Sticker Guide (Episode 19) (2024)

I've updated this guide to be more spoiler-safe for any new players coming here. Each sticker will be in its own spoiler section, which will be labeled according to which gym leader fight it is available for. If you're new to the game and want to avoid spoilers, I suggest you don't open them until you'rejust about to fight the gym leader listed. For example: if you just beat the 2nd gym leader and open the "available before the 3rd gym leader" section, you'll get spoiled on what happens in between those two gym fights.

NOTE: Stickers listed in this color were available prior to episode 13 but were reset. If your save file predates episode 13 and you're just now coming back to the game, go back to the NPCs that gave you them and get them again.

#1. Available


Obsidia Ward

I'm not even going to put this one in a spoiler because there's nothing to spoil. It's impossible to miss: When going into the Department Store for the first time, talk to either the woman in the elevator or the woman next to the right counter. They give you your first sticker free as a promotion. The only spoiler to be had here is that there's a department store in this game, which you already knew since you clicked on this guide. If you come hereafter the episode 13 reset, then it's given silently, being recognized in the game's code but not told to you in text.

#2. Available before the 3rd gym leader


Jasper/Peridot Ward

After beating the PULSE Tangrowth that was attacking Jasper, go to the only building in the ward where you could use the elevator (it wouldn't work prior to beating the Tangrowth). Go up in it and rescue the girl who was stuckthere. She'll tell you that she's going to her friend's house in the Peridot Ward and will leave. Go to the house and pick up the sticker from her friend.



If you missed this sticker before the city's restoration, you can still get it. You'll find the same girl the same (now restored) building, and she'll recognize you as the trainer that helped save Jasper and did so much to restore the city. You still saved her, if indirectly, so she gives you the sticker as thanks.

#3. Also available before the 3rd gym leader


Lapis/Beryl/Jasper Ward

In a house in Lapis Ward, there's a woman freaking out about her lost son. After you talk to her, go to the Abandoned Power Plant (the one east of Beryl Ward, with a gym sign in front). You'll find the boy,who's been abducted by a Drifloon. KO or catch the Drifloon (preferably catch, as it's the only one you'll be able to get for a LONG time), and he'll leave for his home. Go back and talk to the Mom, and she'll tell you that her son still hasn't returned. Go back to the Jasper ward to find him being attacked by Venipedes, save him again and he'll actually go home this time. Once he's safethe mom will give you the sticker.

Note: You don't actually have to return to the mom after fighting Drifloon. You cango straight to where the Venipedes are and save the kid again.



If you missed this sticker before the city's restoration, you can still get it. Go to the woman's house and her son will already be there. Instead of sending you on a quest, the lady will recognize you as the famous guy from TV and give you the sticker as thanks for helping out the city. No mention of her son ever having gone missing... I guess someone else saved him? But then she'd have given the sticker to that person... Maybe that person never showed up to the house?

# 4. Available before the 5thgym leader


Apophyl Academy

In one of the dorm rooms to the side of the arena, there's a girl complaining about not having a TV. Talk to her and she'll request that you get her one. There is a TV elsewhere in the academyand you must take that one. A TV from anywhere else in the game won't work. Interact with it and the game will prompt youto steal it, but first you'll have to battle a girl trying to protect it.Kick her butt and take it back to the first girl. She'll give you your sticker.

# 5. Available before the 6th gym leader


Obsidia Ward/Underground Railnet (also the TM for Flash)

In the room where you and the orphan gang ride the train to bust through the rubble, you'll probably notice a big red-outlined barricade with a switch on the other side. What you gotta do is go through the whole train escape sequence and later return to where the train started. A new path will be open which will take you to a discolored part of the wall. If you haven't figured this out by now, the discolorationmeans you can use Rock Smash to open it up. It takes you through a narrow hallway that ends up on the other side of that barricade (you can press the switch to keep it open). The next room is dark, but the TM for Flash is in there.Go all the way down the stairs and search the walls. There are two Rock Smash spots, and one of them has the Flash TM (the other has the Cave field notes). Now that you can finally see go back up the stairs and you'll find a dude blocked by some rubble. Free him with Rock Smash and he'll return to thePokemon Center in Obsidia Ward(the one next to the day care). Go talk to him there and he'll give you a sticker as thanks.



Post-reconstruction, the guy will still be in that spot until you gather everyone in the Grand Hall and they go to raid fake-Devon. After that he disappears for some reason, and to get the sticker you'll have to fund the Railnet Reconstruction (meaning you'll have to defeat Adrienn). Once you fund it, the guy will show up in the Obsidia Ward Pokecenter. He mentions that he was found by the restoration crew, so by funding the restoration you indirectly saved him. He gives you the sticker as thanks. Also strangely enough his girlfriend is gone, even though she was there right up to the moment you funded the Railnet. Did she... commit Corey? Right before her boyfriend was found? How ironic.

# 6. Available before the 7th gym leader


Spinel Town/Chrysolia Forest

(People have reported this one being... inconsistent in episode 18. It's supposedly more consistent in episode 19. It used to have to be a clear day, but now it can be any weather.)

Even though you can start this quest as soon as you reach Spinel town, you need to have beaten Serra to finish it. In Spinel Town, there's a woman in a green dress sitting on a bench in front of the Pokemon Center. Stand directly in front of her and talk to her, She'll say something about how the town used to be peaceful or something. Walk directly south, and she should disappear. Go into the forest and you'll find her with a broken leg. Now, you need to give her medicine from the Pokemart, the same kind you give Anna to progress the story. Give her the medicine and she'll return to where she was originally. Go meet her there for a sticker.

# 7. Available before the 8th gym leader


Route 1/South Adventurine Woods

In the nature center on Route 1, there's a scientist who's lost his glasses. You'll find them in the South Adventurine Woods, bring them back to him for a sticker. You'll need to use the honey mechanic to get through the woods, so in case you haven't figured out how to use it: get some honey from the weird dude in the north woods if you don't already have some, slather it on one of the special trees nearby a log or cobweb, leave and return later to find a Heracross and Pinsir fighting over it. Fight and defeat one and the other will help you out: Heracross will destroy cobwebs and Pinsir will destroy logs.

# 8. Available before the 10th gym leader


Agate Circus

In the building that borders Agate Circus to Route 2, there's a kid who says his parents are dead and gives you a series of tasks. Won't spoil the sidequest for you, because it's hilarious. Just do what he says and you'll get a sticker at the end. However, since you're locked out of most of the game at this point, including the department store, you won't actually be able to use the thing until you return.

# 9. Available before the 12th gym leader


Ametrine City
In the house next to the Pokemon Center, there's a guy who claims to be in charge of Reborn's online servers or something like that. He says there's a virus infecting the system that's too powerful for him to take down and needs you to bust it, Megaman.EXE style. When you're ready, interact withthe computer he's in front of. You'll fight 3 Missingnos in a row on the glitch field, and when you beat them all he gives you a sticker. Like the last one, you're gonna have to wait until later in the game until you can use it.

# 10. Available before the 17th gym leader


Agate City

In the house next to the Pokemon Center you'll find a woman who recently moved inand has discoveredthe placewas being used by Team Meteor. The computer is password protected, and since you acquired a Team Meteor ID card earlier in the story, she asks you for help in figuring it out. You have to go back to the secret hideout in north Obsidia Ward (the one where Lin killed Ame) and use the card on the terminal next to the entrance (the one you used to save your friends). It'll unlock a secret room with a puzzle, and... oh boy, this puzzle. It's infamous. It's presumably the one Marcello was talking about when he said he had to writea program just to solve it, and said program took 5 million "moves" to succeed. Unless you REALLY wanna do it yourself, just refer to this video for the solution. When you solve it, you're awarded with the code, as well as three really high-tier items: the TM for Thunderbolt, the Darkinium Z, and the Gardevoirite. Give the code to the woman back at Agate and it'll unlock a secret room in the house containing a bit of lore and a fourth extra reward: the Manectite. Finally, the woman will give you the real reward of the whole quest: you guessed it, a sticker.

# 11. Available before the final gym leader


Labradorra City

At some point during the raid you can enter a building with a machine that asks for a 4-digit password. After beating the PULSE Clawitzer, on your way back you'll see that some of the monitors display numbers now: 2, 3, 6, and 8. If you input "2368", you do get something, but it's just a... uh... okay I forgot exactly what it was, but it has nothing to do with the sticker. So what is the actualcode? Well if you go back to the room with the numbers you'll see that they're different colors. Elsewhere in the same room you can see four more monitors that display blue, green, purple, and red, in that order. The numbers in the orderthat correspondto those colors, is therealcode. Input it and you'll get a free level 75 always-female Sylveon that comes with Heal Bell and Wish. She's holding a special item, a collar that doesn't appear to do anything. This is definitely the most obscure of all the sticker quests: Its item description is actually an address in Jasper Ward. It points to an apartment building, and you have to go talk to the receptionist. She'll give the usual speech about how you're not allowed in, notice the collar, and let you go up the stairs. The apartmentin question is on the 2nd floor, but you can go all the way up to the top floor to grab the Fairium Z. All the apartments but the relevant one are locked though. Inside that apartment you'll meet a talking Gardevoir and her owner (no not Gossip Gardevoir, adifferenttalking Gardevoir) who'll give you a whole-ass tragic backstory for that Specific Sylveon. When it's over you get the final sticker.

And for those of you who want to know what's sold on which floors, because you're too lazy to find out yourself:

Floor 1: Low-Tier General Needs, Medicine (also the entrance/exit)

Low-Tier General Needs
Poke Ball........................................$200
Escape Rope................................$550
Common Candy............................$150

Burn Heal......................................$250
Paralyze Heal...................................$200
Ice Heal.........................................$250

Floor 2: Berries, Friendship Berries

Oran Berry...................................$200
Cheri Berry..................................$400
Pecha Berry................................$400
Rawst Berry................................$400
Chesto Berry...............................$400
Aspear Berry...............................$400
Persim Berry...............................$400
When you gain access to Route 1, you want to stock up on Oran Berries. If you feed them to the Miltanks standing around, they give you Moomoo Milks. You're essentially paying 40% the normal price.

Friendship Berries
Pomeg Berry...........................$500
Kelpsy Berry............................$500
Qualot Berry............................$500
Tamato Berry..........................$500
Hondew Berry..........................$500
Grepa Berry.............................$500

Gen 7 gave battle items a buff and now they're actually really good. So of course Ame moved them all the way back to floor 8 because she's an asshole.

Floor 3: Niche Items 1, Prolonging Items

Niche Items 1
Sticky Barb..................................$600
Lagging Tail.................................$200
Iron Ball.......................................$1000
Binding Band...............................$1700
Float Stone..................................$400
Eject Button.................................$1800
Red Card.....................................$1800
Ring Target..................................$200
You pre-episode 13 players may be asking, what happened to the "Specialized Balls" section? They have their own store now called Critical Capture. It's on Obsidia's main street, and it's pretty hard to miss because of the big Pokeball on the front.

Prolonging Items
Heat Rock...................................$200
Icy Rock......................................$200
Smooth Rock..............................$200
Damp Rock.................................$200
Grip Claw....................................$200
Light Clay....................................$200
This stuff is cheap, but most it can also be found pretty easily via mining for free. It's your choice- spend the small amount of money, or spend the slightly larger amount of effort to find it yourself. Except for the Grip Claw. If you want that, you have to buy it.

Floor 4: Consumable Items, Special 1

Consumable Items
Air Balloon.................................$400
White Herb................................$1000
Mental Herb...............................$1000
Power Herb...............................$1000
Absorb Bulb..............................$1200
Cell batteries used to be sold here but now they aren't, hmmm I wonder why? Before you explain why in the comments, I know. I'm being sarcastic.

Special 1
Smoke Ball.................................$2150
Destiny Knot...............................$8000
Power Weight............................$15000
Power Bracer.............................$15000
Power Belt.................................$15000
Power Anklet..............................$15000
Power Lens...............................$15000
Power Band...............................$15000
TM 48 (Round)...........................$9000
The Power items got a HUUUUUGE buff in episode 19, making the vitamins even more pointless than they've ever been. This might be the most important floor in the Department Store just because of the Power items.

Floor 5: Mid Tier General Needs, Vitamins

Mid-Tier General Needs

Great Ball....................................$600

Super Potion...............................$700
Super Repel................................$700
Full Heal......................................$600
Poke Doll.....................................$1000
I suggest you pick up a Poke Doll as soon as you can reach this floor. Later on, you'll need it for a sticker, and at that point you'll be stuck in an area where Poke Dolls are a lot harder to come by.

HP Up.......................................$9800
Don't buy these, seriously. In the floor below, you can buy Power Items, which make these obsolete. Buy a Power Weight, equip it to your Pokemon, and beat one wild Grimer. Congrats, you've just done the same thing as three, count them THREEHP Ups. Sure, it cost you more money, but now you can do it again and again as many times as you want, while HP Ups disappearafter one use.

Floor 6: Type Berries

Type Berries 1
Kebia Berry (Poison)...............$1200
Shuca Berry (Ground).............$1200
Coba Berry (Flying).................$1200
Haban Berry (Dragon).............$1200
Kasib Berry (Ghost).................$1200
Colbur Berry (Dark).................$1200
Babiri Berry (Steel)..................$1200
Chilan Berry (Normal).............$1200

Roseli Berry (Fairy).................$1200
There are so many type berries, they had to be split up between two counters. Therefore, there is an entire floor dedicated to them. Same with Type Gems.

Type Berries 2
Occa Berry (Fire)....................$1200
Passho Berry (Water).............$1200
Wacan Berry (Electric)...........$1200
Rindo Berry (Grass)................$1200
Yache Berry (Ice)....................$1200
Payapa Berry (Psychic)..........$1200
Tanga Berry (Bug)...................$1200
Charti Berry (Rock).................$1200
Chople Berry (Fighting)...........$1200

Floor 7: Type Gems

Type Gems 1
Psychic Gem...........................$1200
Bug Gem..................................$1200
Rock Gem...............................$1200
Ghost Gem..............................$1200
Dark Gem................................$1200
Dragon Gem............................$1200
Steel Gem...............................$1200
Ice Gem..................................$1200

Fairy Gem...............................$1200
Funny story about the Fairy Gem, it actually exists in the coding of the official games,but is never obtainable because Gamefreak seems to have ditched the gems in generallike they did megas, Z-moves, and probably every "generational gimmick" they've ever made.

Type Gems 2
Fire Gem..................................$1200
Water Gem..............................$1200
Normal Gem............................$1200
Grass Gem..............................$1200
Electric Gem............................$1200
Poison Gem.............................$1200
Ground Gem............................$1200
Fighting Gem...........................$1200
Flying Gem..............................$1200

Floor 8: Battle Items, Niche Items 2

Battle Items

X Attack.................................$500

X Defend................................$550

X Sp. Atk...............................$350

X Speed.................................$350

X Sp. Def...............................$350

Guard Spec...........................$700

X Accuracy...........................$950

Dire Hit.................................$650

Niche Items 2
Big Root..................................$1200
Focus Band............................$2500
Zoom Lens..............................$1200
Scope Lens............................$2200
Quick Claw.............................$1800

Floor 9: Evolution Stones, Special 2

Evolution Stones
Fire Stone...............................$2100
Water Stone...........................$2100
Leaf Stone..............................$2100
Thunder Stone........................$2100
Moon Stone.............................$2100
Sun Stone...............................$2100
Dusk Stone.............................$2100
Dawn Stone............................$2100
Shiny Stone............................$2100
Don't panic that Link and Ice Stone aren't here, they're on thecounter for some reason.

Special 2
Link Stone..............................$4000

Ice Stone...............................$2100
PP Up....................................$10000
Up-Grade...............................$2100 (Porygon 2)
Prism Scale...........................$2500 (Milotic)
Oval Stone.............................$2100 (Chansey)

Amplifield Rock......................$3000
TM 85 (Dream Eater)............$10000
Awww yeah I got both items I needed for my favorite Pokemon in the same spot

Floor 10: Top-Tier General Needs, Rare Berries

Top-Tier General Needs
Ultra Potion..........................$1200
Max Repel..............................$900
Full Restore...........................$3000
Ultra Ball................................$1200

Hey Ame, don't think I didn't catch you raising the price of each type of repel. How naughty.

Rare Berries

Liechi Berry...........................$1200

Ganlon Berry.........................$1200

Salac Berry...........................$1200

Petaya Berry.........................$1200

Apicot Berry..........................$1200

Lum Berry.............................$800

Jaboca Berry.........................$1200

Rowap Berry.........................$1200

Custap Berry.........................$1200

Floor 11 (highest currently reachable): Utility Items, Evolution Items

Utility Items

Rocky Helmet.......................$5000

Shed Shell............................$2000

Expert Belt...........................$4000

Safety Goggles..................$999

Flame Orb............................$2000

Toxic Orb.............................$2000

Wise Glasses........................$5000

Wide Lens............................$2500

Muscle Band........................$5000

Black Sludge........................$2500

Evolution Items

Magmarizer.........................$2100 (Magmortar)

Electirizer............................$2100 (Electivire)

Protector.............................$2100 (Rhyperior)

Reaper Cloth.......................$2100 (Dusknoir)

Dubious Disc.......................$2100 (Porygon Z)

King's Rock.........................$3000 (Slowking and Politoed)

Dragon Scale......................$2100 (Kingdra)

Razor Fang.........................$2100 (Gliscor)

Razor Claw.........................$2100 (Weavile)

Metal Coat.........................$2100 (Scizor and Steelix)

All of these items are available before getting the tenth sticker, so this is kinda redundant. If you really wanted anyof these Pokemon, you'd already have them by now.

Penthouse: Exclusive rest and relaxation

There's only one counter up here, but there's several other utilities as well. First of all, there's a healing machine and a PC. There's a kid who says he's thirsty and will askfor a vending machine drink three separate times, and gives you the TMs for Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire Blast in return. Conveniently, there are vending machines up here to. There's a special salon that can be used infinitelywithout needing to wait a day, and increases friendship WAY higher than the "lesser" salons. I don't have the exact numbers, but if the Pokemon starts at neutral friendship andholds a Soothe Bell it'll hit max friendship after one session. If it starts with 0, it'll take two sessions. There's also a grinding trainer with six level 100 Blisseys, who only know Healing Wish, and gives you 20 Exp Candy XLs making her stronger than any of the Grand Hall rebattle trainers, not to mention way easier to beat.

Finally, there's the one counter.



Life Orb.............................$30000

Focus Sash.......................$20000

Exp. Share.........................$3000

Weakness Policy.............$4000

Sitrus Berry.......................$800

Leppa Berry......................$2000

Reset Disc- ALL.................$50000

If you've done the starter egg quest, then theReset Disc's honestly a waste of money. All it would do is save you a few clicks in the bag menu. If you didn't bother with that though, well, this'll save you that trouble.

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Sticker Guide (Episode 19) (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.