burn off in mulled cider? ›

But fear not, hot cider, hot toddy, and mulled wine lovers: Around 85 percent of your beloved alcohol will survive the heating process. The U.S. Department of Agriculture did a study in 2007 that nailed down the numbers with the magic of the scientific method.

Can mulled cider be reheated? ›

Yes, you can! The fruit doesn't keep as well, so strain the cider first, then store the liquid in an airtight container in the fridge. Reheat it in a pot on the stove. It'll last for about three days in the fridge.

Is Mulled Cider good for you? ›

Mulled cider is not just a delicious, comforting fall beverage, but also a nutritional powerhouse. It's rich in vitamin C from apple juice and citrus, supporting a robust immune system and fending off illnesses.

What to serve with Mulled Cider? ›

The Ultimate Food & Cider Pairing Guide
  • Squeeze. Tomato Based Dishes, Spinach Salad. ...
  • Raspberry. Sweets, Chocolates. ...
  • Berries. Soft Cheese, Crackers. ...
  • Caramel Apple. Apple Slices, Ice Cream. ...
  • Cranberry Orange. Grilled Meat, Pecan Pie. ...
  • Original. Nuts, Sharp Cheese, Grilled Brats. ...
  • Porch Sittin' Cinnamon. Donuts, Pear Slices.
Aug 5, 2022

How much alcohol is in Mulled Cider? ›

Mulled Cider, ABV 6.5% before heating! Our Mulled Cider is a mix of cider, sugar and spices and should be served piping hot. Some may wish to sweeten it further to taste. Chase away those winter sniffs and snuffles.

Why is my mulled cider bitter? ›

Alcohol (some honey varieties, some fruits, and some adjuncts) can add bitterness. Bitterness balances sweetness. Low sweetness in the presence of higher alcohol will make the cider seem bitter. High sweetness and low alcohol will make the cider seem cloying.

What are the 4 types of cider? ›

“Crossover” Apples

In the French system, juice with high sugar and low acid and tannin receives its own category. The French cider groups are: sweet, bittersweet, bitter, and acidic.

Why do Americans call it hard cider? ›

In a 1739 dictionary, hard was defined as rough and rugged, a further refinement of the usage in the 16th century sharing much of the same sentiment. In the early 1800s, Webster's Dictionary actually used the word hard used to describe booze as acidic, sour, and austere. The use of the term is “the cider is hard”.

How is apple cider supposed to be served? ›

Apple cider can be made into a fermented, alcoholic beverage called cider or hard cider. It can be consumed chilled, hot or at room temperature. For a warm-you-to-your-toes libation, try this make-ahead Slow Cooker Hard Cider (as a bonus, it makes your place smell amazing).

How do you serve hot drinks at a party? ›

A pot on the stove with a ladle is the most basic service; the simmering beverage will perfume the whole house and will draw crowds into the kitchen. At large gatherings and buffets, a thermal carafe will keep drinks toasty warm for the entire evening.

What is the best way to serve cider? ›

Pour cider like wine! Good, orchard based ciders are not beer alternatives and have too much alcohol for pint-sized single servings. And while good cider should taste good in any type of glass, we always recommend a wine glass if you have one.

What do you serve with hot cider? ›

Hot Spiked Cider Pairings
  • Apple Pie or Apple Crisp. ...
  • Cheddar Cheese and Crackers. ...
  • Cinnamon-Sugar Donuts. ...
  • Sausage and Sage Stuffing. ...
  • Pumpkin or Butternut Squash Soup. ...
  • Caramel Popcorn. ...
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. ...
  • Spiced Nuts.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.